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Last active October 11, 2023 08:24
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firebase functions verifyAndroid Android 購入を検証してFirestoreに保存する
exports.verifyAndroid = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
if (context.auth === null) {
return { result: NO_AUTH };
const uid = context.auth.uid;
const verificationData = data["data"];
const latestReceipt = await verifyReceiptAndroid(
if (latestReceipt === null || latestReceipt === undefined) {
return { result: INVALID_RECEIPT };
// 同じorderIdが存在しないか確認し、購入情報が既に登録済みでないか確認する
const queryId = await admin.firestore().collectionGroup("receipts")
.where("orderId", "==", latestReceipt["orderId"])
if (!queryId.empty) {
return { result: ALREADY_EXIST };
// Firestoreに保存する
const decodedReceipt = JSON.parse(verificationData);
const purchaseDate = new Date(parseInt(latestReceipt["startTimeMillis"]));
const expiresDate = new Date(parseInt(latestReceipt["expiryTimeMillis"]));
const receiptRef = admin.firestore().collection('users').doc(uid).collection('receipts').doc();
const result = await receiptRef.set({
receipt_data : verificationData,
product_id : decodedReceipt["productId"],
orderId : latestReceipt["orderId"],
purchase_date_ms : parseInt(latestReceipt["startTimeMillis"]),
purchase_date : purchaseDate.toString(),
expires_date_ms : parseInt(latestReceipt["expiryTimeMillis"]),
expires_date : expiresDate.toString(),
created_at: Firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
// 期限内であることを確認する
const now =;
const expireDate = Number(latestReceipt["expiryTimeMillis"]);
if (now < expireDate) {
return { result: SUCCESS };
} else {
return { result: EXPIRED };
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