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Last active July 15, 2019 13:57
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// holds script-specific information (i.e. how to load the script data,
// name of the script, script runtime version required, etc.)
type Script struct {
// parameters to the script, TBD if key/value or positional
type ScriptParam struct {
// current script execution scope. Defines global variables, pre-exising variables
// from the current scope, etc.
type Scope struct {
// Interface so multiple implementations can exist and be swapped out
// without changing the code
type Interpreter interface {
Execute(script *Script, scope *Scope, opts ScriptExecOpts) error
// First interpreter implementations (v1)
type V1Interpreter struct {
// Holds execution options, limits, constraints, etc.
type ScriptExecOpts struct {
Debug bool
func RunScript(
i Interpreter, s *Script, params []*ScriptParam, scope *Scope,
) error {
log.Printf("Running script: %+v, with params %+v", s, params)
// scopes can create a subscope that includes/references the parent scope.
// values/settings in a child scope may override (shadow) the parent scope's
// values
newScope := scope.SubScope()
// Loads the script parameters into the current scope (they become
// variables in the script)
// execute the script, in the newScope with the script execution options
// specified. return an error if an error occurs
err := i.Execute(script, newScope, ScriptExecOpts{})
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error running script %+v: %s", s, err.Error())
return err
log.Printf("Done running script")
return nil
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