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Created November 29, 2024 13:21
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uv.lock file
version = 1
requires-python = ">=3.12"
name = "asgiref"
version = "3.8.1"
source = { registry = "" }
sdist = { url = "", hash = "sha256:c343bd80a0bec947a9860adb4c432ffa7db769836c64238fc34bdc3fec84d590", size = 35186 }
wheels = [
{ url = "", hash = "sha256:3e1e3ecc849832fe52ccf2cb6686b7a55f82bb1d6aee72a58826471390335e47", size = 23828 },
name = "django"
version = "5.1.3"
source = { registry = "" }
dependencies = [
{ name = "asgiref" },
{ name = "sqlparse" },
{ name = "tzdata", marker = "sys_platform == 'win32'" },
sdist = { url = "", hash = "sha256:c0fa0e619c39325a169208caef234f90baa925227032ad3f44842ba14d75234a", size = 10698518 }
wheels = [
{ url = "", hash = "sha256:8b38a9a12da3ae00cb0ba72da985ec4b14de6345046b1e174b1fd7254398f818", size = 8276180 },
name = "sqlparse"
version = "0.5.2"
source = { registry = "" }
sdist = { url = "", hash = "sha256:9e37b35e16d1cc652a2545f0997c1deb23ea28fa1f3eefe609eee3063c3b105f", size = 84951 }
wheels = [
{ url = "", hash = "sha256:e99bc85c78160918c3e1d9230834ab8d80fc06c59d03f8db2618f65f65dda55e", size = 44407 },
name = "tzdata"
version = "2024.2"
source = { registry = "" }
sdist = { url = "", hash = "sha256:7d85cc416e9382e69095b7bdf4afd9e3880418a2413feec7069d533d6b4e31cc", size = 193282 }
wheels = [
{ url = "", hash = "sha256:a48093786cdcde33cad18c2555e8532f34422074448fbc874186f0abd79565cd", size = 346586 },
name = "uv-demo"
version = "0.1.0"
source = { virtual = "." }
dependencies = [
{ name = "django" },
requires-dist = [{ name = "django", specifier = ">=5.0" }]
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