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Last active January 3, 2016 22:29
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Save czarrar/8528739 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Do some quick functional density mapping for a sample voxel. Note this code assumes you are running off rocky.
import numpy as np
import os
#from CPAC.network_centrality import load
#from CPAC.cwas.subdist import norm_cols
import nibabel as nib
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, cs_graph_components
def load(datafile, template):
Method to read data from datafile and mask/parcellation unit
and store the mask data, timeseries, affine matrix, mask type
and scans. The output of this method is used by all other nodes.
datafile : string (nifti file)
path to subject data file
template : string (nifti file)
path to mask/parcellation unit
timeseries_data: string (numpy npy file)
path to file containing timeseries of the input data
affine: string (numpy npy file)
path to file containing affine matrix of teh input data
mask_data: string (numpy npy file)
path to file containing mask/parcellation unit matrix
template_type: string
0 for mask, 1 for parcellation unit
scans: string (int)
total no of scans in the input data
import os
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
if isinstance(datafile, list):
img = nib.load(datafile[0])
img = nib.load(datafile)
data = img.get_data().astype(np.float32)
aff = img.get_affine()
mask = nib.load(template).get_data().astype(np.float32)
scans = data.shape[3]
print "Error in loading images for graphs"
if mask.shape != data.shape[:3]:
raise Exception("Invalid Shape Error. mask and data file have"\
"different shape please check the voxel size of the two files")
#check for parcellation
nodes = np.unique(mask).tolist()
print "sorted nodes: ", nodes
#extract timeseries
if len(nodes)>2:
for n in nodes:
if n > 0:
node_array = data[mask == n]
avg = np.mean(node_array, axis =0)
if flag:
timeseries = avg
timeseries = np.vstack((timeseries, avg))
#template_type is 1 for parcellation
template_type = 1
#template_type is 0 for mask
template_type = 0
mask = mask.astype('bool')
timeseries = data[mask]
#saving files
img_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(datafile))[0])[0] + '.npy'
mask_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(template))[0])[0] + '.npy'
mask_data = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), mask_name)
timeseries_data = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),img_name)
affine = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'affine.npy'), mask), timeseries), aff)
return timeseries_data, affine, mask_data, template_type, scans
def norm_cols(X):
Theano expression which centers and normalizes columns of X `||x_i|| = 1`
Xc = X - X.mean(0)
return Xc/np.sqrt( (Xc**2.).sum(0) )
# Borrowed from nipy.graph.graph
def graph_3d_grid(xyz, k=18):
""" Utility that computes the six neighbors on a 3d grid
xyz: array of shape (n_samples, 3); grid coordinates of the points
k: neighboring system, equal to 6, 18, or 26
i, j, d 3 arrays of shape (E),
where E is the number of edges in the resulting graph
(i, j) represent the edges, d their weights
if np.size(xyz) == 0:
return None
lxyz = xyz - xyz.min(0)
m = 3 * lxyz.max(0).sum() + 2
# six neighbours
n6 = [np.array([1, m, m ** 2]), np.array([m ** 2, 1, m]),
np.array([m, m ** 2, 1])]
# eighteen neighbours
n18 = [np.array([1 + m, 1 - m, m ** 2]),
np.array([1 + m, m - 1, m ** 2]),
np.array([m ** 2, 1 + m, 1 - m]),
np.array([m ** 2, 1 + m, m - 1]),
np.array([1 - m, m ** 2, 1 + m]),
np.array([m - 1, m ** 2, 1 + m])]
# twenty-six neighbours
n26 = [np.array([1 + m + m ** 2, 1 - m, 1 - m ** 2]),
np.array([1 + m + m ** 2, m - 1, 1 - m ** 2]),
np.array([1 + m + m ** 2, 1 - m, m ** 2 - 1]),
np.array([1 + m + m ** 2, m - 1, m ** 2 - 1])]
# compute the edges in each possible direction
def create_edges(lxyz, nn, l1dist=1, left=np.array([]), right=np.array([]),
q = 0
for nn_row in nn:
v1 =, nn_row)
o1 = np.argsort(v1)
sv1 = v1[o1]
nz = np.squeeze(np.nonzero(sv1[: - 1] - sv1[1:] == - l1dist))
o1z, o1z1 = o1[nz], o1[nz + 1]
left = np.hstack((left, o1z, o1z1))
right = np.hstack((right, o1z1, o1z))
q += 2 * np.size(nz)
weights = np.hstack((weights, np.sqrt(l1dist) * np.ones(q)))
return left, right, weights
i, j, d = create_edges(lxyz, n6, 1.)
if k >= 18:
i, j, d = create_edges(lxyz, n18, 2, i, j, d)
if k == 26:
i, j, d = create_edges(lxyz, n26, 3, i, j, d)
i, j = i.astype(, j.astype(
# reorder the edges to have a more standard order
order = np.argsort(i + j * (len(i) + 1))
i, j, d = i[order], j[order], d[order]
return i, j, d
def cluster_data(img, thr, mask):
"""docstring for cluster_data"""
xyz = np.where(mask > 0)
xyz_a = np.array(xyz).T
xyz_th = xyz_a[img[xyz] > thr]
labels = clusterize(xyz_th)
return labels
def clusterize(xyz_th, k=26):
"""docstring for clusterize"""
nvoxs = xyz_th.shape[0]
i,j,d = graph_3d_grid(xyz_th, k=k)
adj = coo_matrix((d, (i,j)), shape=(nvoxs,nvoxs))
nc, labels = cs_graph_components(adj)
return labels
thresh = 0.1
datafile = "/data/Projects/ABIDE_Initiative/CPAC/test_qp/Centrality_Working/resting_preproc_0051466_session_1/_mask_mask_abide_90percent_gm_4mm/_scan_rest_1_rest/resample_functional_to_template_0/residual_wtsimt_flirt.nii.gz"
maskfile = "/home2/data/Projects/ABIDE_Initiative/CPAC/abide/templates/masks/mask_abide_90percent_gm_4mm.nii.gz"
timeseries, aff, mask, template_type, ntpts = load(datafile, maskfile)
# For this example, calculate connectivity for 10 voxels each with the rest of the brain
j=0; i=9
timeseries = norm_cols(timeseries.T)
corr_matrix =[:,j:i].T, timeseries) # corr_matrix is 10 voxs by nvoxs
# Let's get the functional density for one voxel (the 1st one)
cur_vox = 0
## we put the correlation values into 3D space
vox_map = np.zeros(mask.shape)
vox_map[mask] = corr_matrix[cur_vox,:]
## then we do a somewhat redundant step of getting clusters throughout brain
## in future can modify the function to only look within the neighborhood
labels = cluster_data(vox_map, thresh, mask) # if label -2 then isolate?
## density is the sum of all regions in the same cluster as our voxel
local_density = np.sum(labels==labels[cur_vox]) # I believe labels should only have nvoxs because we specified a mask earlier
# should check this
print 'value -> ', local_density
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