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Last active May 19, 2020 18:56
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EKS RBAC simplified
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
import * as awsx from "@pulumi/awsx";
import * as eks from "@pulumi/eks";
import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes";
* 1) Single step deployment of three IAM Roles
function createIAMRole(name: string): aws.iam.Role {
// Create an IAM Role...
return new aws.iam.Role(`${name}`, {
assumeRolePolicy: `{
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::15xxxxxxxxxx:root"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
tags: {
"clusterAccess": `${name}-usr`,
// Administrator AWS IAM clusterAdminRole with full access to all AWS resources
const clusterAdminRole = createIAMRole("clusterAdminRole");
// Administer Automation role for use in pipelines, e.g. gitlab CI, Teamcity, etc.
const AutomationRole = createIAMRole("AutomationRole");
// Administer Prod role for use in Prod environment
const EnvProdRole = createIAMRole("EnvProdRole");
* 2) Single step deployment of EKS cluster with the most important variables and simple function to create two namespaces
const vpc = new awsx.Network("vpc", { usePrivateSubnets: false });
const cluster = new eks.Cluster("eks-cluster", {
vpcId : vpc.vpcId,
subnetIds : vpc.publicSubnetIds,
instanceType : "t2.medium",
nodeRootVolumeSize: 200,
desiredCapacity : 1,
maxSize : 2,
minSize : 1,
deployDashboard : false,
vpcCniOptions : {
warmIpTarget : 4,
roleMappings : [
// Provides full administrator cluster access to the k8s cluster
groups : ["system:masters"],
roleArn : clusterAdminRole.arn,
username : "pulumi:admin-usr",
// Map IAM role arn "AutomationRoleArn" to the k8s user with name "automation-usr", e.g. gitlab CI
groups : ["pulumi:automation-grp"],
roleArn : AutomationRole.arn,
username : "pulumi:automation-usr",
// Map IAM role arn "EnvProdRoleArn" to the k8s user with name "prod-usr"
groups : ["pulumi:prod-grp"],
roleArn : EnvProdRole.arn,
username : "pulumi:prod-usr",
export const clusterName =;
function createNewNamespace(name: string): k8s.core.v1.Namespace {
//Create new namespace
return new k8s.core.v1.Namespace(name, { metadata: { name: name } }, { provider: cluster.provider });
//declare namespaces automation and prod
const automation = createNewNamespace("automation");
const prod = createNewNamespace("prod");
* 3) Single Step deployment of k8s RBAC configuration for user1, user2 and user3 per our example
// Grant cluster admin access to all admins with k8s ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding
new k8s.rbac.v1.ClusterRole("clusterAdminRole", {
metadata: {
name: "clusterAdminRole",
rules: [{
apiGroups: ["*"],
resources: ["*"],
verbs: ["*"],
}, {provider: cluster.provider});
new k8s.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBinding("cluster-admin-binding", {
metadata: {
name: "cluster-admin-binding",
subjects: [{
kind: "User",
name: "pulumi:admin-usr",
roleRef: {
kind: "ClusterRole",
name: "clusterAdminRole",
apiGroup: "",
}, {provider: cluster.provider});
// User2 called automation-usr for users that have permissions to all k8s resources in the namespace automation
new k8s.rbac.v1.Role("AutomationRole", {
metadata: {
name: "AutomationRole",
namespace: "automation",
rules: [{
apiGroups: ["*"],
resources: ["*"],
verbs: ["*"],
}, {provider: cluster.provider});
new k8s.rbac.v1.RoleBinding("automation-binding", {
metadata: {
name: "automation-binding",
namespace: "automation",
subjects: [{
kind: "User",
name: "pulumi:automation-usr",
apiGroup: "",
roleRef: {
kind: "Role",
name: "AutomationRole",
apiGroup: "",
}, {provider: cluster.provider});
// User3 called prod-usr for users that have read access to all k8s resources in the namespace env-prod
new k8s.rbac.v1.Role("EnvProdRole", {
metadata: {
name: "EnvProdRole",
namespace: "prod",
rules: [{
apiGroups: ["*"],
resources: ["*"],
verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"],
}, {provider: cluster.provider});
new k8s.rbac.v1.RoleBinding("env-prod-binding", {
metadata: {
name: "env-prod-binding",
namespace: "prod",
subjects: [{
kind: "User",
name: "pulumi:prod-usr",
apiGroup: "",
roleRef: {
kind: "Role",
name: "EnvProdRole",
apiGroup: "",
}, {provider: cluster.provider});
export const kubeconfig = cluster.kubeconfig
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