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Last active December 31, 2015 06:49
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This script compares different approaches to calculating eigenvector centrality. It finds that when using normalized matrices, there are differences between the output of the methods, whereas when using non-normalized matrices, the outputs of the methods are the same. The last script is from the fast eigenvector centrality code on bias.googlecod…
import numpy as np
from CPAC.cwas.subdist import norm_cols
from fast_ecm import fast_eigenvector_centrality # this is from the other gist; can ignore this and paste in the other function
print 'Compare with non-normalized matrices'
m = np.random.random((200,1000))
cm =
# Let's first call a basic approach
# This actually doesn't work, not sure what I'm setting wrong
from scipy import linalg as LA
w01,v01 = LA.eigh(cm, eigvals=(0,0))
e01 =[0]
# Let's call a second basic approach (used currently)
from scipy.sparse import linalg as sLA
w02,v02 = sLA.eigsh(cm, k=1, which='LM', maxiter=1000)
e02 =[0]
# Finally let's call the fast eigenvector (power approach)
v03 = fast_eigenvector_centrality(m, verbose=False)
# How different are the second and third ones?
print 'mean absolute diff: ', np.abs(e02-v03).mean()
print 'correlation: ', np.corrcoef(e02.T, v03.T)[0,1]
print 'Compare with normalized matrices'
n = norm_cols(m)
cn =
# Let's first call a basic approach
from scipy import linalg as LA
w11,v11 = LA.eigh(cn, eigvals=(0,0))
e11 =[0]
# Let's call a second basic approach (used currently)
from scipy.sparse import linalg as sLA
w12,v12 = sLA.eigsh(cn, k=1, which='LM', maxiter=1000)
e12 =[0]
# Finally let's call the fast eigenvector (power approach)
v13 = fast_eigenvector_centrality(n, verbose=False)
# How different are the second and third ones?
print 'mean absolute diff: ', np.abs(e12-v13).mean()
print 'correlation: ', np.corrcoef(e12.T, v13.T)[0,1]
import numpy as np
def fast_eigenvector_centrality(m, maxiter=99, verbose=True):
.. [1] Wink, A.M., de Munck, J.C., van der Werf, Y.D., van den Heuvel, O.A., Barkhof, F., 2012. Fast Eigenvector Centrality Mapping of Voxel-Wise Connectivity in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Implementation, Validation, and Interpretation. Brain Connectivity 2, 265–274.
>>> # Simulate Data
>>> import numpy as np
>>> ntpts = 100; nvoxs = 1000
>>> m = np.random.random((ntpts,nvoxs)) # note that don't need to generate connectivity matrix
>>> # Execute
>>> from CPAC.network_centrality.core import fast_eigenvector_centrality
>>> eigenvector = fast_eigenvector_centrality(m)
from numpy import linalg as LA
ntpts = m.shape[0]
nvoxs = m.shape[1]
# Initialize eigenvector estimate
vprev = 0 # initialize previous ECM estimate
vcurr = np.ones((nvoxs,1))/np.sqrt(nvoxs) # initialize estimate with L2-norm == 1
i = 0 # reset iteration counter
dnorm = 1 # initial value for difference L2-norm
cnorm = 0 # initial value to estimate L2-norm
# Efficient power iteration
while (i < maxiter) & (dnorm > cnorm):
vprev = vcurr # start with previous estimate
prevsum = np.sum(vprev) # sum of estimate
vcurr_1 = # part one of M*v
vcurr_2 = # part two of M*v
vcurr_3 = vcurr_2 + prevsum # adding sum -- same effect as [M+1]*v
vcurr = vcurr_3/LA.norm(vcurr_3,2) # normalize L2-norm
# TODO: on the first iteration, one could output the weighted degree centrality
if i == 0:
pass # could save vcurr_2
i += 1
dnorm = LA.norm(vcurr-vprev, 2)
cnorm = LA.norm(vcurr,2) * np.spacing(1)
if verbose:
print "iteration %02d, || v_i - v_(i-1) || / || v_i * epsilon || = %0.16f / %0.16f" % (i, dnorm, cnorm) # some stats for the users
if (i >= maxiter) & (dnorm > cnorm):
print "Error: algorithm did not converge" # TODO: convert to an exception?
# now the vcurr value will be the ECM
return vcurr
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