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Created April 7, 2016 17:16
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/// Iteratable data structure of the type [bytes32 k, NettingContract v]
library IterableMapping
// Might have to define the NettingContract type here for insertion
struct itmap {
mapping(bytes32 => IndexValue) data;
KeyFlag[] keys;
uint size;
struct IndexValue { uint keyIndex; NettingContract value; }
struct KeyFlag { bytes32 key; bool deleted; }
function insert(itmap storage self, bytes32 key, NettingContract value) returns (bool replaced) {
uint keyIndex =[key].keyIndex;[key].value = value;
if (keyIndex > 0)
return true;
else {
keyIndex = self.keys.length++;[key].keyIndex = keyIndex + 1;
self.keys[keyIndex].key = key;
return false;
function remove(itmap storage self, bytes32 key) returns (bool success){
uint keyIndex =[key].keyIndex;
if (keyIndex == 0)
return false;
self.keys[keyIndex - 1].deleted = true;
self.size --;
function contains(itmap storage self, bytes32 key) returns (bool) {
return[key].keyIndex > 0;
function atIndex(itmap storage self, bytes32 key) returns (uint index) {
function iterate_start(itmap storage self) returns (uint keyIndex){
return iterate_next(self, uint(-1));
function iterate_valid(itmap storage self, uint keyIndex) returns (bool){
return keyIndex < self.keys.length;
function iterate_next(itmap storage self, uint keyIndex) returns (uint r_keyIndex){
while (keyIndex < self.keys.length && self.keys[keyIndex].deleted)
return keyIndex;
function iterate_get(itmap storage self, uint keyIndex) returns (bytes32 key, NettingContract value){
key = self.keys[keyIndex].key;
value =[key].value;
contract Wrapper
// Just a struct holding our data.
IterableMapping.itmap data;
// Insert something
function insert(bytes32 k, NettingContract v) returns (uint size)
// Actually calls itmap_impl.insert, auto-supplying the first parameter for us.
IterableMapping.insert(data, k, v);
// We can still access members of the struct - but we should take care not to mess with them.
return data.size;
function contains(bytes32 k) returns (bool c) {
c = IterableMapping.contains(data, k);
function lengthOf() returns (uint l) {
l = data.keys.length;
function get(bytes32 k) returns (bytes32 key, NettingContract value) {
uint index = IterableMapping.atIndex(data, k);
(key, value) = IterableMapping.iterate_get(data, index -1);
function remove(bytes32 k) returns (bool success) {
success = IterableMapping.remove(data, k);
function getIndex(bytes32 k) returns (uint i) {
i = IterableMapping.atIndex(data, k);
function getAllKeys() returns (address[] addresses) {
address[] arr;
for (var i = IterableMapping.iterate_start(data); IterableMapping.iterate_valid(data, i); i = IterableMapping.iterate_next(data, i)) {
var(key, value) = IterableMapping.iterate_get(data, i);
addresses = arr; // this seems to not be working. What is the correct way to do this?
/// This is not a helper method for this data structure. Use for ncc data structure
/*function getValues(address v) returns (address[] values) {*/
/*for (var i = IterableMapping.iterate_start(data); IterableMapping.iterate_valid(data, i); i = IterableMapping.iterate_next(data, i)) {*/
/*var (key, value) = IterableMapping.iterate_get(data, i);*/
/*// should we return just the keys to the contracts or entire contracts?*/
/*// The way this check is executed depends on the datastructure we decide*/
/*// to use for participants.*/
/*if (value.participants[0].addr == adr) channels.push(key);*/
/*else if (value.participants[1].addr == adr) channels.push(key);*/
/*if (channels.length == 0) throw; //maybe find other way to show that no such channel exists*/
contract NettingContractTest {
bytes32 constant TEST_KEY2 = 0xBEEEEF;
bytes32 constant TEST_KEY3 = 0x654321;
address constant TEST_ADDRESS1 = 0x123456;
address constant TEST_ADDRESS2 = 0x654321;
address constant ASSET_ADDRESS = 0xDEADBEEF;
bytes32 constant TEST_KEY1 = sha3(TEST_ADDRESS1, TEST_ADDRESS2);
function testInsert() returns (bool isIn, bool has, bool hasPar) {
NettingContract nc = new NettingContract(ASSET_ADDRESS);
Wrapper wrp = new Wrapper();
wrp.insert(TEST_KEY1, nc);
isIn = wrp.contains(TEST_KEY1);
var(k, c) = wrp.get(TEST_KEY1);
has = k == TEST_KEY1 && c.assetAddress() == ASSET_ADDRESS;
hasPar = c.participants[0].addr == TEST_ADDRESS1;
function testRemove() returns (bool removed, bool isIn, bool exist) {
NettingContract nc = new NettingContract(ASSET_ADDRESS);
Wrapper wrp = new Wrapper();
wrp.insert(TEST_KEY1, nc);
wrp.lengthOf() == 2; //why is lenght 2?
exist = wrp.contains(TEST_KEY1);
removed = wrp.lengthOf() == 1;
isIn = false == wrp.contains(TEST_KEY1);
// Just for the sake of interface
contract NettingContract {
uint lockedTime;
address public assetAddress;
uint public opened;
uint public closed;
uint public settled;
address public TEST_ADDRESS1 = 0x123456;
address public TEST_ADDRESS2 = 0x654321;
struct Transfer {} // TODO
struct Unlocked {} // TODO
struct Participant
address addr;
uint deposit;
//Transfer[] lastSentTransfers;
//Unlocked unlocked;
//mapping(address => Participant) public participants;
Participant[2] public participants; // Might make more sense to use an array like this for participants */
/*// since it only holds two.*/
event ChannelOpened(address assetAdr); // TODO
event ChannelClosed(); // TODO
event ChannelSettled(); // TODO
function NettingContract(address assetAdr) {
opened = 0;
closed = 0;
settled = 0;
assetAddress = assetAdr;
participants[0].addr = TEST_ADDRESS1;
participants[1].addr = TEST_ADDRESS2;
function testPar() returns (bool test) {
test = participants[0].addr == TEST_ADDRESS1;
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