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Last active October 19, 2023 23:49
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firebase functions iOS サブスク更新をチェックして最新レシートをFirestoreに保存する
exports.verifySubscriptionIos = functions.pubsub.schedule('0 1 * * 0').timeZone('Asia/Tokyo').onRun(async (context) => {
// 該当レシートを検索
const now =;
const termTime = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 24時間間隔でチェックするため
const minTime = now - termTime;
const receiptsSnapshot = await admin.firestore().collectionGroup("receipts")
.where("expires_date_ms", "<=", now)
.where("expires_date_ms", ">", minTime)
if (receiptsSnapshot.empty) {
console.log('result: DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND');
return { result: DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND };
console.log('Find target receipts.');
receiptsSnapshot.forEach(async doc => {
// receipt_data を使って検証する
const verificationData =;
const latestReceipt = await verifyReceiptIos(verificationData, null);
if (latestReceipt === null || latestReceipt === undefined) {
console.log('result: INVALID_RECEIPT');
return { result: INVALID_RECEIPT };
// 期限内であることを確認する
const expireDate = Number(latestReceipt["expires_date_ms"]);
if (now < expireDate) {
// Firestoreに保存する
const userRef = doc.ref.parent.parent;
const receiptRef = userRef.collection('receipts').doc();
const result = await receiptRef.set({
receipt_data : verificationData,
product_id : latestReceipt["product_id"],
transaction_id : latestReceipt["transaction_id"],
purchase_date_ms : parseInt(latestReceipt["purchase_date_ms"]),
purchase_date : latestReceipt["purchase_date"],
expires_date_ms : parseInt(latestReceipt["expires_date_ms"]),
expires_date : latestReceipt["expires_date"],
created_at: Firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
console.log('firestore set document, SUCCESS.');
return { result: SUCCESS };
} else {
console.log('Last receipt is expired, maybe stopped subscription.');
return { result: EXPIRED };
console.log("DONE verifySubscriptionIos.");
return null;
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