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Honza Dvorsky czechboy0

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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Automatically installs swiftenv and run's swiftenv install.
# This script was designed for usage in CI systems.
git clone --depth 1 ~/.swiftenv
export SWIFTENV_ROOT="$HOME/.swiftenv"
if [ -f ".swift-version" ] || [ -n "$SWIFT_VERSION" ]; then
swiftenv install -s
0 = Success
1 = Operation not permitted
2 = No such file or directory
3 = No such process
4 = Interrupted system call
5 = Input/output error
6 = No such device or address
7 = Argument list too long
8 = Exec format error
# Faster toolchain build: skips as much as possible.
# To use this toolchain from the command line:"
# export TOOLCHAINS=$(whoami)
# we build to the same prefix every time (instead of building
# to a versioned prefix) because every time the prefix changes
# *everything* rebuilds.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" \
<plist version="1.0">
<!-- Contains a unique string that identifies your daemon to launchd.
This key is required. -->