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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Type Level programming
// From
import scala.language.higherKinds
// Int type programming level
sealed trait IntType {
type plus[that <: IntType] <: IntType
sealed trait Int0 extends IntType {
override type plus[that <: IntType] = that
sealed trait IntN[Prev <: IntType] extends IntType {
override type plus[that <: IntType] = IntN[Prev#plus[that]]
// List implementation with list type programming level
sealed trait IntList[Size <: IntType] {
def ::(head:Int):IntList[IntN[Size]] = IntListImp(head,this)
def ++[ThatSize <: IntType](that:IntList[ThatSize]):IntList[Size#plus[ThatSize]]
case object IntNil extends IntList[Int0] {
override def ++[ThatSize <: IntType](that:IntList[ThatSize]) = that
case class IntListImp[TailSize <: IntType](head:Int,tail:IntList[TailSize]) extends IntList[IntN[TailSize]] {
override def ++[ThatSize <: IntType](that:IntList[ThatSize]) = IntListImp(head,tail++that)
// Some example
object main {
type Int1 = IntN[Int0]
type Int2 = Int1#plus[Int1]
type Int3 = Int2#plus[Int1]
val l1:IntList[Int3] = (1 :: 2 :: 3 :: IntNil)
val l2:IntList[Int2] = (5 :: 6 :: IntNil)
val l3:IntList[Int3#plus[Int2]] = l1 ++ l2
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