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Last active December 27, 2016 01:25
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Large refactor with demonstration of problem and inefficieny
ArduinoPlotter_processingListener is the source processing script that corresponds to the
Plotter library for Arduino. The library supports plots against time as well as 2-variable
"X vs Y" graphing.
The library transfers information via the serial port to a listener program written with the
software provided by Processing. No modification is needed to this program; graph placement,
axis-scaling, etc. are handled automatically.
Multiple options for this listener are available including stand-alone applications as well
as the source Processing script.
The library, these listeners, a quick-start guide, and usage examples are available at:
by Devin Conley
import processing.serial.*;
Serial port;
final int[] COLORS = {#00FF00,#FF0000,#0000FF, #FEFF00, #FF9900, #FF00FF}; //int color codes
final char STARTER_KEY = '^';
final char OUTER_KEY = '#';
final String INNER_KEY = "@";
final float AXIS_COVERAGE = 0.75;
final int LABEL_SZ = 14; // text sizes
final int TITLE_SZ = 16;
final int NUM_SZ = 10;
final int MARGIN_SZ = 20; // between plots
final int BG_COL = 75; //
final int PLOT_COL = 115;
final int TICK_LEN = 6;
final int NUM_TICKS = 5;
final float PT_SZ = 1.5;
// Setup and config Globals
int h;
int w;
float sub_height;
float sub_width;
int num_graphs;
int total_vars;
int max_points;
String config_code = "This will not be matched!";
boolean configured = false;
int last_config;
// Graph-specific setup globals
float[][] pos_graphs; // [g] stored as {+x, +y} from origin
String[] titles; // [g]
boolean[] xvy; // [g]
int[] first_index_graphs; // [g] -> index?
int[] sz_graphs; // [g] num of values tracked in each graph
int[] num_points; // [g]
double[][] extreme_graphs___; // [g] {min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y}
int[][] extreme_graphs_c_; // [g] {min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y} tracks since last set (how do we know?) (has it ever been set?)
int[] pos_x; // [g]
String[][] labels; // [g]
double[][][][] data; // [g] [ 0 .. num_points[g] ] [ f_i_g[g] .. (f_i_g[g] + sz_graphs[g]) ] [ 0 = timestamp (for xvt), 1 = data point ]
volatile boolean waiting_for_packet = true;
volatile boolean waiting_for_draw = false;
int number_of_data_points = 0;
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
h = height;
w = width;
String portID = Serial.list()[0];
port = new Serial(this, portID, 115200);
void draw() {
try {
if (configured) {
int x = 0;
while(waiting_for_packet) {
for (int which_graph = 0; which_graph < num_graphs; which_graph++) {
if (xvy[which_graph]) {
} else {
waiting_for_packet = true;
//waiting_for_draw = false;
if (debug_plot)
if ( h != height || w != width) {
h = height;
w = width;
} catch (Exception e) {}
void plot_background(int graph) {
// Plot Background
// Title
textAlign(CENTER, TOP);
text(titles[graph], pos_graphs[graph][0] + sub_width/2, pos_graphs[graph][1] + TITLE_SZ);
void plot_xy(int g) {
int graph = g;
int k = first_index_graphs[graph];
// Calculations for offset and scaling of graph
double x_scale = AXIS_COVERAGE * sub_width / (extreme_graphs___[graph][1] - extreme_graphs___[graph][0]);
double y_scale = AXIS_COVERAGE * sub_height / (extreme_graphs___[graph][3] - extreme_graphs___[graph][2]);
double x_offset = x_scale * extreme_graphs___[graph][0] - 0.5 * (1.0 - AXIS_COVERAGE) * sub_width;
double y_offset = y_scale * extreme_graphs___[graph][3] + 0.5 * (1.0 - AXIS_COVERAGE) * sub_height;
if (debug_plot_xy) {
println("plot_xy:\t\txvy:\tx_scale: " + x_scale + "\ty_scale: " + y_scale + "\tx offset: " + x_offset + "\ty_offset: " + y_offset);
// X and Y labels
textAlign(LEFT, TOP); text(labels[g][k+1], pos_graphs[graph][0] + 10, pos_graphs[graph][1] + 10);
textAlign(RIGHT, BOTTOM); text(labels[g][k] , pos_graphs[graph][0] + sub_width - 10, pos_graphs[graph][1] + sub_height - 3 * NUM_SZ);
// ** add support for multiple paths in x-y here **
int target = num_points[graph];
for (int j = 0; j < target; j++) {
//int color_index = j % 6;
float x = (float)(pos_graphs[graph][0] + (data[g][j][k][1] * x_scale - x_offset));
float y = (float)(pos_graphs[graph][1] + y_offset - data[g][j][k+1][1] * y_scale );
if (debug_plot_xy /*&& j >= (target - 5)*/) {
println("plot_xy:\t\t" + "xvy:\t" + j + " " + "\t(x,y): " + data[g][j][k][1] + "," + data[g][j][k+1][1]);
void plot_time(int g) {
int k = first_index_graphs[g];
// Calculations for offset and scaling of graph
double x_scale = sub_width / (extreme_graphs___[g][1] - extreme_graphs___[g][0]);
double y_scale = AXIS_COVERAGE * sub_height / (extreme_graphs___[g][3] - extreme_graphs___[g][2]);
double x_offset = x_scale * extreme_graphs___[g][0];
//double x_offset = x_scale * extreme_graphs___[g][0] - 0.5 * (1.0 - AXIS_COVERAGE) * sub_width;
double y_offset = y_scale * extreme_graphs___[g][3] + 0.5 * (1.0 - AXIS_COVERAGE) * sub_height;
if (debug_plot_time) {
println("plot_time:\txvt:\tx_scale: " + x_scale + "\ty_scale: " + y_scale + "\tx offset: " + x_offset + "\ty_offset: " + y_offset);
// Plot legend
float textPos = pos_graphs[g][1] + LABEL_SZ;
textAlign(RIGHT, TOP);
// Plot each line
for (int i = 0; i < sz_graphs[g]; i++) {
text(labels[g][k + i],pos_graphs[g][0] + sub_width - 10,textPos);
textPos += (LABEL_SZ + 3);
// FIXME int target = extreme_graphs_c_[graph][2] - 1;
int target = num_points[g];
for (int j = 0; j < target; j++) {
float x = (float)(pos_graphs[g][0] + (data[g][j][k+i][0]*x_scale - x_offset ));
float y = (float)(pos_graphs[g][1] + y_offset - data[g][j][k+i][1]*y_scale );
if (debug_plot_time /* && j >= (target - 5) */) {
println("plot_time:\t" + "xvt:\t" + j + " " + "(x,y): " + data[g][j][k+i][0] + "," + data[g][j][k+i][1]);
// Draw axis
drawTicks(g); // draw ticks over any data (only an issue with time plot)
void drawTicks(int graph) {
// Label graph with numbered tick marks
textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
// Draw ticks along y-axis
float temp_x = pos_graphs[graph][0] - TICK_LEN/2;
float tick_offset = 0.5 * (1.0 - AXIS_COVERAGE)* sub_height;
float tick_interval = AXIS_COVERAGE * sub_height / (NUM_TICKS - 1);
float val = (float) extreme_graphs___[graph][3];
float val_interval = (float)(extreme_graphs___[graph][3] - extreme_graphs___[graph][2]) / (NUM_TICKS - 1);
for (float temp_y = pos_graphs[graph][1] + tick_offset; temp_y <= pos_graphs[graph][1] + sub_height - tick_offset; temp_y += tick_interval) {
line(temp_x, temp_y, temp_x + TICK_LEN, temp_y);
text(Float.toString(val), temp_x + TICK_LEN + 5, temp_y);
val -= val_interval;
// Draw along x-axis (will be diff for each type of graph)
float temp_y = pos_graphs[graph][1] + sub_height - TICK_LEN/2;
// if XvY graph, evenly spaced ticks within coverage
if (xvy[graph]) {
val_interval = (float)(extreme_graphs___[graph][1] - extreme_graphs___[graph][0]) / (NUM_TICKS - 1);
val = (float) extreme_graphs___[graph][0];
tick_offset = 0.5 * (1.0 - AXIS_COVERAGE) * sub_width;
tick_interval = AXIS_COVERAGE * sub_width / (NUM_TICKS - 1);
// if a time graph, evenly spaced ticks across all
} else {
val_interval = (float)(extreme_graphs___[graph][1] - extreme_graphs___[graph][0]) / (NUM_TICKS + 1);
val = (float) extreme_graphs___[graph][0] + val_interval;
tick_offset = sub_width / (NUM_TICKS + 1);
tick_interval = tick_offset;
textAlign(CENTER, BOTTOM);
for (temp_x = pos_graphs[graph][0] + tick_offset;
temp_x <= pos_graphs[graph][0] + sub_width - tick_offset;
temp_x += tick_interval) {
line(temp_x, temp_y, temp_x, temp_y + TICK_LEN);
text(Float.toString(val), temp_x, temp_y - 5);
val += val_interval;
void initialize_data() {
for (int graph = 0; graph < num_graphs; graph++) {
for (int i = 0; i < max_points; i++) {
pos_x[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < total_vars; j++) {
if (i == 0) {
labels[graph][j] = "";
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
data[graph][i][j][k] = -0.0;
titles[graph] = "";
num_points[graph] = 0;
xvy[graph] = false;
sz_graphs[graph] = 0;
first_index_graphs[graph] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
extreme_graphs___[graph][i] = -0.0;
extreme_graphs_c_[graph][i] = 0;
void setup_serial(String[] array_main) {
try {
String[] array_sub = array_main[0].split(INNER_KEY);
// Check for size of full transmission against expected to flag bad transmission
num_graphs = Integer.parseInt(array_sub[0]);
if (array_main.length != num_graphs+1) {
throw new Exception();
configured = false;
if (debug_serial) print("no match");
// Pull more values and reset datastore arrays as appropriate
total_vars = Integer.parseInt(array_sub[1]);
max_points = Integer.parseInt(array_sub[2]);
labels = new String[num_graphs][total_vars];
data = new double[num_graphs][max_points][total_vars][2];
pos_x = new int[max_points];
num_points = new int[num_graphs];
titles = new String[num_graphs];
xvy = new boolean[num_graphs];
sz_graphs = new int[num_graphs];
extreme_graphs___ = new double[num_graphs][4];
extreme_graphs_c_ = new int[num_graphs][4];
first_index_graphs = new int[num_graphs];
// Iterate through the individual graph data blocks to get graph specific info
int k = 0; // k tracks overall variable index
for (int g = 0; g < num_graphs; g++) {
array_sub = array_main[g+1].split(INNER_KEY);
titles[g] = array_sub[0];
xvy[g] = Integer.parseInt(array_sub[1]) == 1;
num_points[g] = Integer.parseInt(array_sub[2]);
sz_graphs[g] = Integer.parseInt(array_sub[3]);
first_index_graphs[g] = k;
if (debug_serial)
int p = 4; // first label of this graph falls at index 4
for (int j = 0; j < sz_graphs[g]; j++) {
labels[g][k] = array_sub[p];
p += 2;
// Set new config code
config_code = array_main[0];
if (debug_serial)
last_config = millis();
} catch (Exception e) {
void check_for_new_extremes(String[] array_sub, int g, int temp_time, int p, boolean is_xvy) {
int start = first_index_graphs[g];
int sz = sz_graphs[g];
int top_index;
int bot_index;
for (int j = start; j < start + sz; j++) {
//data[g][pos_x[g]][j][0] = temp_time; // if we do this here, we can use this for debugging
data[g][pos_x[g]][j][1] = Double.parseDouble(array_sub[p]);
if (!is_xvy) {
data[g][pos_x[g]][j][0] = temp_time; // but it should be done here, because this only applies to xvt graphs
p += 2;
top_index = 2;
bot_index = 3;
} else {
top_index = p-5;
bot_index = p-4;
// Check for new extremes
if (data[g][pos_x[g]][j][1] <= extreme_graphs___[g][top_index]) { extreme_graphs___[g][top_index] = data[g][pos_x[g]][j][1]; extreme_graphs_c_[g][top_index] = 0; if (debug_check_for_new_extremes) {println("check_for_new:\t" + (is_xvy ? "xvy:\t" : "xvt:\t") + "e_g_c_[" + g + "][" + top_index + "] to: " + extreme_graphs_c_[g][top_index]);}}
else if (data[g][pos_x[g]][j][1] >= extreme_graphs___[g][bot_index]) { extreme_graphs___[g][bot_index] = data[g][pos_x[g]][j][1]; extreme_graphs_c_[g][bot_index] = 0; if (debug_check_for_new_extremes) {println("check_for_new:\t" + (is_xvy ? "xvy:\t" : "xvt:\t") + "e_g_c_[" + g + "][" + bot_index + "] to: " + extreme_graphs_c_[g][bot_index]);}}
if (is_xvy)
p += 2;
// FIXME: this can overflow e_g_c_
boolean[] check_if_needs_calc(int g, boolean is_xvy) {
boolean[] needs_calc = {false, false, false, false};
int j;
int stop;
if (is_xvy)
j = 0;
j = 2;
if (is_xvy)
stop = 4;
stop = 4;
for (; j < stop; j++) {
if (extreme_graphs_c_[g][j] > num_points[g]) {
needs_calc[j] = true;
} else {
if (debug_check_if_needs_calc) {
println("check_if_needs:\t" + (is_xvy ? "xvy:\t" : "xvt:\t") + "e_g_c_[" + g + "][" + j + "]++ up to " + extreme_graphs_c_[g][j]);
if (debug_check_if_needs_calc) {
println("check_if_needs:\t" + (is_xvy ? "xvy:\t" : "xvt:\t") + "needs_calc = {" + needs_calc[0] + " " + needs_calc[1] + " " + needs_calc[2] + " " + needs_calc[3] + "}");
return needs_calc;
void update_extremes(boolean[] needs_calc, int g, boolean is_xvy) {
if (needs_calc[0] || needs_calc[1] || needs_calc[2] || needs_calc[3]) {
int j = first_index_graphs[g];
int sz = sz_graphs[g];
if (is_xvy)
sz = 0;
if (debug_update_extremes) {
println("update_extremes:" + (is_xvy? "xvy:\t" : "xvt:\t") + "j_0: " + j + "\t\t\tsz: " + sz);
for (; j < first_index_graphs[g] + sz; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < num_points[g]; k++) {
if (is_xvy) {
j++; // preadd to handle the x-case, which is not used in yvt graphs
if (debug_update_extremes) {
println("update_extremes:" + (is_xvy? "xvy:" : "xvt:") + "\tj: " + j + " k: " + k);
if (needs_calc[0]) println("update_extremes:" + (is_xvy? "xvy:" : "xvt:") + "\tneeds_calc[0]" + " " + data[k][j-1][1] + " < " + extreme_graphs___[g][0] + "?");
if (needs_calc[1]) println("update_extremes:" + (is_xvy? "xvy:" : "xvt:") + "\tneeds_calc[1]" + " " + data[k][j-1][1] + " < " + extreme_graphs___[g][1]+ "?");
if (needs_calc[2]) println("update_extremes:" + (is_xvy? "xvy:" : "xvt:") + "\tneeds_calc[2]" + " " + data[k][j][1] + " < " + extreme_graphs___[g][2]+ "?");
if (needs_calc[3]) println("update_extremes:" + (is_xvy? "xvy:" : "xvt:") + "\tneeds_calc[3]" + " " + data[k][j][1] + " > " + extreme_graphs___[g][3]+ "?");
if (is_xvy && needs_calc[0] && data[g][k][j-1][1] < extreme_graphs___[g][0]) {extreme_graphs___[g][0] = data[g][k][j-1][1]; extreme_graphs_c_[g][0] = 0; if (debug_update_extremes) println("set 0 to: " + extreme_graphs___[g][0]);}
else if (is_xvy && needs_calc[1] && data[g][k][j-1][1] > extreme_graphs___[g][1]) {extreme_graphs___[g][1] = data[g][k][j-1][1]; extreme_graphs_c_[g][1] = 0; if (debug_update_extremes) println("set 1 to: " + extreme_graphs___[g][1]);}
if ( needs_calc[2] && data[g][k][j][1] < extreme_graphs___[g][2]) {extreme_graphs___[g][2] = data[g][k][j][1]; extreme_graphs_c_[g][2] = 0; if (debug_update_extremes) println("set 2 to: " + extreme_graphs___[g][2]);}
else if ( needs_calc[3] && data[g][k][j][1] > extreme_graphs___[g][3]) {extreme_graphs___[g][3] = data[g][k][j][1]; extreme_graphs_c_[g][3] = 0; if (debug_update_extremes) println("set 3 to: " + extreme_graphs___[g][3]);}
void advance_or_reset(int[] pos_x, int g) {
// Advance pos_x and rollback pos_x if exceeds max points for specific graph
if (debug_advance_or_reset)
println("adv_or_reset:" + (xvy[g] ? "\txvy:" : "\txvt:") + "\tpos_x from " + pos_x[g] + " to " + (pos_x[g] + 1));
if (pos_x[g] >= num_points[g]) {
pos_x[g] = 0;
if (debug_advance_or_reset)
println("adv_or_reset:" + (xvy[g] ? "\txvy:" : "\txvt:") + "\tpos_x to 0");
void serialEvent(Serial ser) {
// Listen for serial data until #, the end of transmission key
String temp = ser.readStringUntil(OUTER_KEY);
String[] array_main = temp.split("\n");
String temp2 = temp.replaceAll("\n"," ").replaceAll("\r"," ").replaceAll("\f"," ");
if (array_main[0].length() <= 1)
if (debug_serial) {
println("serialEvent:\t\t\tpacket " + number_of_data_points + ": >>>" + temp2 + "<<<");
// ********************************************************* //
// ************* PLOT SETUP FROM CONFIG CODE *************** //
// ********************************************************* //
// If config code has changed, need to go through setup again
if (!config_code.equals(array_main[0])) {
if (debug_serial) {
println("serialEvent:\tconfig_code is: " + config_code + " and array_main[0] is: " + array_main[0]);
println("serialEvent:\tRUNNING setup_serial(...)");
} else {
// Matching a code means we have configured correctly
configured = true;
// *********************************************************** //
// ************ NORMAL PLOTTING FUNCTIONALITY **************** //
// *********************************************************** //
int temp_time = millis() - last_config;
for (int g = 0; g < num_graphs; g++) {
String[] array_sub = array_main[g+1].split(INNER_KEY);
int p = 5;
if (xvy[g]) {
// Plot x vs y graph
check_for_new_extremes(array_sub, g, temp_time, p, xvy[g]);
// Check for extremes going out of scope, to need a full new max/min calc
boolean[] needs_calc = check_if_needs_calc(g,xvy[g]);
update_extremes(needs_calc, g, xvy[g]);
advance_or_reset(pos_x, g);
if (debug_serial) {
//println("serialEvent:\txvy:\t" + "data[" + pos_x[g] + "][" + first_index_graphs[g] + "][0] is: " + data[pos_x[g]][first_index_graphs[g]][0]);
println("serialEvent:\txvy:\t" + "g: " + g);
println("serialEvent:\txvy:\t" + "temp_time: " + temp_time);
//println("serialEvent:\txvy:\t" + "pos_x[e_g]: " + pos_x[g]);
println("serialEvent:\txvy:\t" + "num_points[e_g]: " + num_points[g]);
println("serialEvent:\txvy:\t" + "f_i_g[each]: " + first_index_graphs[g]);
println("serialEvent:\txvy:\t" + "extreme_graphs___[g][0] (before): " + extreme_graphs___[g][0]);
} else {
check_for_new_extremes(array_sub, g, temp_time, p, xvy[g]);
// Check for extremes going out of scope, to need a full new max/min calc
boolean[] needs_calc = check_if_needs_calc(g,xvy[g]);
update_extremes(needs_calc, g, xvy[g]);
// Max timestamp of graph will be now
extreme_graphs___[g][1] = temp_time;
advance_or_reset(pos_x, g);
if (debug_serial) {
println("serialEvent:\txvt:\t" + "data[" + g + "][" + pos_x[g] + "][" + first_index_graphs[g] + "][0] is: " + data[g][pos_x[g]][first_index_graphs[g]][0]);
println("serialEvent:\txvt:\t" + "g: " + g);
println("serialEvent:\txvt:\t" + "temp_time: " + temp_time);
println("serialEvent:\txvt:\t" + "pos_x[e_g]: " + pos_x[g]);
println("serialEvent:\txvt:\t" + "num_points[e_g]: " + num_points[g]);
println("serialEvent:\txvt:\t" + "f_i_g[each]: " + first_index_graphs[g]);
println("serialEvent:\txvt:\t" + "extreme_graphs___[g][0] (before): " + extreme_graphs___[g][0]);
// Min timestamp will be whatever this new pos_x has (about to be replaced)
if (data[g][pos_x[g]][first_index_graphs[g]][0] != -0.0) { extreme_graphs___[g][0] = data[g][pos_x[g]][first_index_graphs[g]][0]; }
else { extreme_graphs___[g][0] = temp_time - ((temp_time - data[g][pos_x[g]][first_index_graphs[g]][0]) / pos_x[g]) * num_points[g]; }
} // end xt graph
if (debug_serial) {
waiting_for_packet = false;
waiting_for_draw = true;
// Helper method to calculate bounds of graphs
void setupGraphPosition() {
// Determine orientation of each graph
int num_high = 1;
int num_wide = 1;
// Increase num subsections in each direction until all graphs can fit
while (num_high * num_wide < num_graphs) {
if (num_wide > num_high) {
} else if (num_high > num_wide) {
} else if (height >= width ) {
} else {
// Want to increase in width first
// Set bounding box for each subsection
pos_graphs = new float[num_graphs][2];
int k = 0; // k tracks overall graph index
sub_width = round(w/num_wide);
sub_height = round(h/num_high);
for (int i = 0; i < num_high; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < num_wide; j++) {
if (k < num_graphs) {
pos_graphs[k][0] = j*sub_width + MARGIN_SZ/2;
pos_graphs[k][1] = i*sub_height + MARGIN_SZ/2;
sub_width -= MARGIN_SZ;
sub_height -= MARGIN_SZ;
/////////////////////////////////////////// DEBUG AND DUMP
void dump_all() {
void dump_scalars() {
println("\th:\t\t\t\t\t" + h + "\n\tsub_h:\t\t\t\t" + sub_height + "\n\tw:\t\t\t\t\t" + w + "\n\tsub_w:\t\t\t\t" + sub_width);
println("num_graphs:\t\t\t\t" + num_graphs + "\ntotal vars:\t\t\t\t" + total_vars + "\nmax points:\t\t\t\t" + max_points);
println("number_of_data_points:\t" + number_of_data_points);
void dump_titles() {
for(int g = 0; g < num_graphs; g++) println("titles" + "[" + g + "]:\t\ttitle:\t" + titles[g]);
void dump_xvy() {
for(int g = 0; g < num_graphs; g++) println("xvy" + "[" + g + "]:" + "\t\tis xvy?:\t" + xvy[g]);
void dump_f_i_g() {
for(int g = 0; g < num_graphs; g++) println("first_index_graphs" + "[" + g + "]:\t" + first_index_graphs[g]);
void dump_sz_graphs() {
for(int g = 0; g < num_graphs; g++) println("sz_graphs" + "[" + g + "]:\t\t\t" + sz_graphs[g]);
void dump_num_points() {
for(int g = 0; g < num_graphs; g++) println("num_points" + "[" + g + "]:\t\t\t" + num_points[g]);
void dump_pos_x() {
for(int g = 0; g < num_graphs; g++) println("pos_x" + "[" + g + "]:\t\t\t\t" + pos_x[g]);
void dump_pos_graphs() {
for(int g = 0; g < num_graphs; g++) println("pos_graphs" + "[" + g + "]" + "\t\t\tx: " + pos_graphs[g][0] + "\ty: " + pos_graphs[g][1]);
void dump_extreme_graphs___(int g) {
println("extreme_graphs___" + "[" + g + "]" + " =" + "\tx_min:\t" + extreme_graphs___[g][0] + "\tx_max:\t" + extreme_graphs___[g][1] + "\ty_min:\t" + extreme_graphs___[g][2]+ "\ty_max:\t" + extreme_graphs___[g][3]);
void dump_extreme_graphs_c_(int g) {
println("extreme_graphs_c_" + "[" + g + "]" + " =" + "\tx_min:\t" + extreme_graphs_c_[g][0] + "\tx_max:\t" + extreme_graphs_c_[g][1] + "\ty_min:\t" + extreme_graphs_c_[g][2] + "\ty_max:\t" + extreme_graphs_c_[g][3]);
void dump_labels(int g) {
for (int a = first_index_graphs[g] ; a < first_index_graphs[g] + sz_graphs[g]; a++) { println("labels" + "[" + g + "][" + a + "]:" + labels[g][a]); }
void dump_data() {
for (int g = 0; g < num_graphs; g++) {
// this is reversed, because it shows the sequence of sequential points better.
for (int v = 0; v < total_vars; v++) {
for (int p = 0; p < num_points[g]; p++) {
if (data[g][p][v][0] != -0.0)
println("data[" + g + "][" + p + "][" + v + "][" + 0 + "]:\t\t\t" + data[g][p][v][0]);
if (data[g][p][v][1] != -0.0)
println("data[" + g + "][" + p + "][" + v + "][" + 1 + "]:\t\t\t" + data[g][p][v][1]);
boolean debug = true;
boolean debug_data = debug && false;
boolean debug_graphing = debug && false;
boolean debug_serial = debug && false;
boolean debug_startup = debug && false;
boolean debug_extremes = debug && false;
boolean debug_update_extremes = debug && false;
boolean debug_check_if_needs_calc = debug && false;
boolean debug_plot = debug && false;
boolean debug_advance_or_reset = debug && false;
boolean debug_check_for_new_extremes = debug && false;
boolean debug_plot_time = debug && false;
boolean debug_plot_xy = debug && false;
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d-day commented Oct 14, 2016

Here is a screenshot. The first and second graphs are the same data, reported in x_y and then x_t modes.

The third is your sine-wave graph thing.


Note this is after the total number of points had been exceeded (hence why the time axes are all positive numbers). Up until that point, they were negative and then positive.

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Thanks for the update. Looks like a lot of good fixes and improvements in here and I definitely want to start merging these changes into master.

I am not super concerned about a thorough commit history but it I do want to break this down into multiple pull requests. There are a lot of changes here and I think it would be easier to merge them in as smaller logical chunks (ie. code consolidation, drawing bug fixes, data initialization bug fix, etc. )

A few specific notes:

  • On the scaling factor, I'm wondering what limitation you are hitting. Data is sent on the serial port as a double, then stored as a double in the listener application. The number 74990.0 should be handled fine, otherwise that's a type-casting bug somewhere.
  • I am actually very interested in the idea of using a scaling system for reducing data transfer costs though... I can't think of a reason we couldn't get away with transferring data via integer with a single scaling factor per packet instead of by double...
  • On dimensions and ranging, if your multimeter switches from millivolts to volts, scaling will be fixed as soon as the last millivolts measurement rolls off the screen and graph extremes are recalculated. If the multimeter is regularly alternating between millivolts and volts, I would argue the user should be responsible for handling that
  • On negative time values, this is as-designed. When a graph is first initialized, time-zero falls on the right edge of the rolling graph, meaning the rest of the axis is shown as negative. I'm not opposed to displaying any negative value as "0.0" though

Thanks again

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Hi Drew - hope all is well.

Just wanted to check in on this quickly. Planning on overhauling the listener over the next few weeks and would like to get your pulls requests merged in before I start making more changes.


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