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Last active February 20, 2023 02:08
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Snippet of my conversation with AI as I use it to build out the logic and architecture of our CTF's

Attack Defense Build with ChatGPT



Hey there, so our CTF club is starting up, and we want to launch our first event in full swing. Others would probably be fine with doing a Jeoperady style CTF, but no not us. We love the idea of building a platform to not only facilitate CTF's live, but to also offer training grounds, where hackers can simulate their own CTF AD games and play against bots.

For context:

Our group is called OWASP San Juan, and our community of hackers call themselves "The Alt-F4 Society", with the company providing the Infrastructure being "FolkvarLabs".

We want to have a universal theme of a cyberpunk underground type of thing. I will sometimes reference to the "mainframe", whenever I say that, I just mean our Infrastructure as a whole. Usually I am speaking in context of our community communicating with each other on our own Infrastructure (e.g., irc, fourum, chat, ect.)

To not re-invent the wheel so to speak, we want to model this from what is already preexisting currently in the CTF community. The top ones being: Hack In The Box (HITB), Hack The Box (HTB),, and TryHackMe (THM).

I will make sure to give a brief description of how each of the Attack and Defense (AD) Capture-The-Flag's (CTF's) work, so as to be able to help you guide us in developing this Infrastructure & platform.

The following is the cruicial parts to how we want to build this, so it's scaleable and accessable to all:

  1. we want our infrastructure to be managed with Terraform

  2. we want our infrastructure to be orchastrated with kubenetes

  3. we want our infrastructure to be cloud agnostic, so we can scale

  4. we want our infrastructure to be seprated out, so we can seperate the following componets, if having these separated is not adventagous or cost effective, please disregard and go with the best and most cost effective solution:

    • load balancer (network layer protection and optimization)
    • mainframe (our community comms)
    • game server (where the ctf's will take place)
    • platform (all of our front end)
    • marketplace (so we can integrate a point / currency system)
  5. we want to build our own Terraform Provider. A daugnting task no doubt, but considering we plan on this platform being multi purpose, we need seperate API's, but still control and maintain the API's in the most intuitive, effective, and scaleable. This is moreso to ensure growth of our infrastructure, by charging for services down line, and integrating tools / platforms developed during our CTF's. The idea is to incentivize players to make tools, then they can either sell the license to FolkvarLabs, and give them royalties, or if they create an API for their program, then they can hold the license and we (FolkvarLabs) provide them a platform. The only way we can integrate it into our infrastructure however, would be through Terraform.


It sounds like you have a good understanding of the overall architecture and layout of your CTF club and platform, as well as the components that will be included (e.g., load balancer, mainframe, game server, platform, marketplace). Here are a few things that you may still need to decide on or consider:

Cloud provider: You mentioned that you want your Infrastructure to be cloud agnostic, which means that you will need to decide on a cloud provider (e.g., Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services) that will be used to host your Infrastructure. You should consider factors such as cost, reliability, and the types of services and resources that are available.

Security and compliance: You will need to decide on the security measures that you want to implement in your Infrastructure. This may include access controls, network segregation, and regular security assessments. You will also need to consider any compliance requirements that may be applicable to your platform (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA).

Scaling and resource management: You will need to decide on a strategy for scaling your Infrastructure to meet the demands of your users. This may include using a container orchestration platform such as Kubernetes, and deciding on a managed Kubernetes service if desired. You will also need to consider how you will manage resources such as compute instances, networks, and storage.

API endpoints and data structures: As you are building your own Terraform provider, you will need to decide on the API endpoints and data structures that you will use. This will involve defining the resources and data structures that your provider will support, as well as how they will be used to manage your Infrastructure.

Overall, the main goal for this step is to have a clear and detailed plan for your Infrastructure, including the components that will be included and how they will be organized and interconnected. This will provide a foundation for the rest of your project and ensure that you are able to effectively build and deploy your platform.


okay to fill in the details:

  • Cloud Provider: GCP
  • Security and compliance: NIST, HIPAA, GDPR, SOC2, ISO 27001, MITRE ATT&CK, STIGS
  • Scaling and resource management: Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible
  • API endpoints and data structures: the API's will be built with Terraform, and the data structures will be built with Terraform


Great, it sounds like you have made some decisions about your Infrastructure. Here is a summary of your choices:

Cloud provider: GCP Security and compliance: NIST, HIPAA, GDPR, SOC2, ISO 27001, MITRE ATT&CK, STIGS Scaling and resource management: Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible API endpoints and data structures: the API's will be built with Terraform, and the data structures will be built with Terraform With these choices in mind, you can now begin implementing your Infrastructure using Terraform, starting with setting up your cloud environment. You can use Terraform to create resources such as compute instances, networks, and storage within GCP. You can then use Kubernetes and Terraform to deploy and manage containerized applications across your Infrastructure, and use Ansible to automate tasks such as configuration management and deployment.

Once you have your Infrastructure set up, you can begin building your own Terraform provider to manage it in a flexible and scalable way. This will involve creating API endpoints, handling authentication and authorization, and defining the resources and data structures that will be used by your provider.

Finally, you can use a web development framework (e.g., React, Angular) to build the front-end of your platform, including the mainframe, game server, and marketplace components. Once you have completed testing and debugging, you can deploy your platform to your Infrastructure.

I hope this helps clarify the steps you need to take to build your CTF club and platform. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Screenshot 2022-12-12 at 5 43 54 PM


Here's some additional context:

we want a dedicated platform that gives developers the opportunity to deploy their our infrastructure or build their own API's and get paid for it in multiple ways

the more API's related to AI, the better, in fact, all of our API's will use AI and ML in them

Now, lets start working on building our Terraform Provider. Based off of our build, give me a list of resources we will need to create for our provider?


To build your Terraform provider, you will need to create a number of resources. Here is a list of some of the resources that you may need to consider:

  1. API endpoints: You will need to create API endpoints that can be used to manage your Infrastructure. These endpoints will allow users to create, read, update, and delete resources within your Infrastructure.

  2. Authentication and authorization: You will need to implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access your Infrastructure. This may include using OAuth or other authentication protocols, as well as implementing role-based access controls.

  3. Resources and data structures: You will need to define the resources and data structures that your provider will support. This may include defining the properties and attributes of each resource, as well as the relationships between resources.

  4. API documentation: You will need to create documentation for your API endpoints, including descriptions of each endpoint and the parameters and responses that are supported. This documentation will help users understand how to use your API and integrate it into their own Infrastructure.

  5. SDKs and client libraries: You may want to create SDKs (Software Development Kits) or client libraries for popular programming languages to make it easier for users to access your API. These libraries can provide a simplified interface for interacting with your API and can handle tasks such as authentication and error handling.

Example code and documentation: To help users get started with your API, you may want to provide example code and documentation showing how to use your API and integrate it into different types of applications. This could include code samples, tutorials, and other resources that demonstrate the capabilities of your API.


okay, so we have a list of resources we need to create for our provider, now lets start working on the API endpoints. Give me a list of API endpoints we will need to create for our provider?


Here is a list of API endpoints that you may want to consider creating for your Terraform provider:

  1. Create resource: An endpoint that allows users to create a new resource within your Infrastructure. This endpoint may accept parameters such as the type of resource to create, the properties of the resource, and any relationships with other resources.

  2. Read resource: An endpoint that allows users to retrieve information about a specific resource within your Infrastructure. This endpoint may accept parameters such as the ID or name of the resource, and return details such as the properties and attributes of the resource.

  3. Update resource: An endpoint that allows users to update the properties or attributes of an existing resource within your Infrastructure. This endpoint may accept parameters such as the ID or name of the resource, and the new values for the properties or attributes.

  4. Delete resource: An endpoint that allows users to delete an existing resource within your Infrastructure. This endpoint may accept parameters such as the ID or name of the resource, and delete the resource and any related resources.

  5. List resources: An endpoint that allows users to retrieve a list of all resources within your Infrastructure, or a subset of resources based on specific criteria. This endpoint may accept parameters such as the type of resource to list, and return details such as the ID, name, and properties of each resource.

  6. Import resource: An endpoint that allows users to import an existing resource into your Infrastructure. This endpoint may accept parameters such as the ID or name of the resource, and any properties or attributes of the resource.

  7. Export resource: An endpoint that allows users to export a resource from your Infrastructure to another system. This endpoint may accept parameters such as the ID or name of the resource, and return details such as the properties and attributes of the resource.

These are just a few examples of the types of API endpoints that you may want to consider creating for your Terraform provider. You may want to add additional endpoints based on the specific needs of your Infrastructure and the capabilities of your provider.



Okay great, lets take a pause on the technical side and talk about a theme for our platform. What do you think about a theme that is based off of the movie "The Matrix"? I think it would be a great way to get people interested in our platform and it would be a great way to get people to use our platform. What do you think?


Using "The Matrix" as a theme for your platform could definitely be an interesting and engaging choice, especially for a community focused on cybersecurity and hacking. The movie is well-known and has a distinctive aesthetic that could lend itself well to the design of the platform. However, it's important to keep in mind that using copyrighted material as a theme could potentially raise legal issues. You may want to consider creating an original theme that is inspired by "The Matrix" or cyberpunk more generally, rather than using direct references to the movie.


Okay then, lets start building a cyberpunk theme for our platform. Give me a list of things we will need to build for our theme?


Sure, here are some things you might consider building for a cyberpunk theme:

  1. Color scheme: Choose a color scheme that is evocative of a futuristic, dystopian society. Consider using shades of gray, blue, green, and purple.

  2. Typography: Select fonts that give your platform a futuristic look and feel. Some good options might include "Orbitron," "Exo," or "Bebas Neue."

  3. Icons and graphics: Design or source icons and graphics that fit with the cyberpunk theme. Look for graphics that feature technology, cityscapes, or other elements that fit with the dystopian atmosphere.

  4. Backgrounds: Consider using images or videos of cityscapes or technology as backgrounds for your platform. You can also create your own custom backgrounds using tools like Photoshop or Canva.

  5. UI elements: Design UI elements that fit with the cyberpunk theme. This might include buttons, menus, and other interactive elements.

  6. Sound effects and music: Find or create sound effects and music that add to the futuristic atmosphere. Consider using synthesizers and other electronic instruments to create custom soundscapes.

  7. Text and copy: Write copy that fits with the cyberpunk theme. Use language that is evocative of a dystopian future, and consider incorporating references to classic cyberpunk works like "Neuromancer" or "Blade Runner."

These are just a few ideas to get you started. As you develop your platform, you can continue to iterate on your theme and incorporate additional elements that fit with the cyberpunk aesthetic.


Okay great, using the input you gave me, and given all of the technical context we've covered so far, please help me build a story for the theme of our platform, in an MMORPG style, that will help us get people interested in our platform and will help us get people to use our platform.

A lot of us engineers are gamers ourselves, and we know that a lot of people are interested in MMORPGs, so we think that this is a great way to get people interested in our platform and to get people to use our platform. Here are some game examples that we would like you to take inspiration from:

World of Warcraft:

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) created by Blizzard Entertainment. It was first released in 2004 and has since become one of the most popular and successful MMORPGs of all time.

In World of Warcraft, players create a character and enter a vast online world where they can explore, complete quests, fight monsters, and interact with other players from around the globe. The game is set in the fantasy world of Azeroth, which is filled with rich lore, diverse environments, and a multitude of different races and factions.

Players can choose to level up and progress through the game's story, or participate in player-vs-player combat, raiding, or other group activities. As they progress, they can acquire new skills, equipment, and abilities, and customize their character's appearance to their liking.

World of Warcraft continues to be updated and expanded with new content, expansions, and patches. Its longevity, engaging gameplay, and active player community have made it a beloved classic of the MMORPG genre.

In this example, should a player chose to level up via PvE, they would be able to acquire new skills, equipment, and abilities, and customize their character's appearance to their liking based off of the NFT awards they receive based off of the achievements they complete that which is used to generate unique artwork and unique accessories for their character.Okay great, using the imput you gave me, and given all of the technical context we've covered so far, please help me build a story for the theme of our platofrm, in an MMORPG style, that will help us get people interested in our platform and will help us get people to use our platform.


Sure, I can definitely help you build a story that incorporates elements of MMORPGs and your platform. Here's an example:

In the land of Techtopia, a new virtual world has emerged, accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This world is called Byteverse, and it's unlike anything anyone has ever seen before. Players can create a character and enter a vast online world, filled with rich lore, diverse environments, and a multitude of different races and factions.

As a player in Byteverse, you have the power to shape your own destiny. You can choose to explore the world and complete quests to gain experience and level up your character, or participate in player-vs-player combat, raiding, or other group activities. As you progress, you can acquire new skills, equipment, and abilities, and customize your character's appearance to your liking. But there's a twist: all of the rewards and accessories you earn in Byteverse are generated as unique NFTs, which you can keep, trade, or sell as you see fit.

The world of Byteverse is constantly evolving and expanding, with new content, expansions, and patches being added regularly. But what sets Byteverse apart is its integration with your platform. Your platform provides a marketplace for players to buy, sell, and trade their NFT rewards and accessories, creating a thriving economy within the virtual world. And with the transparency and security of blockchain technology, players can be sure that their assets are safe and secure.

Join the world of Byteverse today and experience a whole new level of gaming. Explore, fight, and conquer, and let your achievements in the virtual world translate into real-world rewards on your platform. The possibilities are endless in the land of Techtopia.


Great! I like it, now lets dig deeper into the lore of the world of Byteverse.

We'd like the game to exist in a multitude of different worlds, each with their own unique lore and story. That are all connected to each other yet developed independently. Over time as the player character develops, they will be able to travel between these worlds. Their interactions with those worlds directly affect the world they are in, and their interactions with the world they are in directly affect the worlds they are able to travel to.

Create a faction based style system, where the player can choose to join one of the factions, and then they can choose to level up their character by completing quests for that faction. Remember to stick with the cyberpunk theme, and to incorporate elements of the NFTs into the story. Additionally, integrate the blend of space and fantasy elements into the story. Such as themes of space travel, space exploration, and space combat (think Star Wars, Star Treck, Guardians of the Galaxy, ect.). As well as themes of magic, fantasy, and the supernatural (think Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc).


Sure, here's an expanded lore for Byteverse that incorporates the themes you mentioned:

In the far reaches of the galaxy, a great rift in space and time opened up, connecting countless worlds together. From this rift emerged Byteverse, a virtual world created by a team of genius programmers and engineers who sought to explore and exploit the possibilities of this new realm.

At first, Byteverse was a wild and untamed place, filled with danger and wonder in equal measure. But over time, factions began to emerge, each with their own unique goals and ambitions. The Technomancers, a secretive order of hackers and technologists, sought to unlock the full potential of Byteverse's code, to bend the world to their will. The Sentinel Knights, a group of elite warriors and defenders, saw Byteverse as a new battlefield in their ongoing war against the forces of darkness. And the Voidwalkers, mysterious beings from beyond the rift, sought to unravel the secrets of this strange new world.

As a player in Byteverse, you have the power to choose which faction to join, and how to level up your character. Completing quests for your chosen faction will earn you rewards in the form of unique NFTs, which you can use to customize your character, trade with other players, or even sell on your platform.

But Byteverse is not just one world - it is a multiverse, a vast web of interconnected worlds, each with their own unique lore and story. As you progress through the game and gain more power, you will be able to travel between these worlds, discovering new quests and challenges along the way. Your interactions with each world will directly affect the world you are in, and your choices will shape the destiny of the multiverse itself.

Some worlds will be cyberpunk dystopias, ruled by ruthless megacorporations and street gangs. Others will be verdant paradises, home to ancient ruins and mystical creatures. And still others will be vast, unexplored frontiers, waiting for brave explorers to chart their course.

As you travel through the multiverse, you will encounter strange and wondrous beings, both friendly and hostile. You may find yourself in the midst of a great space battle, or navigating the treacherous politics of a magical kingdom. But no matter where your adventures take you, one thing is certain: the fate of Byteverse rests in your hands.


Love it! Please give me a list of 3 major factions that players can choose from


Certainly! Here are three major factions that players can choose to join in Byteverse:

  • Technomancers - A secretive and highly skilled order of hackers and technologists, the Technomancers seek to unlock the full potential of Byteverse's code, bending the world to their will. They have access to advanced technology and tools that they use to manipulate the virtual world to achieve their goals.

  • Sentinel Knights - An elite group of warriors and defenders, the Sentinel Knights see Byteverse as a new battlefield in their ongoing war against the forces of darkness. They are skilled in combat and use their abilities to protect and defend the world from evil.

  • Voidwalkers - A mysterious and enigmatic group of beings from beyond the rift, the Voidwalkers seek to unravel the secrets of Byteverse and explore its true potential. They have access to powerful magic and supernatural abilities that they use to manipulate the virtual world in ways that are beyond the comprehension of mere mortals.


I like the stories, however lets be a little more creative and original with the names of the factions. Remember, we want players to have pride in their faction, so make them more enticing to them.


Absolutely! Here are three alternative names for the factions:

  • The Nexus Codex - A shadowy and highly skilled group of hackers and programmers, the Nexus Codex seek to unlock the full potential of Byteverse's code, bending the world to their will. They use their advanced knowledge of technology and programming to manipulate the virtual world and gain access to restricted areas.

  • The Arcane Vanguard - An elite order of warriors and defenders, the Arcane Vanguard see Byteverse as a new battlefield in their ongoing war against the forces of darkness. They are highly skilled in combat and use their magical abilities to protect and defend the world from evil.

  • The Celestial Explorers - A mysterious and enigmatic group of beings from beyond the rift, the Celestial Explorers seek to unravel the secrets of Byteverse and explore its true potential. They use their access to advanced technology and supernatural abilities to manipulate the virtual world and uncover hidden secrets.


We'd like their to be sub factions within the 3 major factions, these sub factions will largely represent that factions specialty (aka role, class, specialization, ect.), depending on their faction they choose, their training area will be used to enhance and train them better on that skill, so once the player's character completes all of those challenges, they move to another faction's region and join their cause, forcing the player to travel through and be apart of the entirety of the game, rather than getting locked into a repetitive and predictable game.

Knowing this, we'd like it add the following somewhere into the story:

  • The Alt-F4 Society: the original community from which the developers of this gaming platform derived from. So we'd like them to be a cameo in the story, maybe as one of the sub factions
  • Factions = continents
  • Subfactions = regions
  • Specialties = townships


Sounds great! Here's how we can integrate those elements into the story:

In the world of Byteverse, the three major factions each have their own continent, with unique regions and townships that cater to their particular specialties. Each faction has its own unique training area, where players can hone their skills and abilities to become masters of their chosen specialty.

Within each faction, there are several sub-factions, each representing a different specialization within that faction. These sub-factions are like townships within a region, with their own unique challenges and rewards.

For example, within the Nexus Codex, players can join sub-factions such as the Netrunners, who specialize in hacking and infiltration, or the Codebreakers, who specialize in deciphering encrypted messages and cracking codes. Each sub-faction has its own unique challenges and training areas that allow players to develop their skills and abilities.

As players progress through their chosen faction's sub-factions, they will eventually complete all of the challenges and move on to another faction's continent. This allows players to travel through the entirety of Byteverse and experience all that it has to offer.

But the journey won't be easy. Each faction has its own enemies and rivals, and players will have to navigate complex political alliances and power struggles in order to succeed.

One of the most secretive sub-factions is the Alt-F4 Society, a group of elite hackers and programmers who are said to be the original community from which the developers of Byteverse derived. The Alt-F4 Society is rumored to hold the key to unlocking the true potential of Byteverse, but they are fiercely independent and don't trust outsiders easily.

To gain access to the Alt-F4 Society's secrets, players will have to prove their worth to the Nexus Codex, the Arcane Vanguard, or the Celestial Explorers, and earn their respect and trust. Only then will they be able to enter the world of the Alt-F4 Society and unlock the true potential of Byteverse.


I like it! I think we can add a little more to the story, but I think we're on the right track. Let's add a little more detail to the story, and then we can move on to the next section.

Here are the following things we'd like to identify to help us build the story:

  1. Regions:
    • their names
    • a brief description
    • a summary of their lore
  2. Townships:
    • their names
    • a brief description
    • a summary of their lore
  3. Specialties:
    • their names
    • their role in the game
    • a brief description
    • a summary of their lore
  4. Sub-factions:
    • their names
    • where they are located within the world
    • a brief description
    • a summary of their lore
    • how to join each sub-faction
  5. Factions:
    • their names
    • where they are located within the world
    • a brief description
    • a summary of their lore

Please give me a response to each in a list format starting with number 1, and ending with number 5.


Certainly! Here are the responses to each of the points you mentioned:


  • Silicon Shores:

    • A coastal region, known for its advanced technology and cybernetic enhancements. It is home to the technological center of the Byteverse.
  • Neon City:

    • A sprawling metropolis, the largest city in the Byteverse. It is a hub for commerce and trade and is where the most powerful factions hold sway.
  • Shadowlands:

    • A dangerous, lawless region where outlaws and criminals reign. It is a place where players can take risks and engage in illicit activities.


  • Nanoville:
    • A small township in Silicon Shores, focused on the development of nanotechnology.
  • Arcadia:
    • A peaceful township in Neon City, where players can go to relax and explore.
  • Doomtown:
    • A gritty township in Shadowlands, known for its lawlessness and dangerous reputation.


  • Hackers:

    • Focused on technological warfare, players in this specialty will be able to hack into systems, disable security measures, and take control of networks.
  • Mercenaries:

    • Combat specialists, focused on fighting and martial arts. They will be able to use a variety of weapons and are trained in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Wizards:

    • Magic-users, capable of casting spells and performing enchantments. They will be able to harness supernatural powers to defeat their enemies.


  • Alt-F4 Society:

    • A secretive group of tech experts who want to take back control of the Byteverse from the large corporations. Located in Silicon Shores, players can join by hacking into their systems and proving their worth.
  • The Consortium:

    • A powerful faction in Neon City, focused on commerce and trade. Players can join by proving their business acumen and ability to generate wealth.
  • The Outcasts:

    • A sub-faction in Shadowlands, consisting of criminals and outlaws. Players can join by completing dangerous tasks and proving their loyalty to the group.


  • The Corporate Union:

    • The largest and most powerful faction in the Byteverse, focused on control and domination. Located in Neon City, they are the biggest obstacle for players looking to take control of the world.
  • The Tech Collective:

    • A faction in Silicon Shores, focused on innovation and development. Players can join by proving their technical expertise and contributing to the group's projects.
  • The Dark Order:

    • A mysterious faction in Shadowlands, focused on the acquisition of power through supernatural means. Players can join by proving their magical abilities and completing dark rituals.


I like this! Lets revisit number 3 "Specialties:" however. Please stay within them primary focus on the game: that is to provide players with a cybersecurity training platform. The specialties should reflect that of real tech specialties


Sure thing! Here are some revised specialties that reflect real tech specialties in the realm of cybersecurity:


  • Network Security:

    • This specialty focuses on securing computer networks, preventing unauthorized access and detecting potential threats. Players who specialize in network security will learn how to set up secure networks, monitor network traffic, and protect against cyber attacks.
  • Cryptography:

    • This specialty involves using codes and ciphers to secure communication and data. Players who specialize in cryptography will learn about encryption, decryption, digital signatures, and other techniques to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of information.
  • Penetration Testing:

    • This specialty involves testing the security of computer systems and networks by attempting to bypass security measures and gain access to sensitive data. Players who specialize in penetration testing will learn how to identify vulnerabilities and exploit them in a controlled manner, in order to help organizations improve their security.
  • Digital Forensics:

    • This specialty involves investigating computer systems and digital devices to gather evidence for legal or investigative purposes. Players who specialize in digital forensics will learn how to recover data, analyze logs, and track down the source of security breaches.
  • Malware Analysis:

    • This specialty involves analyzing malicious software in order to understand how it works and how to defend against it. Players who specialize in malware analysis will learn how to identify and reverse-engineer malware, as well as develop and implement defenses against it.
  • Cloud Security:

    • This specialty focuses on securing cloud computing environments, which have become increasingly popular in recent years. Players who specialize in cloud security will learn how to protect cloud-based data and applications, as well as address the unique challenges of cloud computing security.


I like it! Now lets add a little more flavor to each specialty. Lets call them "Specialty Paths" and give them a little more detail. These paths will be the "classes" that players can choose from. With each class, the players can choose a "specialty" to focus on.

Lets define the following:

  • Class names: (These names will take on the theme of our story: total of 4)
  • Class specialties: (These are the specialties that players can choose from: total of 3 per class)


Great! Here are some class names and specialties that fit the cyberpunk/tech theme:

Class Names:


- These are the hackers and information brokers who use their skills to infiltrate computer systems and acquire valuable information.


- These are the security specialists who protect networks and data from cyber-attacks and other security threats.


- These are the experts in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, using their skills to develop advanced technology and artificial life forms.


- These are the encryption and decryption specialists who use their skills to decode and secure sensitive data.

Class Specialties:

  • Netrunners:

    • Data Retrieval: The ability to access and extract valuable data from computer systems.
    • Network Hacking: The ability to infiltrate and control computer networks to gain an advantage in cyber warfare.
    • Cyber Espionage: The ability to gather intelligence on rival corporations or organizations.
  • Cyber-Sentinels:

    • Digital Forensics: The ability to investigate and analyze digital evidence to identify the source of a cyber-attack or data breach.
    • Network Defense: The ability to detect and neutralize cyber threats to protect valuable data and networks.
    • Cybersecurity Operations: The ability to manage and monitor cybersecurity operations, including incident response and risk assessment.
  • Technomancers:

    • Robotics Engineering: The ability to design and develop advanced robots and other forms of artificial intelligence.
    • Artificial Lifeforms: The ability to create and manage advanced artificial life forms, such as virtual assistants or intelligent agents.
    • Nanotechnology: The ability to design and develop nanotechnology, including self-assembling materials and medical nanobots.
  • Codebreakers:

    • Cryptography: The ability to design and break complex cryptographic codes and encryption systems._
    • Steganography: The ability to hide secret messages within digital media, such as images or audio files._
    • Blockchain Security: The ability to design and implement secure blockchain systems, including cryptocurrency and other blockchain-based applications.
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