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Created September 18, 2016 10:00
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(:require-macros [re-com.core :refer [handler-fn]])
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[cljs-time.core :refer [now minus plus hours months days year month day day-of-week first-day-of-the-month before? after?]]
[re-com.validate :refer [goog-date? css-style? html-attr?] :refer-macros [validate-args-macro]]
[cljs-time.predicates :refer [sunday?]]
[cljs-time.format :refer [parse unparse formatters formatter]]
[ :refer [border h-box flex-child-style]]
[re-com.util :refer [deref-or-value now->utc]]
[re-com.popover :refer [popover-anchor-wrapper popover-content-wrapper]]))
;; Loosely based on ideas:
;; --- cljs-time facades ------------------------------------------------------
(def ^:const month-format (formatter "MMMM yyyy"))
(def ^:const week-format (formatter "ww"))
(def ^:const date-format (formatter "yyyy MMM dd"))
(defn iso8601->date [iso8601]
(when (seq iso8601)
(parse (formatters :basic-date) iso8601)))
(defn- month-label [date] (unparse month-format date))
(defn- dec-month [date] (minus date (months 1)))
(defn- inc-month [date] (plus date (months 1)))
(defn- inc-date [date n] (plus date (days n)))
(defn previous
"If date fails pred, subtract period until true, otherwise answer date"
;; date - a now if ommited
;; pred - can be one of cljs-time.predicate e.g. sunday? but anything that can deal with
;; period - a period which will be subtracted see cljs-time.core periods
;; Note: If period and pred do not represent same granularity, some steps may be skipped
; e.g Pass a Wed date, specify sunday? as pred and a period (days 2) will skip one Sunday.
(previous pred (now->utc)))
([pred date]
(previous pred date (days 1)))
([pred date period]
(if (pred date)
(recur pred (minus date period) period))))
(defn- =date [date1 date2]
(= (year date1) (year date2))
(= (month date1) (month date2))
(= (day date1) (day date2))))
(defn- <=date [date1 date2]
(or (=date date1 date2) (before? date1 date2)))
(defn- >=date [date1 date2]
(or (=date date1 date2) (after? date1 date2)))
(def ^:private days-vector
[{:key :Mo :short-name "M" :name "MON"}
{:key :Tu :short-name "T" :name "TUE"}
{:key :We :short-name "W" :name "WED"}
{:key :Th :short-name "T" :name "THU"}
{:key :Fr :short-name "F" :name "FRI"}
{:key :Sa :short-name "S" :name "SAT"}
{:key :Su :short-name "S" :name "SUN"}])
(defn- rotate
[n coll]
(let [c (count coll)]
(take c (drop (mod n c) (cycle coll)))))
(defn- is-day-pred [d]
#(= (day-of-week %) (inc d)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn- main-div-with
[table-div hide-border? class style attr]
;;extra h-box is currently necessary so that calendar & border do not strecth to width of any containing v-box
:children [[border
:radius "4px"
:size "none"
:border (when hide-border? "none")
:child [:div
{:class (str "rc-datepicker datepicker noselect " class)
;; override inherrited body larger 14px font-size
;; override position from css because we are inline
:style (merge {:font-size "13px"
:position "static"}
(defn- table-thead
"Answer 2 x rows showing month with nav buttons and days NOTE: not internationalized"
[current {show-weeks? :show-weeks? minimum :minimum maximum :maximum start-of-week :start-of-week}]
(let [prev-date (dec-month @current)
;prev-enabled? (if minimum (after? prev-date (dec-month minimum)) true)
prev-enabled? (if minimum (after? prev-date minimum) true)
next-date (inc-month @current)
next-enabled? (if maximum (before? next-date maximum) true)
template-row (if show-weeks? [:tr [:th]] [:tr])]
(conj template-row
[:th {:class (str "prev " (if prev-enabled? "available selectable" "disabled"))
:style {:padding "0px"}
:on-click (handler-fn (when prev-enabled? (reset! current prev-date)))}
{:style {:font-size "24px"}}]]
[:th {:class "month" :col-span "5"} (month-label @current)]
[:th {:class (str "next " (if next-enabled? "available selectable" "disabled"))
:style {:padding "0px"}
:on-click (handler-fn (when next-enabled? (reset! current next-date)))}
{:style {:font-size "24px"}}]])
(conj template-row
(for [day (rotate start-of-week days-vector)]
^{:key (:key day)} [:th {:class "day-enabled"} (str (:name day))]))]))
(defn- selection-changed
[selection change-callback]
(change-callback selection))
(defn- table-td
[date focus-month selected today {minimum :minimum maximum :maximum :as attributes} disabled? on-change]
;;following can be simplified and terse
(let [enabled-min (if minimum (>=date date minimum) true)
enabled-max (if maximum (<=date date maximum) true)
enabled-day (and enabled-min enabled-max)
disabled-day? (if enabled-day
(not ((:selectable-fn attributes) date))
styles (cond disabled?
(= focus-month (month date))
"available off")
styles (cond (and selected (=date selected date))
(str styles " active start-date end-date")
(and today (=date date today))
(str styles " today")
:else styles)
on-click #(when-not (or disabled? disabled-day?) (selection-changed date on-change))]
[:td {:class styles
:on-click (handler-fn (on-click))} (day date)]))
(defn- week-td [date]
[:td {:class "week"} (unparse week-format date)])
(defn- table-tr
"Return 7 columns of date cells from date inclusive"
[date focus-month selected attributes disabled? on-change]
; {:pre [(sunday? date)]}
(let [table-row (if (:show-weeks? attributes) [:tr (week-td date)] [:tr])
row-dates (map #(inc-date date %) (range 7))
today (if (:show-today? attributes) (:today attributes) nil)]
(into table-row (map #(table-td % focus-month selected today attributes disabled? on-change) row-dates))))
(defn- table-tbody
"Return matrix of 6 rows x 7 cols table cells representing 41 days from start-date inclusive"
[current selected attributes disabled? on-change]
(let [start-of-week (:start-of-week attributes)
current-start (previous (is-day-pred start-of-week) current)
focus-month (month current)
row-start-dates (map #(inc-date current-start (* 7 %)) (range 6))]
(into [:tbody] (map #(table-tr % focus-month selected attributes disabled? on-change) row-start-dates))))
(defn- configure
"Augment passed attributes with extra info/defaults"
(let [selectable-fn (if (-> attributes :selectable-fn fn?)
(:selectable-fn attributes)
(fn [date] true))]
(merge attributes {:selectable-fn selectable-fn :today (now->utc)})))
(def datepicker-args-desc
[{:name :model :required false :type " | atom" :validate-fn goog-date? :description "the selected date. If provided, should pass pred :selectable-fn"}
{:name :on-change :required true :type " -> nil" :validate-fn fn? :description "called when a new selection is made"}
{:name :disabled? :required false :default false :type "boolean | atom" :description "when true, the can't select dates but can navigate"}
{:name :selectable-fn :required false :default "(fn [date] true)" :type "pred" :validate-fn fn? :description "Predicate is passed a date. If it answers false, day will be shown disabled and can't be selected."}
{:name :show-weeks? :required false :default false :type "boolean" :description "when true, week numbers are shown to the left"}
{:name :show-today? :required false :default false :type "boolean" :description "when true, today's date is highlighted"}
{:name :minimum :required false :type "" :validate-fn goog-date? :description "no selection or navigation before this date"}
{:name :maximum :required false :type "" :validate-fn goog-date? :description "no selection or navigation after this date"}
{:name :start-of-week :required false :default 6 :type "int" :description "first day of week (Monday = 0 ... Sunday = 6)"}
{:name :hide-border? :required false :default false :type "boolean" :description "when true, the border is not displayed"}
{:name :class :required false :type "string" :validate-fn string? :description "CSS class names, space separated"}
{:name :style :required false :type "CSS style map" :validate-fn css-style? :description "CSS styles to add or override"}
{:name :attr :required false :type "HTML attr map" :validate-fn html-attr? :description [:span "HTML attributes, like " [:code ":on-mouse-move"] [:br] "No " [:code ":class"] " or " [:code ":style"] "allowed"]}
{:name :input-label? :required false :default false :type "boolean" :description "when true, label is editable input"}])
(defn datepicker
[& {:keys [model] :as args}]
{:pre [(validate-args-macro datepicker-args-desc args "datepicker")]}
(let [current (as-> (or (deref-or-value model) (now)) current
(-> current first-day-of-the-month reagent/atom))]
(fn datepicker-component
[& {:keys [model disabled? hide-border? on-change start-of-week class style attr]
:or {start-of-week 6} ;; Default to Sunday
:as properties}]
{:pre [(validate-args-macro datepicker-args-desc properties "datepicker")]}
(let [props-with-defaults (merge properties {:start-of-week start-of-week})
configuration (configure props-with-defaults)]
[:table {:class "table-condensed"}
[table-thead current configuration]
(deref-or-value model)
(if (nil? disabled?) false (deref-or-value disabled?))
(defn input-date [input-value model format on-change]
(let [invalid-format (reagent/atom false)]
(fn [input-value model format on-change]
[:input {:style (merge {:width "100px"}
(when @invalid-format
{:border "solid 2px red"}))
:value @input-value
:class "form-control"
:on-change #(do
(reset! input-value (-> % .-target .-value))
(do (parse
(formatter format)
(reset! invalid-format false))
(catch :default e e
(reset! invalid-format true)))))
:on-blur #(do (reset! input-value (-> % .-target .-value))
(when-not @invalid-format
(selection-changed (parse
(formatter format)
@input-value) on-change)))}])))
(defn- anchor-input
"Provide editable field with current date and dropdown button e.g. [ 2014 Sep 17 | # ]"
[shown? model format on-change]
[:div {:class "input-group display-flex noselect"
:style (flex-child-style "none")}
:align :center
:min-width "10em"
:children [(let [input-value (reagent/atom
(if (instance? js/ (deref-or-value model))
(unparse (if (seq format) (formatter format) date-format) (deref-or-value model))
[input-date input-value model format on-change])
{:style {:padding "3px 0px 0px 0px"}
:on-click (handler-fn (swap! shown? not))}
[:i.zmdi.zmdi-apps {:style {:font-size "24px"}}]]]]])
(defn- anchor-button
"Provide clickable field with current date label and dropdown button e.g. [ 2014 Sep 17 | # ]"
[shown? model format]
[:div {:class "input-group display-flex noselect"
:style (flex-child-style "none")
:on-click (handler-fn (swap! shown? not))}
:align :center
:class "noselect"
:min-width "10em"
:children [[:label {:class "form-control dropdown-button"}
(if (instance? js/ (deref-or-value model))
(unparse (if (seq format) (formatter format) date-format) (deref-or-value model))
{:style {:padding "3px 0px 0px 0px"}}
[:i.zmdi.zmdi-apps {:style {:font-size "24px"}}]]]]])
(def datepicker-dropdown-args-desc
(conj datepicker-args-desc
{:name :format :required false :default "yyyy MMM dd" :type "string" :description "[datepicker-dropdown only] a represenatation of a date format. See cljs_time.format"}
{:name :no-clip? :required false :default true :type "boolean" :description "[datepicker-dropdown only] when an anchor is in a scrolling region (e.g. scroller component), the popover can sometimes be clipped. When this parameter is true (which is the default), re-com will use a different CSS method to show the popover. This method is slightly inferior because the popover can't track the anchor if it is repositioned"}))
(defn datepicker-dropdown
[& {:as args}]
{:pre [(validate-args-macro datepicker-dropdown-args-desc args "datepicker-dropdown")]}
(let [shown? (reagent/atom false)
cancel-popover #(reset! shown? false)
position :below-left]
[& {:keys [model show-weeks? on-change format no-clip?]
:or {no-clip? true}
:as passthrough-args}]
(let [collapse-on-select (fn [new-model]
(reset! shown? false)
(when on-change (on-change new-model))) ;; wrap callback to collapse popover
passthrough-args (dissoc passthrough-args :format) ;; :format is only valid at this API level
passthrough-args (->> (assoc passthrough-args :on-change collapse-on-select)
(merge {:hide-border? true}) ;; apply defaults
:showing? shown?
:position position
:anchor (if (:input-label? args)
[anchor-input shown? model format on-change]
[anchor-button shown? model format])
:popover [popover-content-wrapper
:showing? shown?
:position position
:position-offset (if show-weeks? 43 44)
:no-clip? no-clip?
:arrow-length 0
:arrow-width 0
:arrow-gap 3
:padding "0px"
:on-cancel cancel-popover
:body (into [datepicker] passthrough-args)]]))))
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