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Created October 21, 2015 23:56
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(require '[clojure.test :refer [is]])
(require '[clojure.test.check.generators :as gen])
(require '[stateful-check.core :refer [specification-correct?]])
(def node-gen
(gen/fmap (fn [n] {:type :node, :id n}) gen/nat))
(defn request-gen [nodes]
(if (seq nodes)
(gen/fmap (fn [n] {:type :request, :id n})
(gen/elements nodes))
(gen/return {:type :no-op})))
(def nodes (atom nil))
(def add-ops-spec
{:model/args (fn [state]
[(gen/vector (gen/one-of [node-gen (request-gen state)]))])
:model/precondition (fn [state [ops]]
(let [all-nodes (->> ops
(filter (comp #{:node} :type))
(map :id)
(into state))
requests (->> ops
(filter (comp #{:request} :type))
(map :id))]
(every? all-nodes requests)))
:real/command (fn [ops]
(doseq [node (filter (comp #{:node} :type) ops)]
(swap! nodes conj (:id node)))
(doseq [request (filter (comp #{:request} :type) ops)]
(assert (get @nodes (:id request)))))
:next-state (fn [state [ops] _]
(->> ops
(filter (comp #{:node} :type))
(map :id)
(into state)))})
(def model-spec
{:commands {:add-ops #'add-ops-spec}
:real/setup (fn [] (reset! nodes #{}))
:initial-state (fn [_] #{})})
(is (specification-correct? model-spec)))
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