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Last active October 9, 2016 05:29
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Script for fixing irregular lujvo place labels in definitions
var definitions = require('./definitions.js');
function fixDefinition(def) {
if (/;/.test(def)) {
// split at ; and recombine
return def.split(';').map(fixDefinition).join(';');
// remove all $ signs
def = def.replace(/\$/g, '');
// magic regexes
var termMatch = /[A-Za-z]+_?{?(\d+)}?(\s*[=~]\s*[A-Za-z]+_?{?\d+}?)*/g;
var xTermMatch = /[Xx]_?{?(\d+)}?(\s*[=~]\s*[A-Za-z]+_?{?\d+}?)*/g;
if (xTermMatch.test(def)) {
// get the list of matches and see if they're out of order
var match;
var n = 1;
xTermMatch.lastIndex = 0;
while ((match = xTermMatch.exec(def)) !== null) {
if (match[1] !== '' + n) {
// places are out of order
// hope that all terms have [a-z]_n in them as first thing with correct n
return def.replace(termMatch, 'x$1');
n += 1;
// places are in order; rely on fixer below to fix stuff
if (!termMatch.test(def)) {
return def; // it's probably fine! non-selbri definition
// replace all instances of termMatch with placeholder
def = def.replace(termMatch, '~!~');
var x_index = 1;
while (/~!~/.test(def)) {
def = def.replace(/~!~/, 'x' + x_index);
x_index += 1;
return def;
var scaryWords = ['selbengo', 'krefu', 'plikai', 'selbeika\'e', 'xelfanvyxelfanva'];
for (var i = 0; i < definitions.length; i++) {
var w = definitions[i].w;
var oldDef = definitions[i].d;
if (/\$/.test(oldDef) && Math.random() < 0.01 || scaryWords.indexOf(w) !== -1) {
var newDef = fixDefinition(oldDef);
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