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Last active August 19, 2022 06:00
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Reitit OpenAPI3 hack
(ns ^{:doc "Convert Swagger 2 specs to OpenAPI 3 specs
We're using the standard reitit mechanisms to produce a Swagger spec,
but we'd much rather be using an OpenAPI 3 spec. This namespace does a
conversion for us, until the functionality lands in reitit."}
(:require [camel-snake-kebab.core :refer [->PascalCase]]
[clojure.set :refer [rename-keys]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[reitit.coercion.spec :as spec]
[reitit.coercion.schema :as schema]))
(defn map-vals [f m]
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (f v)])) m))
(defn upgrade-to-openapi-v3 [route-data specification]
(let [schemas (volatile! {})]
(letfn [(clean-schema-title [title]
(when-not (false? (::component-schemas route-data))
(condp = (:coercion route-data)
spec/coercion (->PascalCase title :separator #"[/-]")
schema/coercion (second (str/split title #"/"))
(throw (ex-info "Unknown coercion function, can't automatically map name to OpenAPI spec."
{:coercion (:coercion route-data)})))))
(extract-schema [object]
(or (when-let [title (and (:type object) (:title object) (clean-schema-title (:title object)))]
(let [schema (assoc object :title title)]
(when-let [old-schema (get @schemas title)]
(when-not (= schema old-schema)
(throw (ex-info "Multiple schemas with the same name but different definitions"
{:name title
:schemas [schema old-schema]}))))
(vswap! schemas assoc title schema)
{"$ref" (str "#/components/schemas/" title)}))
(cond-> object
(:x-nullable object) (rename-keys {:x-nullable :nullable}))))
(transform-parameter [parameter]
(if (:schema parameter)
(assoc (dissoc parameter :type :format :enum)
:schema (-> parameter
(select-keys [:type :format :enum :x-nullable])
(rename-keys {:x-nullable :nullable})))))
(transform-endpoint [{:keys [produces responses] :as endpoint}]
(let [fixed-parameters (map transform-parameter (:parameters endpoint))
body-parameter (first (filter #(= (:in %) "body") fixed-parameters))
non-body-parameters (remove #(= (:in %) "body") fixed-parameters)
fixed-body-parameter (when body-parameter
{:required (:required body-parameter)
:content (into {}
(map (fn [content-type]
[content-type (select-keys body-parameter [:schema])]))
fixed-responses (map-vals (fn [response]
(let [content (into {}
(map (fn [content-type]
[content-type (select-keys response [:schema])]))
(assoc (dissoc response :schema)
:content content)))
(cond-> (dissoc endpoint :produces :consumes)
non-body-parameters (assoc :parameters non-body-parameters)
fixed-body-parameter (assoc :requestBody fixed-body-parameter)
fixed-responses (assoc :responses fixed-responses))))
(transform-path [path]
(map-vals transform-endpoint path))]
(-> (walk/postwalk extract-schema specification)
(assoc-in [:components :schemas] @schemas)
(update :paths #(map-vals transform-path %))
(dissoc :swagger)
(assoc :openapi "3.0.3")))))
(def swagger->openapi
{:name ::extract-swagger-json-definitions
:compile (fn [route-data _opts]
(fn [handler]
(fn [request]
(update (handler request) :body #(upgrade-to-openapi-v3 route-data %)))))})
;; Then your Swagger endpoint can look something like this:
;; ["/swagger.json"
;; {:get {:no-doc true
;; :swagger {:basePath "/"}
;; :middleware [swagger->openapi]
;; :handler (swagger/create-swagger-handler)}}]
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czan commented Feb 16, 2021

Good catch. I've fixed that up now. Thanks!

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