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Created August 10, 2021 00:25
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Flashback Cutscenes Notes


On PC :

  • .POL files contain shapes vertices and palette colors.
  • .CMD files contain bytecode for one or several animations.

The Amiga version bundles the two files into a single file (.CMP) compressed with bytekiller.

All data is indexed, so a .POL file contains 4 tables of offsets :

  • shape offset
  • shape data
  • vertices offset
  • vertices data

This allows to reduce and re-use vertices data.


The cutscene player routine interprets 14 opcodes. These opcodes handle the rendering of the shapes, the display double buffering and the captions.

Num Name Description
0 markCurPos set delay = 5, update palette, flip graphics buffer
1 refreshScreen set clearScreen, if 0 clear by copying pageAux and use 2nd palette, otherwise clear with 0xC0 and use first palette
2 waitForSync set delay = n * 4
3 drawShape draw shape, if clearScreen != 0, page1 is copied to pageAux
4 setPalette load 16 colors palette (RGB444)
5 markCurPos same as 0x00
6 drawCaptionText draw text below the animation
7 nop unknown (not referenced in any .CMD files)
8 skip3 unknown (3 bytes)
9 refreshAll same as opcode 0 + updateKeys (opcode 14)
10 drawShapeScale draw shape with scaling
11 drawShapeScaleRotate draw shape with scaling and rotation
12 copyScreen set delay = 10, update palette, copy page0 to page1
13 drawTextAtPos draw string on top of the animation
14 handleKeys poll key inputs (used in Level 2 and job description cutscenes)


The cutscene player allocates 3 buffers of 240x128 bytes :

  • 2 buffers (page0, page1) are used for double buffering
  • 1 buffer (pageAux) is used to keep a copy of previously drawn primitives. This is typically used as an optimization to avoid redrawing the background.

intro0012 intro0090

Shapes are composed of 3 drawing primitives :

  • polygon (n points)
  • ellipse
  • pixel

Each primitive can be transformed :

  • scaling
  • rotation
  • vertical and horizontal stretching

Animations are based on a palette of 16 colors (RGB444), with transparency achieved by allocating the upper half of the palette colors to blended colors. Turning a pixel transparent is then done by or'ing its palette color index with 8 (bit 3).

Copy Protection

The copy protection of the game relies on the same cutscene player to draw and zoom out the shapes.

shape_amiga shape_dos

There are no external files, shapes data is embedded in the executable.

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