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Kylo P cywf

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cywf /
Last active November 9, 2022 02:03
Conceptual Overview of setting up a Raspberry Pi to boot from images hosted on a network share.

Screen Shot 2022-11-08 at 7 51 11 PM

PXE / Network Booting Raspberry Pi's


  • PXE/Netbooting Pis is generally considered beta

    • stable once everything is working
  • Pi boots off the network

cywf /
Last active January 18, 2023 21:15
Teaching ChatGPT to identify grammatical errors

Convo with ChatGPT


hey there, could I have 5 vocabulary words for today?



Setting up ZeroTier as a default ethernet interface

Step 1: Install ZeroTier

Install ZeroTier on your gateway, join your network and authorize it, and then configure it as a basic IPv4 NAT router


Energy Web Foundation

Guide for setting up and running a full node of the Energy Web Chain main network or Volta test network locally

What does it mean to run a node?

A 'client' is software that implements a blockchain's protocols and allows you to connect directly with the blockchain - that is to read data from the blockchain or initiate transactions on the blockchain, such as transferring tokens.

cywf /
Last active February 20, 2023 02:08
Snippet of my conversation with AI as I use it to build out the logic and architecture of our CTF's

Attack Defense Build with ChatGPT



Hey there, so our CTF club is starting up, and we want to launch our first event in full swing. Others would probably be fine with doing a Jeoperady style CTF, but no not us. We love the idea of building a platform to not only facilitate CTF's live, but to also offer training grounds, where hackers can simulate their own CTF AD games and play against bots.

For context:

cywf /
Created February 16, 2023 01:19
My ongoing attempt at building and planning a kubernetes deployment

Kube Deploy build with ChatGPT


Hey there, I just started on a project called "kube-deploy", and could use your assistance if you would be so kind as to help me build this out. Below I will give further details on the project, please let me know if or when you need any clarification.

We are wanting to be able to deploy Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to a Kubernetes cluster. We are wanting to be able to deploy the following

Frameworks & Languages:

cywf /
Last active February 20, 2023 00:00
An ongoing discussion with AI about building a better educational system, for the children of the United States of America and the world.

Alt text

We want to solve the nation education crisis happening in the United States, and we want to do it by creating a system that is more efficient and effective. We would like the testing ground of this to be in Puerto Rico, where there is a critical need for better education.

We think this is possible by giving kids better tools to which they have the power to develop and solve some of the worlds biggest current issues.

Here is what we would like to implement in the "system":

  • Aritificial Intelligence as a teacher
  • Infrastucture to support the AI via:
cywf /
Last active February 20, 2023 03:01
A guide to monitoring system resources in a Linux Operating System, by Buzz Lightyear

Monitoring Linux System Processes - A guide from your friendly galactic hero, Buzz Lightyer

To infinity and beyond, Linux users! I am Buzz Lightyear, and today I'll be your guide on monitoring processes in Linux.

First things first, let's get to grips with the basics. Processes are programs running on your Linux system, and monitoring them is an essential part of system administration. The good news is that Linux provides a range of powerful tools to help you do just that.


cywf /
Created February 22, 2023 13:12
Quick guide for understanding Kubernetes Namespaces conceptually, with practical examples

Namespaces in Kubernetes - a practical guide by ledgendary cowboy, Bugs Bunny


Howdy, partner! You wanna know about these here namespaces in Kubernetes? Well, I reckon I can help you with that!

Now listen up, 'cause I'm gonna tell you all about namespaces in Kubernetes. Y'see, a namespace is like a little corral for your cattle, but instead of cattle, it's for your Kubernetes resources. And just like you wouldn't wanna mix up your cows and your horses, you don't wanna mix up your resources either!

Now, let's say you got a big ol' ranch, and you got different cowboys working on different parts of the ranch. Each cowboy has their own corral for their cattle, right? Well, that's kinda like namespaces in Kubernetes. You can have different namespaces for different parts of your application, so different cowboys can work on their own corral without messing up somebody

Helm Charts - a practical guide by South Park Elementarys` favorite school counselor Mr. Mackey

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Oh, okay there mmmkay, so you wanna learn about Helm charts, huh? Well, that's just great, mmmkay! Helm charts are a tool used to manage Kubernetes applications, and they're just super useful, mmmkay?

So, as I said before, Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, mmmkay? And a Helm chart is a collection of files that describes a set of Kubernetes resources, like deployments, services, and config maps, mmmkay? Let's walk through how to create and deploy a simple Helm chart, mmmkay?

First, let's create a new Helm chart for a simple web application, mmmkay? Open up your terminal and type the following commands, mmmkay: