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Last active September 8, 2016 19:22
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Save czarrar/0e620cf64a975380cdc2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Runs cluster correction on the output from MDMR analysis using connectir ( This can also convert ROI data to voxelwise data.
# This file will be called the `le_correcter.R` file shown below
# and both files must be in the same directory.
# This file contains the low-level functions to find the clusters
# as well as convert ROIs to voxelwise data.
plugin_bigmemory <- function() {
l <- getPlugin("RcppArmadillo")
l$includes <- paste(l$includes, '
#include "bigmemory/BigMatrix.h"
#include "bigmemory/MatrixAccessor.hpp"
#include "bigmemory/bigmemoryDefines.h"
#include "bigmemory/isna.hpp"
l$LinkingTo <- c("bigmemory", "BH", l$LinkingTo)
l$Depends <- c("bigmemory", l$Depends)
registerPlugin("bigmemory", plugin_bigmemory)
plugin_connectir <- function() {
l <- getPlugin("bigmemory")
l$includes <- paste(l$includes, '
#include "connectir/connectir.h"
l$LinkingTo <- c("connectir", l$LinkingTo)
l$Depends <- c("connectir", l$Depends)
registerPlugin("connectir", plugin_connectir)
# Convert roi-level data to be voxelwise
rois_to_voxelwise <- cxxfunction( signature(sA = "object", sRow = "numeric", sRoiInds='List', sNvoxs = "numeric"),
double row = DOUBLE_DATA(sRow)[0] - 1;
Rcpp::List list_roi_inds(sRoiInds);
double nvoxs = DOUBLE_DATA(sNvoxs)[0];
arma::vec voxs(nvoxs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < A.n_cols; ++i) {
SEXP s_roi_inds = list_roi_inds[i];
Rcpp::NumericVector roi_inds(s_roi_inds);
int ninds = roi_inds.size();
for (int j = 0; j < ninds; ++j)
voxs[roi_inds[j]-1] = A(row,i);
return Rcpp::wrap( voxs );
} catch( std::exception &ex ) {
forward_exception_to_r( ex );
} catch(...) {
::Rf_error( "c++ exception (unknown reason)" );
return R_NilValue; // -Wall
', plugin = "connectir")
get_row <- cxxfunction( signature(sA = "object", sRow = "numeric"),
double row = DOUBLE_DATA(sRow)[0] - 1;
double nvoxs = A.n_cols;
arma::vec voxs(nvoxs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < A.n_cols; ++i) {
voxs[i] = A(row,i);
return Rcpp::wrap( voxs );
} catch( std::exception &ex ) {
forward_exception_to_r( ex );
} catch(...) {
::Rf_error( "c++ exception (unknown reason)" );
return R_NilValue; // -Wall
', plugin = "connectir")
# Cluster Table
cluster_table_src = '
using namespace arma;
vec all_inds = Rcpp::as<vec>(R_all_inds);
vec voxs_to_use = Rcpp::as<vec>(R_voxs_to_use);
vec clust_vals = Rcpp::as<vec>(R_clust_vals);
vec raw_vals = Rcpp::as<vec>(R_raw_vals);
vec offset_inds = Rcpp::as<vec>(R_offset_inds);
Rcpp::NumericVector C_last_ind(R_last_ind);
double last_ind = C_last_ind[0];
double clust_i, clust_num, clust_size, clust_mass = 0;
int c_ind, ind;
size_t n_voxs = all_inds.n_elem;
size_t n_inds = offset_inds.n_elem;
vec nei_inds(n_inds);
mat center_inds(0,1);
mat sizes(0,1); mat masses(0,1);
for(size_t i = 0; i < n_voxs; ++i)
c_ind = all_inds(i);
if (voxs_to_use(c_ind) == 0) continue;
//printf("\\nnum: %.2f\\n", clust_num);
// One less voxel
voxs_to_use(c_ind) = 0;
// Initialize number, size, and mass
clust_num = clust_num + 1;
clust_size = 1;
clust_mass = raw_vals(c_ind);
//printf("size: %.2f\\n", clust_size);
// Save center index
center_inds.insert_rows(0, 1, false);
center_inds(0,0) = c_ind;
// Update cluster voxel val
clust_vals(c_ind) = clust_num;
while (center_inds.n_elem > 0)
// Get neighbors
c_ind = center_inds(0);
nei_inds = c_ind + offset_inds;
// Loop through each neighbor
for(size_t j = 0; j < n_inds; ++j)
ind = nei_inds(j);
// TODO: test speed improvement with [i]
if (ind > 0 && ind < last_ind) {
if (voxs_to_use(ind) == 1)
// Save index to later look at its neighors
center_inds.insert_rows(1, 1, false);
center_inds(1,0) = ind;
// One less voxel
voxs_to_use(ind) = 0;
// Update size, mass, and cluster voxel val
clust_size = clust_size + 1;
clust_mass = clust_mass + raw_vals(ind);
clust_vals(ind) = clust_num;
// Get rid of the center ind that started this
clust_i = clust_num - 1;
sizes.insert_rows(clust_i, 1, false);
masses.insert_rows(clust_i, 1, false);
sizes(clust_i,0) = clust_size;
masses(clust_i,0) = clust_mass;
//printf("size: %.1f\\n", clust_size);
return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("n") = Rcpp::wrap( clust_num ),
Rcpp::Named("sizes") = Rcpp::wrap( sizes ),
Rcpp::Named("masses") = Rcpp::wrap( masses ),
Rcpp::Named("clust") = Rcpp::wrap( clust_vals ));
inline_cluster_table <- cxxfunction(
signature(R_all_inds = "numeric", R_voxs_to_use = "numeric",
R_clust_vals = "numeric", R_raw_vals = "numeric",
R_offset_inds = "numeric", R_last_ind = "numeric"),
body = cluster_table_src,
plugin = "RcppArmadillo"
# New cluster table making use of c++ inline function
cpp.cluster.table <- function(x, vox.thr=0, dims=NULL, mask=NULL,
nei=1, nei.dist=3, pad=1)
#x <- vox.fstats[,1]; vox.thr <- 1.5; dims <- hdr$dim; nei <- 1; nei.dist <- 3; pad <- 1
#orig_mask <- mask
if (is.null(mask))
mask <- rep(T, length(x))
if (is.null(dims)) {
if (length(dim(x)) != 3)
stop("If dims isn't provided, then x must be a 3D array")
dims <- dim(x)
nx <- dims[1]; ny <- dims[2]; nz <- dims[3]
# This pads the mask with zero-voxels around the image
# note that x is only the non-zero voxels in the mask
if (pad > 0) {
mask.pad <- array(F, c(nx+pad*2, ny+pad*2, nz+pad*2))
mask.pad[(pad+1):(pad+nx), (pad+1):(pad+ny), (pad+1):(pad+nz)] <- T
# New dimensions
nx <- dim(mask.pad)[1]; ny <- dim(mask.pad)[2]; nz <- dim(mask.pad)[3]
# Get new mask
mask.pad <- as.vector(mask.pad)
tmp <- rep(F, length(mask.pad))
tmp[mask.pad] <- mask
mask <- tmp
# Vector version of the data, mask, and clusters
xfull <- vector("numeric", nx*ny*nz)
mfull <- vector("logical", nx*ny*nz)
cfull <- mfull*0
# Get neighbours to check for clusters
# default is 27 (face, edge, corner touching)
nmat <- expand.grid(list(i=-nei:nei, j=-nei:nei, k=-nei:nei))
voxdists <- rowSums(abs(nmat))
nmat <- nmat[voxdists<=nei.dist,]
offset.inds <- nmat$k*nx*ny + nmat$j*nx + nmat$i # neighbors relative to center node
rm(nmat, voxdists) # only keep offset.inds
# Threshold data and save as new mask
tmp.mask <- x > vox.thr
nvoxs <- sum(tmp.mask)
mfull[mask] <- tmp.mask
xfull[mask][tmp.mask] <- x[tmp.mask]
last.ind <- length(mfull) + 1 # index w/ end of the data
all.inds <- which(mfull)
ct <- inline_cluster_table(all.inds, mfull, cfull, xfull,
offset.inds, as.double(last.ind))
cfull <- ct$clust
if (pad > 0)
cfull <- cfull[mask.pad]
dim(cfull) <- dims
if (length(ct$sizes) == 0) {
ct$n <- 0
ct$sizes <- matrix(0, 1, 1)
ct$masses <- matrix(0, 1, 1)
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# This script will
# - take the subject distance and mdmr directory as input
# - if needed, convert roi data to voxelwise
# - create the unthresh logp maps (15k perms)
# - create the unthres fdr-corrected logp maps
# - run cluster correction
# - determine fstat threshold (5k perms)
# - determine cluster thresholds (5k perms)
# - create the clusterized results
# It must be in the same directory as the above script `inline_connectir.R`
# Usage:
# ./le_correcter.R ${distance_directory} ${mdmr_directory}
# Where distance_directory is the full path to the subject distances directory
# and mdmr_directory is the full path to the MDMR directory.
# This will create a new directory called cluster_correct_v05_c05
# (voxel level threshold of p < 0.05 and cluster level threshold of p < 0.05)
# within the mdmr directory you input.
# This will have a clust_logp_X.nii.gz file that is the thresholded -logp file with clusters corrected based on a permutation test.
# There is also an easythresh directory that runs everything with easythresh as well. It will run easythresh first since it is very fast.
# In both permutation and easythresh outputs, the voxel values represent significance estimates from permutation testing in the case of the permutation output and using GRF for easythresh.
# For now to change the threshold, you need to manually modify the file and specifically the following lines:
# vox.thresh <- 0.05
# clust.thresh <- 0.05
cat("Loading necessary libraries and functions\n")
source("inline_connectir.R") # loads connectir
# Take the subject distance and mdmr directories as input
# the roi file is optional
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
if (length(args) < 2) {
stop("usage: correct.R distance-dir mdmr-dir [roi-file]")
dist.dir <- args[1]
mdmr.dir <- args[2]
roi.file <- args[3] # optional
roify <- !
## fixed but extra options
### overwrite output if it exists?
overwrite <- FALSE
### voxel and cluster thresholds
vox.thresh <- 0.05
clust.thresh <- 0.05
### # of perms for cluster parts
### should include non-permuted data
nperms4clust <- 5000
# Output Directory
vstr <- sub("0.", "", as.character(vox.thresh))
cstr <- sub("0.", "", as.character(clust.thresh))
outdir <- file.path(mdmr.dir, sprintf("cluster_correct_v%s_c%s", vstr, cstr))
if (file.exists(outdir)) {
vstop("output directory '%s' already exists", outdir)
} else {
# Checks
vcat(T, "\nChecks")
## check if ROI file is needed
vcat(T, "...are rois needed")
if ( && file.exists(file.path(dist.dir, "mask.txt"))) {
stop("ROI file needed but not given")
# Setup
vcat(T, "\nSetup")
## vector of permuted factor names
vcat(T, "...factor names")
load(file.path(mdmr.dir, "modelinfo.rda"))
factors <- names(attr(modelinfo$qrhs, "factors2perm"))
nfactors <- length(factors)
## p-value matrix from all permutations
vcat(T, "...p-values from all permutations")
f <- file.path(mdmr.dir, "pvals.desc")
pvals.mat <- attach.big.matrix(f)
## list of permuted matrices
vcat(T, "...load permutations")
files <- file.path(mdmr.dir, sprintf("fperms_%s.desc", factors))
list.fperms <- lapply(files, function(f) attach.big.matrix(f))
## determine number of permutations
vcat(T, "...determine number of permutations for clustering")
nperms <- nrow(list.fperms[[1]])
if (nperms < nperms4clust) {
vcat(T, "...changing nperms4cluster to %i", nperms)
nperms4clust <- nperms
} else {
vcat(T, "...will use %ik permutations for clustering", nperms4clust)
## subset of permuted matrices for clustering
vcat(T, "...take subset of permutations for clustering")
tmp <- lapply(list.fperms, function(fperms) {
deepcopy(fperms, rows=1:nperms4clust, shared=FALSE)
rm(list.fperms); invisible(gc(F,T))
list.fperms <- tmp
## new p-values for subset
vcat(T, "...calculate p-values for new subset of permutations")
pvals4clust.mat <- mdmr.fstats_to_pvals(list.fperms)
# ROI stuff
if (roify) {
vcat(T, "ROI Setup")
## read in rois and create mask
vcat(T, " in ROIs and create mask")
rois <- read.nifti.image(roi.file)
hdr <- read.nifti.header(roi.file)
mask <- as.vector(rois!=0)
rois <- rois[mask]
nvoxs <- sum(mask)
## get unique rois and related indices
vcat(T, "...determine unique rois and indices")
urois <- sort(unique(rois))
urois <- urois[urois!=0]
nrois <- length(urois)
rois.inds <- lapply(urois, function(ur) which(rois==ur))
## simple method for rois => voxelwise
simple.rois2voxelwise <- function(, vox.rois) { <- vector("numeric", length(vox.rois))
urois <- sort(unique(vox.rois))
urois <- urois[urois!=0]
nrois <- length(urois)
for (ri in 1:nrois)[vox.rois==urois[ri]] <-[ri]
} else {
vcat(T, " mask")
maskfile <- file.path(dist.dir, "mask.nii.gz")
hdr <- read.nifti.header(maskfile)
mask <- read.mask(maskfile)
rois.inds <- NULL
fstat_from_pval <- function(fstats, pvals, pthr) {
df <- data.frame(fstats=fvals, logps=-log10(pvals))
model <- lm(fstats ~ logps, data=df)
fthr <- predict(model, data.frame(logps=-log10(pthr)))
permute_max_sizes <- function(fperms, fthr, hdr, mask, rois.inds=NULL) {
roify <- !is.null(rois.inds)
nperms <- nrow(fperms)
nvoxs <- sum(mask)
max.sizes <- laply(1:nperms, function(i) {
if (roify) {
img <- rois_to_voxelwise(fperms, as.double(i), rois.inds, as.double(nvoxs))
} else {
img <- get_row(fperms, as.double(i))
ct <- cpp.cluster.table(img, fthr, hdr$dim, mask)
}, .progress="text")
# The Meat
for (fi in 1:nfactors) {
factor <- factors[fi]
vcat(T, "\nFactor: %s", factor)
## Create unthresholded logp maps
vcat(T, "...unthresholded logp and fdr logp maps")
pvals <- -log10(pvals.mat[,fi])
fdr.pvals <- -log10(p.adjust(pvals.mat[,fi], "fdr"))
if (roify) {
pvals <- simple.rois2voxelwise(pvals, rois)
fdr.pvals <- simple.rois2voxelwise(fdr.pvals, rois)
outfile <- file.path(outdir, sprintf("logp_%s.nii.gz", factor))
write.nifti(pvals, hdr, mask, outfile=outfile, overwrite=overwrite)
outfile <- file.path(outdir, sprintf("fdr_logp_%s.nii.gz", factor))
write.nifti(fdr.pvals, hdr, mask, outfile=outfile, overwrite=overwrite)
## Comparison Easy Thresh Clustering
vcat(T, "...comparison with easythresh")
easy.dir <- file.path(outdir, "easythresh")
dir.create(easy.dir, FALSE)
# Convert p-value to zstats
vcat(T, "...pvals to zstats")
zstats <- qt(pvals.mat[,fi], Inf, lower.tail=F)
if (roify) zstats <- simple.rois2voxelwise(zstats, rois)
outfile0 <- file.path(easy.dir, sprintf("zstat_%s_tmp.nii.gz", factor))
write.nifti(zstats, hdr, mask, outfile=outfile0, overwrite=overwrite)
# Fix to remove any infinite values
curdir <- getwd()
outfile <- file.path(easy.dir, sprintf("zstat_%s.nii.gz", factor))
cmd <- sprintf("3dcalc -a %s -expr a -prefix %s", outfile0, outfile)
vcat(T, cmd)
# Brain mask
if (roify) {
# Save mask file
vcat(T, "...saving mask file")
maskfile <- file.path(outdir, "mask.nii.gz")
write.nifti(mask, hdr, outfile=maskfile, overwrite=overwrite)
} else {
maskfile <- file.path(dist.dir, "mask.nii.gz")
# Background (underlay) image
bgfile <- file.path(dist.dir, "bg_image.nii.gz")
# Run it
curdir <- getwd()
zstatfile <- outfile
zthr <- qt(vox.thresh, Inf, lower.tail=F)
cmd <- sprintf("easythresh %s %s %.4f %.4f %s zstat_%s --mm",
zstatfile, maskfile, zthr, clust.thresh, bgfile, factor)
vcat(T, cmd)
# Cluster correct
vcat(T, "...Cluster Correcting")
fperms <- list.fperms[[fi]]
# Determine pseudo-F given a particular p-value
# this would be the voxel threshold before clustering
vcat(T, "...determine pseudo-F threshold with a p=%.4f", vox.thresh)
fvals <- fperms[1,]
pvals <- pvals4clust.mat[,fi]
fthr <- fstat_from_pval(fvals, pvals, vox.thresh)
# Determine clusters from non-permuted data
vcat(T, "...clusters in non-permuted data")
if (roify) {
img <- simple.rois2voxelwise(fvals, rois)
} else {
img <- fvals
orig.ct <- cluster.table(img, fthr, hdr$dim, mask)
# Maximum cluster sizes across permutations
vcat(T, "...max clust sizes across permutations")
max.sizes <- permute_max_sizes(fperms, fthr, hdr, mask, rois.inds)
# Cluster significance
vcat(T, "...determine significant clusters")
clust.sig <- sapply(orig.ct$size, function(ocs) {
sapply(ocs, function(s) sum(s<max.sizes)/nperms4clust)
clust <- orig.ct$clust[mask]
w.clusts <- which(rev(clust.sig<clust.thresh))
clust.keep <- clust*0 # empty vector
for (i in 1:length(w.clusts)) clust.keep[clust==w.clusts[i]] <- 1
logps <- -log10(pvals.mat[,fi])
if (roify) logps <- simple.rois2voxelwise(logps, rois)
clust.logps <- logps * clust.keep
# Save
vcat(T, "...saving")
outfile <- file.path(outdir, sprintf("clust_%s.nii.gz", factor))
write.nifti(clust.keep, hdr, mask, outfile=outfile, overwrite=overwrite)
outfile <- file.path(outdir, sprintf("clust_logp_%s.nii.gz", factor))
write.nifti(clust.logps, hdr, mask, outfile=outfile, overwrite=overwrite)
outfile <- file.path(outdir, sprintf("clustinfo_%s.rda", factor))
save(orig.ct, max.sizes, clust.sig, fthr, fvals, pvals, img, logps, clust.keep,
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