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Created April 28, 2013 07:50
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Save czpython/5476222 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Parses the interview files provided by
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from re import match, findall, DOTALL
from os import listdir
from os.path import dirname, abspath
from unipath import Path
import yaml
import markdown
INTERVIEW_FILES_DIRECTORY = Path(abspath(__file__)).ancestor(1).child('usesthis').child('_posts')
UNWANTED_KEYS = ['slug', 'summary', 'layout', 'credits']
HEADER_REGEX = "(?P<yml>^---.*)\n---"
WORDS_REGEX = '\[([^\[\(\)]+)\]\[([a-z0-9\.\-]+)?\]'
def main():
filenames = get_files()
md = markdown.Markdown()
interviews = []
for filename in filenames:
with open(INTERVIEW_FILES_DIRECTORY.child(filename), 'r') as md_file:
md_string =
yml_header = match(HEADER_REGEX, md_string, DOTALL).groupdict()['yml']
interview = yaml.load(yml_header)
# Remove unwanted keys
for key in UNWANTED_KEYS:
if key in interview:
del interview[key]
existing_words = [words[1] for words in findall(WORDS_REGEX, md_string) if words[1]]
interview['words'] = existing_words
return interviews
def get_files():
names = [filename
for filename in listdir(INTERVIEW_FILES_DIRECTORY) if filename.endswith(INTERVIEW_FILE_EXTENSION)
return names
if __name__ == "__main__":
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