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Last active April 21, 2023 17:13
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  • Save mxcl/05ced0268bbd5db6ab0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mxcl/05ced0268bbd5db6ab0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Faster toolchain build: skips as much as possible.
# To use this toolchain from the command line:"
# export TOOLCHAINS=$(whoami)
# we build to the same prefix every time (instead of building
# to a versioned prefix) because every time the prefix changes
# *everything* rebuilds.
set -e
trap "exit;" SIGINT SIGTERM
export TOOLCHAINS=default
if [[ $1 == "--reconfigure" ]]; then
# so if anything is put in the wrong place we will *see* it
cd "$HOME/Desktop"
"$SRCROOT/swift/utils/build-script" \
--release \
--llvm \
--llbuild \
--swiftpm \
--build-subdir="${ALIAS}" \
--assertions \
--no-swift-stdlib-assertions \
--install-prefix="${TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}/usr" \
--lldb \
--darwin-xcrun-toolchain=mxcl \
-- \
--lldb-use-system-debugserver \
--skip-ios \
--skip-tvos \
--skip-watchos \
--skip-build-linux \
--skip-build-freebsd \
--skip-build-cygwin \
--skip-build-ios \
--skip-build-ios-device \
--skip-build-ios-simulator \
--skip-build-tvos \
--skip-build-tvos-device \
--skip-build-tvos-simulator \
--skip-build-watchos \
--skip-build-watchos-device \
--skip-build-watchos-simulator \
--skip-build-xctest \
--skip-build-foundation \
--skip-build-libdispatch \
--skip-build-benchmarks \
--skip-test-cmark \
--skip-test-lldb \
--skip-test-swift \
--skip-test-llbuild \
--skip-test-swiftpm \
--skip-test-xctest \
--skip-test-foundation \
--skip-test-libdispatch \
--skip-test-linux \
--skip-test-freebsd \
--skip-test-cygwin \
--skip-test-osx \
--skip-test-ios-simulator \
--skip-test-ios-host \
--skip-test-tvos-simulator \
--skip-test-tvos-host \
--skip-test-watchos-simulator \
--skip-test-watchos-host \
--skip-test-benchmarks \
--skip-test-optimized \
--swift-sdks=OSX \
--swift-enable-ast-verifier=0 \
--build-swift-examples=0 \
--build-swift-stdlib-unittest-extra=0 \
--build-swift-static-stdlib=1 \
--compiler-vendor=apple \
--swift-install-components="compiler;clang-builtin-headers;stdlib;sdk-overlay;license;sourcekit-xpc-service" \
--llvm-install-components="libclang;libclang-headers" \
--install-swift=1 \
--install-llbuild=1 \
--install-swiftpm=1 \
--install-destdir="/" \
--install-lldb=1 \
# doing by hand as the only other way to trigger this
# is by specifying --installable-package, which tars
# all installed products and is super slow
DATE=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)
SWIFT_VERSION=$("${TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}/usr/bin/swift" --version | ruby -e ' =~ /Swift version (\d+\.\d(\.\d+)?(-.*?)?) /; print "#{$1}\n"')
if [[ "$SWIFT_VERSION" == "3.0-dev" ]]; then
cat > "${TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}/Info.plist" <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Swift ${SWIFT_VERSION}.${ALIAS}+${DATE}</string>
# again, only way to trigger this otherwise is do a lengthy --installable-package step
cp "${SRCROOT}/swift/utils/swift-stdlib-tool-substitute" "${TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}/usr/bin/swift-stdlib-tool"
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akrabat commented Jun 2, 2016

Note that with latest master (on 2 June 2016 anyway), --swift-sdks=OSX \ now needs to be --stdlib-deployment-targets=macosx-x86_64 \ as per swiftlang/swift@9d822cd

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bhargavg commented Jun 5, 2016

@akrabat, even with that change is this script working? It's failing for me when trying to install swift.

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