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Created June 28, 2024 23:51
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For OrcaSlicer/issues/5661
import argparse
import collections
import contextlib
import dataclasses
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import math
import operator
import os
import pathlib
import pprint
import re
import sys
import textwrap
import traceback
import typing
from frozendict import frozendict, deepfreeze
import aenum
import numpy as np
import shapely
import shapely.ops
import shapely.validation
def main(args):
lines = read_lines(args.input)
config = parse_config(lines)
geom_data = parse_geometry(lines)
all_processors = [
_p_realign_spiral_zhop(geom_data, 5, add_pre_pause_ms=50)
for proc in all_processors:
lines = proc(lines)
assert lines, 'Bad processor impl didn\'t return any lines!'
out_fp = args.input
if not args.real_run:
# Use temp file
out_fp = out_fp.with_stem(out_fp.stem + '__gcpp')
print(f'Writing {out_fp=} ...')
with open(out_fp, 'w') as f:
f.writelines(line + '\n' for line in lines)
print('\nSUCCESS -- all done')
def _p_realign_spiral_zhop(geom_data, deg, add_pre_pause_ms=0):
start_angle is relative to the current xy motion vector
positive means curving inwards slightly
rad = np.radians(180 + deg)
rot_ccw = np.array([
[np.cos(rad), -np.sin(rad)],
[np.sin(rad), np.cos(rad)]
rot_cw = np.array([
[np.cos(-rad), -np.sin(-rad)],
[np.sin(-rad), np.cos(-rad)]
def _f(g, ms):
if not ms.is_in_zhop:
assert g.op != 'G2', 'Not supported yet!'
if g.op not in {'G3'}:
wall_vec, _ = geom_data[ms.layer_num].find_nearest_wall(ms.x, ms.y)
wall_dist = np.linalg.norm(wall_vec)
assert wall_dist > 0
# Prepare new spiral (i,j) relative to the wall, but
# retaining original scale
ij = g.get_vec('ij')
assert not any(v is None for v in ij)
scale = np.linalg.norm(ij) / wall_dist
new_ij = (wall_vec[0] * scale, wall_vec[1] * scale)
# Match rotation direction to current motion
# G2 is CW, G3 is CCW
rel_angle = rads_between(ms.xy_diff, wall_vec)
if rel_angle >= 0:
op = 'G3'
new_ij =, new_ij)
op = 'G2'
new_ij =, new_ij)
assert abs(np.linalg.norm(new_ij) - np.linalg.norm(ij)) < 0.001
tag = f'VecAlign W(x{round(wall_vec[0], 4)}, y{round(wall_vec[1], 4)} d{round(wall_dist, 4)})'
res = [
g.derive(op=op, tag=tag, i=new_ij[0], j=new_ij[1])
if add_pre_pause_ms > 0:
res = [
g.derive(op='G4', tag='AddPause', update=False, p=add_pre_pause_ms)
] + res
return res
return functools.partial(apply_lines_processor, line_func=_f)
def rads_between(a, b):
Rads between a and b, where b is the reference like (1, 0)
typically. Kind of like (angle(a) - angle(b)).
# Range of each atan2 is (-pi, pi]
# so initial rough range is (-2pi, 2pi)
rads = math.atan2(a[1], a[0]) - math.atan2(b[1], b[0])
rads %= 2 * math.pi # [0, 2pi)
if rads > math.pi: rads -= 2 * math.pi # (-pi, pi]
return rads
def as_collection(item, seq_cls, default=None):
Normalize the item by wrapping it in a simple collection type
(list, set, tuple, etc.) if needed.
Also supports other "smart" conversions. E.g., empty collection
if the item is None, etc.
match item:
case seq_cls():
return item
case None:
if default is not None:
return as_collection(default, seq_cls)
return seq_cls()
# Match against explicit types since there are too many other
# Collection-ish items that are more appropriate kept together
# (str, dict, etc.)
case list() | set () | tuple():
return seq_cls(item)
return seq_cls((item,))
def sample_printer(max_times=25, indent=4):
Generates a function equivalent to 'print', but with
functionality specific to data sampling cases -- where
it's useful to dump out a few lines, but they shouldn't
completely spam the output.
n = 0
def f(*args, **kwds):
nonlocal n
n += 1
if n <= max_times:
print(' ' * indent, end='')
print(*args, **kwds)
elif n == (max_times + 1):
print(f'{" " * indent}... (extra lines hidden)')
yield f
print(f'{" " * indent}... ({n} total lines)\n')
def apply_lines_processor(lines:list[str], line_func) -> list[str]:
Driver for basic line-by-line processing
Just in case, each processor run is fully isolated -- intaking
and outputting raw line strings only.
The provided line handler function can return None to
indicate the current line isn't related to its processing --
and thus have it carried over as-is to the output.
Or return a list of new GcodeLine items to add instead.
Similarly, an empty list effectively deletes the line.
output = []
num_changed = 0
with sample_printer() as sampler:
for g, ms in iter_line_items(lines):
res = None
if ms.is_main_feature:
res = line_func(g, ms)
if res is not None:
num_changed += 1
for r in as_collection(res, list, g):
if r != g:
assert isinstance(r, GcodeLine)
assert num_changed > 0, 'Sanity check: each processor must do something...'
return output
def read_lines(fp):
lines = []
with open(fp, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
# Remove \n, whitespace, etc., but keep left side indents
line = line.rstrip()
return lines
def iter_line_items(lines):
Standard boilerplate for iterating over enriched/parsed lines
ms = MotionState()
for line in lines:
g = parse_line_cached(line)
ms = ms.update(g)
yield (g, ms)
def parse_config(lines):
config = {}
in_section = False
for line in lines:
g = parse_line_cached(line)
match g.comment:
in_section = True
# Sort by keys for consistency
return frozendict(sorted(config.items()))
case _ if in_section:
kv = g.comment.split('=', 1)
assert len(kv) == 2
k, v = kv[0].strip(), kv[1].strip()
if v.endswith('%'):
v = v[:-1]
# For now, only take non-numeric configs
config[k] = float(v)
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError
def parse_geometry(lines) -> list['LayerGeometry']:
print('\nParsing print geometry...')
geom_data = []
for layer_num, items in itertools.groupby(iter_line_items(lines), key=lambda gms: gms[1].layer_num):
print(f' Layer {layer_num}:')
assert len(geom_data) == layer_num
items = list(items)
geom = LayerGeometry(items)
for p in geom.wall_props:
print(f' {p}')
if layer_num >= 1:
assert len(geom.wall_props) >= 1, 'At least 1 wall for each layer...'
return geom_data
def safe_op(op, a, b, a_default=0, b_default=0):
Apply an operation, with fallback for None types
If both values are non-None after resolving defaults,
evaluate and return the result of `op`.
Otherwise, return either the singular non-None value,
or None if both are none.
a = a_default if a is None else a
b = b_default if b is None else b
match (a, b):
case (None, None):
return None
case (None, _):
return b
case (_, None):
return a
case (_, _):
return op(a, b)
raise RuntimeError
def safe_vec(op, a_items, b_items, *args, **kwds) -> tuple:
Batched version
assert len(a_items) == len(b_items)
return tuple(safe_op(op, a, b, *args, **kwds) for a, b in zip(a_items, b_items))
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class MotionState:
xyz: tuple[float, float, float] = (None, None, None)
xy_diff: tuple[float, float] = (None, None)
xy_dist: float = None
moved_now: bool = None
# Extrusion for just the current segment; since the last retraction (E<0).
# <0 means it's still retracted and pending compensation.
ext_seg: float = 0
fan: float = None # Primary fan speed (others ignored)
accel: float = None # Acceleration in mm/s^2
feature: str = None # 'outer_wall', 'brim', etc. normalized lowercase with _'s
line_width: float = None # Current line width in mm
layer_num: int = 0 # First layer is 1
layer_z: float = None # Current layer z height in mm
layer_height: float = None
# Custom stuff, via user-added Machine G-code, postprocessors, etc.
user_block: str = ''
# Mechanism to delay changes until the next update.
# For handling tags that are technically inclusive. E.g.,
# count a marker like '; END_SECTION' as part of whatever
# preceeding group it represents.
change_after: frozendict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=frozendict)
# Derived stuff
is_fully_defined: bool = dataclasses.field(init=False, default=False)
# Handles both:
# With key: '; LINE_WIDTH: 0.831828', '; FEATURE: Bottom surface'
# Without key: '; WIPE_START'
BLOCK_MARKER_RE: typing.ClassVar = re.compile(r'(?P<key>[A-Z_]+)(?::\s*(?P<value>[a-zA-Z0-9_. ]+))?')
def __post_init__(self):
assert isinstance(self.change_after, frozendict)
data = dataclasses.astuple(self)
# Quick and dirty for now...
# This is a relatively good "bad" solution since it will never
# mis-identify bad states as valid.
is_fully_defined = 'None' not in repr(data)
object.__setattr__(self, 'is_fully_defined', is_fully_defined)
def update(self, g: 'GcodeLine') -> 'MotionState':
changes = dict(self.change_after)
change_after = {}
changes['change_after'] = change_after
changes['moved_now'] = False
match g.op:
case 'G0' | 'G1' | 'G2' | 'G3':
cur_xyz = g.get_vec('xyz',
changes['xyz'] = cur_xyz
xy_diff = safe_vec(operator.sub, cur_xyz[:2],[:2])
xy_dist = np.linalg.norm(xy_diff)
if xy_dist > 0.001: # Ignore micro changes
changes['xy_diff'] = xy_diff
changes['xy_dist'] = xy_dist
changes['moved_now'] = True
diff_e = g.get('e', 0)
if diff_e != 0:
if diff_e < 0 and self.ext_seg > 0:
# Reset from retraction
changes['ext_seg'] = diff_e
changes['ext_seg'] = diff_e + self.ext_seg
case 'M106':
if g.get('p', 1) == 1:
changes['fan'] = g.get('s',
case 'M107':
if g.get('p', 1) == 1:
changes['fan'] = 0
case 'M204':
changes['accel'] = g.get('s', self.accel)
if g.op is None:
m = self.BLOCK_MARKER_RE.fullmatch(g.comment)
match None if m is None else m.groups():
case ('FEATURE', value):
assert (not self.user_block) or (changes.get('user_block') == ''), 'Feature transition should never happen inside user block'
changes['feature'] = value.lower().replace(' ', '_')
case ('LINE_WIDTH', value):
changes['line_width'] = float(value)
# These ones happen in sequence one after another
case ('CHANGE_LAYER', value):
# Note: feature DOES NOT reset on layer change. E.g., if you get multiple
# pure-wall layers one after another
changes['layer_num'] = self.layer_num + 1
changes['layer_z'] = None
changes['layer_height'] = None
case ('Z_HEIGHT', value):
changes['layer_z'] = float(value)
case ('LAYER_HEIGHT', value):
changes['layer_height'] = float(value)
# NOT OrcaSlicer standard... added manually in gcode blocks
# Format:
# ; BEGIN_CUSTOM_GCODE section_name [... optional other stuff]
# ; END_CUSTOM_GCODE section_name
case ('BEGIN_CUSTOM_GCODE', value):
changes['user_block'] = value.strip()
case ('END_CUSTOM_GCODE', value):
assert self.user_block.startswith(value), 'Incorrect start vs. end block pair'
change_after['user_block'] = ''
changes['change_after'] = frozendict(changes['change_after'])
return dataclasses.replace(self, **changes)
def xy_unitvec(self):
'''Return a 2-tuple representing the current xy unit vector.'''
dx, dy = self.xy_diff
dist = self.xy_dist
return (dx / dist, dy / dist)
def xy(self):
def x(self):
def y(self):
def z(self):
def xy_prev(self):
dx, dy = self.xy_diff
return (self.x - dx, self.y - dy)
def is_in_zhop(self):
return self.ext_seg <= 0
def is_main_feature(self):
True if currently in the "meat" of printing the object. False
if it's other system support stuff like pre-print gcode, etc.
return ((self.layer_num > 0)
and self.is_fully_defined
and (not self.user_block))
def oval_rect_offset(self):
Effective line width difference (in mm) between an oval vs.
rectangular cross section based approach
Orca uses oval line widths. the equivalent rectangular line
width is less than that.
This varies WRT layer height
return self.line_width * (1 - (math.pi / 4))
def parse_line_cached(line):
'''Thin wrapper for caching'''
return GcodeLine(line)
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class GcodeLine:
# Raw input line, mostly as-is
line: str
# Only None iff the line is empty / pure comment
op: str | None
# Only populated with recognized-valid values
kwds: frozendict[str, str]
# Comment component
comment: str
# True iff line doesn't contain any weird stuff like
# 'M1002 set_gcode_claim_speed_level : 5'
is_simple: bool
indent: int
# Mirrored from kwds, but parsed into numbers
_vals: frozendict[str, float | int] = dataclasses.field(repr=False)
OP_RE: typing.ClassVar = re.compile(r'[GMT][0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?') # Supports optional '.N'
SIMPLE_KWD_RE: typing.ClassVar = re.compile(r'([A-Z])(.+)')
MOVE_OPS: typing.ClassVar = { 'G0', 'G1', 'G2', 'G3' }
ARC_OPS: typing.ClassVar = { 'G2', 'G3' }
def __init__(self, line: str):
assert isinstance(line, str)
line = line.rstrip()
indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
comment_tokens = line.split(';', 1)
assert 1 <= len(comment_tokens) <= 2
comment = comment_tokens[1].strip() if len(comment_tokens) >= 2 else ''
is_simple = True
op_tokens = comment_tokens[0].split() # Self-handles pre/post whitespace
op = None
kwds = {}
_vals = {}
if op_tokens:
op = op_tokens[0]
if not self.OP_RE.fullmatch(op):
raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported gcode on {line=}')
for kwd in op_tokens[1:]:
m = self.SIMPLE_KWD_RE.fullmatch(kwd)
if not m:
is_simple = False
key, val = m.groups()
assert len(key) == 1
num = float(val) if ('.' in val) else int(val)
if math.isfinite(num):
kwds[key] = val
_vals[key] = num
except ValueError:
is_simple = False
object.__setattr__(self, 'line', line)
object.__setattr__(self, 'op', op)
object.__setattr__(self, 'kwds', frozendict(kwds))
object.__setattr__(self, 'comment', comment)
object.__setattr__(self, 'is_simple', is_simple)
object.__setattr__(self, 'indent', indent)
object.__setattr__(self, '_vals', frozendict(_vals))
def is_move(self):
return self.op in self.MOVE_OPS
def is_printing_move(self):
# Sometimes scarf joint can emit E0 because of rounding
# even though technically that's a travel move...
# Hence we check for prescense rather than numeric value here
return self.is_move and ('E' in self.kwds)
def is_travel_move(self):
return self.is_move and not self.is_printing_move
def get(self, key, default=None) -> float:
'''Convenience single-value getter'''
return self._vals.get(key.upper(), default)
def get_vec(self, keys: str, defaults=None) -> tuple[float]:
Convenience batch-getter
E.g., .get('xyz') -> (0.0, 1.0, 2.0)
defaults is a sequence of base values for filling unavailable
spots. This can also be used to apply/mask on top of previous
defaults = defaults or ((None,) * len(keys))
assert len(defaults) == len(keys)
return tuple(self.get(k, d) for k, d in zip(keys, defaults))
def derive(self, op=None, update=True, tag=None, **kwds) -> 'GcodeLine':
Derive a new GcodeLine based on the current instance.
- op
Replacement operator, if provided
- update
If true, use existing kwds as the basis and merge in new values.
Otherwise, start fresh with only the provided kwds.
- tag
Optional tag identifying the purpose
- **kwds
Individual values for new kwds/vals
tokens = []
tokens.append(self.op if op is None else op.upper())
merged = dict(self.kwds) if update else {}
for k, v in kwds.items():
assert len(k) == 1
k = k.upper()
match v:
case float():
merged[k] = f'{v:.4f}'
case _:
merged[k] = str(v).strip()
tokens.extend([f'{k}{v}' for k, v in merged.items()])
tokens.append(f'; _p{"" if tag is None else ":" + tag}'
f' < [{self.op}{";" + self.comment if self.comment else ""}]')
return GcodeLine((' ' * self.indent) + ' '.join(tokens))
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class WallProp:
tier: int
is_outward: bool # aka contour
nesting: tuple[int]
shell: shapely.LinearRing = dataclasses.field(repr=False)
area: float
bounds: tuple
num_holes: int
def __init__(self, tier, nesting, poly):
assert isinstance(poly, shapely.Polygon)
is_outward = (tier % 2) == 0
if is_outward:
shell = poly.exterior
# Note: gets ignored if no interiors for some reason
shell = shapely.unary_union(poly.interiors)
if not shell.is_empty:
assert shell.is_valid
assert isinstance(shell, shapely.LinearRing) or isinstance(shell, shapely.LineString)
object.__setattr__(self, 'tier', tier)
object.__setattr__(self, 'is_outward', is_outward)
object.__setattr__(self, 'nesting', nesting)
object.__setattr__(self, 'shell', shell)
# Just for sanity/quick reference, not for calculations
object.__setattr__(self, 'area', round(poly.area, 2))
object.__setattr__(self, 'bounds', tuple(round(b, 2) for b in shell.bounds))
object.__setattr__(self, 'num_holes', len(poly.interiors))
def is_inward(self):
# aka hole
return not self.is_outward
class LayerGeometry:
Encapsulates polygon information for a single layer.
E.g., its wall loops, etc.
Shapely notes:
within, contains
'A contains B' if no points of B are outside of A, AND at least one
point of B is inside A.
within(A, B) == contains(B, A)
intersects, disjoint
** good general checker
True if A and B share any portion of space
intersects(A, B) == ~disjoint(A, B)
intersects is a composite of: overlaps OR touches OR within
overlaps means having some points in common + same geometry type + other stuff
fully contains is not overlapping
very strict... NOT preferred
True if the only points shared between A and B are on the boundary of A and B.
covers, covered_by
** prefer this over within/contains
'A covers B' if no points of B are outside of A
covers(A, B) == covered_by(B, A)
stricter version of covers that disallows common boundary points.
wall_tree: shapely.strtree.STRtree = dataclasses.field(repr=False)
wall_props: tuple
def __init__(self, items):
wall_polys = self.get_clean_polys(items)
wall_props = [] # Synced indices with wall_tree
wall_shells = []
# Resolve tiering
exterior_tree = shapely.strtree.STRtree([ shapely.Polygon(p.exterior) for p in wall_polys ])
for i, p in enumerate(wall_polys):
# Note: dilation amount must be less than initial pad, otherwise
# searching might fail from disappearing point.
fuzzy_target = shapely.Polygon(p.exterior).buffer(-0.10)
nesting = exterior_tree.query(fuzzy_target, predicate='covered_by')
nesting = tuple(nesting.tolist()) # from np array
assert len(nesting) >= 1
tier = len(nesting) - 1
wp = WallProp(tier, nesting, p)
# (Optional): validate
for p in wall_props:
expected_nested_tiers = set(range(p.tier + 1)) # E.g., 3 -> {0, 1, 2, 3}
actual_nested_tiers = set(wall_props[i].tier for i in p.nesting)
assert expected_nested_tiers == actual_nested_tiers
wall_tree = shapely.strtree.STRtree(wall_shells)
object.__setattr__(self, 'wall_tree', wall_tree)
object.__setattr__(self, 'wall_props', deepfreeze(wall_props))
def find_nearest_wall(self, x, y):
p_src = shapely.Point(x, y)
idx = self.wall_tree.nearest(p_src)
prop = self.wall_props[idx]
p_wall, _ = shapely.ops.nearest_points(, p_src)
vec = (float(p_wall.x - p_src.x), float(p_wall.y - p_src.y))
assert any(vec)
return (vec, prop)
def get_clean_polys(cls, items) -> list:
Get cleaned donuts, after merging random artifacts (thick single segments
at tips of spikes, etc.) into larger shapes
loose_polys = list(cls.iter_all_polys(items))
if len(loose_polys) <= 1:
return loose_polys
merged = shapely.ops.unary_union(loose_polys)
match merged:
case shapely.Polygon():
return [ merged ]
case shapely.GeometryCollection() | shapely.MultiPolygon():
return [ p for p in merged.geoms if isinstance(p, shapely.Polygon) ]
raise NotImplementedError
def iter_all_polys(cls, items):
Yields raw wall shapes, converted from paths/segments
Typically a donut, but might be lots of random sparse segments
if slicing is acting dumb
for seg in cls.iter_wall_paths(items):
# At this point, we have the full outer wall path, possibly
# with slight overlap from scarf joint, etc.
line_string = shapely.LineString(seg)
assert line_string.is_valid
# Polygon is a donut-like shape, with its
# actual surface roughly matching the printed path
# of the wall, with slight width/thickness.
# # Wide enough to merge nearby stuff. Keep below min_LW / 2
polygon = line_string.buffer(0.15)
assert polygon.is_valid and isinstance(polygon, shapely.Polygon)
assert not polygon.is_empty
# polygon.interiors can be 0 if narrow ring, 1 if regular donut, 2+ if dogbone
yield polygon
def iter_wall_paths(cls, items):
Yields line segments representing the printing path of a single
wall. Each line segment is a sequence of (x, y) points.
buffer = []
for g, ms in items:
is_building = False
if ms.feature not in { 'outer_wall', 'overhang_wall' }:
if ms.is_in_zhop:
# Sometimes the slicer generates a non-printing G1
# with the same (x,y) as a preceeding printing G1.
# In context, there's actually no travel being done...
if g.is_travel_move and ms.moved_now:
is_building = True
# Skip over comments etc., but continue parsing
if (not ms.is_main_feature) or (not g.is_printing_move):
assert g.op not in {'G2', 'G3'}, 'Arcs not supported!'
# Include initial starting point
if not buffer:
if (not is_building) and buffer:
# print(g, ms)
yield tuple(buffer)
# Flush remainder
if buffer:
yield tuple(buffer)
def auto_traceback(f):
Decorator that automatically dumps local variables when an exception
is thrown from the wrapped function. Reduces the need for manually
attaching contextual information to assertion failure messages, etc.
Note: This DOES NOT swallow the exception itself
def my_function(...):
def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
return f(*args, **kwds)
print('---------------- Frame dump ----------------', end='')
exc = sys.exception()
if isinstance(exc, SystemExit) and exc.code == 0:
print('\nNot needed for clean SystemExit: 0')
tb = exc.__traceback__
base_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() # Current file dir
summaries = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
frames = (frame for frame, _ in traceback.walk_tb(tb))
for i, (summary, frame) in enumerate(zip(summaries, frames), 0):
# Skip outermost frame (here in this closure)
if i <= 0:
# Depth protection
if i >= 10:
print(f'\n[{i}] Stopping at depth limit')
co = frame.f_code
src_path = pathlib.Path(co.co_filename).absolute()
is_nearby = src_path.is_relative_to(base_dir) # Quick and dirty qualifier for now
sig = None
func = frame.f_globals[co.co_name]
sig = inspect.signature(func)
except KeyError:
# Not available for local functions, like this decorator wrapper
print(f'\n[{i}] Function `{co.co_qualname}{sig or "(...)"}`')
print(f' Defined in "{ if is_nearby else src_path}", line {co.co_firstlineno}')
# Shorten output in external frames
if (not is_nearby) and src_path.match('*/Python*/Lib/*'):
print(f' <external_code>')
def dump_fmt(obj):
s = repr(obj)
except Exception as e:
s = f'<repr failed: {e}>'
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(
width = 80,
subsequent_indent = ' ' * 16,
max_lines = 10,
placeholder = f' ... [{len(s):,} chars]')
return wrapper.fill(s)
params: dict = sig.parameters if sig else {}
if params:
print(f' Args:')
for k in params.keys():
print(f' {k} := {dump_fmt(frame.f_locals.get(k))}')
print(f' Locals:')
for k, v in frame.f_locals.items():
if k not in params:
print(f' {k} := {dump_fmt(v)}')
print(f'\n Trace, line {summary.lineno}:')
dent = len(summary._line.rstrip()) - len(summary.line)
print(f' {summary.line}')
print(f' {" " * (summary.colno - dent)}{"^" * (summary.end_colno - summary.colno)}')
traceback.print_exc(limit=0) # Just pretty-formatted exception type
return wrapper
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Custom GCode postprocessor')
parser.add_argument('input', type=pathlib.Path, metavar='IN_GCODE', help='Input file')
default_real_run = any(k.startswith('SLIC3R') for k in os.environ)
parser.add_argument('--real-run', action='store_true', default=default_real_run,
help='DEV-ONLY: Process the file as if it were invoked by the slicer -- '
'with small changes like overwriting in-place, etc. '
'By default, this is automatically inferred via SLIC3R env prescense. '
f'(Optional; Default: currently {default_real_run})')
args = parser.parse_args()
has_error = True
# Dynamically applied decorator
has_error = False
if args.real_run and has_error:
input('Press Enter to continue...')
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