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Last active June 9, 2020 11:42
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EFO-OTAR mappings prototype
import rdflib
import pandas as pd
## Path to efo local or remote
owlpath = ""
## File downloaded from
mappingFile = "/Users/ochoa/Downloads/OTAR project EFO mappings for disease profile pages - Sheet1-2.csv"
intraneturl = ""
outputFile = "/Users/ochoa/Desktop/output.json"
## loading the graph
g = rdflib.Graph()
## sparql query to get all ancestors for all EFO terms
sparql_query = '''
prefix oio: <>
prefix owl: <>
prefix rdfs: <>
SELECT ?cls ?label ?ancestor ?ancestorlabel WHERE {
?cls a owl:Class .
?cls rdfs:label ?label_all .
?cls rdfs:subClassOf* ?ancestor .
?ancestor rdfs:label ?ancestorlabel_all
BIND (STR(?ancestorlabel_all) AS ?ancestorlabel)
BIND (STR(?label_all) AS ?label)
qres = g.query(sparql_query)
## Convert into pandas data.frame
## Note: there might be better ways to searialise this
clss = []
labels = []
ancestors = []
ancestorlabels = []
for (cls, label, ancestor, ancestorlabel) in g.query(sparql_query):
efo_df = pd.DataFrame({
"cls": clss,
"label": labels,
"ancestor": ancestors,
"ancestorlabel": ancestorlabels
## create ids from uri
efo_df["cls_id"] = efo_df["cls"].str.replace("(.+)/", "")
efo_df["ancestor_id"] = efo_df["ancestor"].str.replace("(.+)/", "")
## Read file with OTAR-EFO mappings
mapdf = pd.read_csv(mappingFile)
## merge 2 datasets
df = pd.merge(mapdf, efo_df, \
how = 'inner', \
left_on = 'EFO Disease ID',
right_on = 'cls_id')
## Json formatting and output
df.columns = df.columns.str.strip().str.lower().str.replace(' ', '_').str.replace('(', '').str.replace(')', '')
df['reference'] = intraneturl + df['otar_code']
df.rename(columns = {'ancestor_id':'disease_id'}) \
.groupby('disease_id') \
.apply(lambda x: x[['otar_code','project_name','status','reference']].to_dict('r')) \
.reset_index() \
.rename(columns={0:'projects'}) \
.to_json(outputFile, orient='records')
"disease_id": "Orphanet_68367",
"projects": [
"otar_code": "OTAR2073",
"project_name": "NeuroFlux",
"status": "Active",
"reference": ""
"disease_id": "Orphanet_71859",
"projects": [
"otar_code": "OTAR2072",
"project_name": "DNA Damage",
"status": "Active",
"reference": ""
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d0choa commented May 19, 2020

Pending Issue. Focusing on the ontology expansion, I have forgotten to add the direct EFO-OTAR project link to the final json file. It contains all EFO ancestors but not the EFO itself.

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mkarmona commented Jun 9, 2020

@dochoa here you have the code to get it properly using spark opentargets/platform-etl-backend#45
and the output generated is like this

  "efo_id": "MONDO_0021193",
  "projects": [
      "otar_code": "OTAR041",
      "status": "Active",
      "project_name": "CELLector",
      "reference": ""
      "otar_code": "OTAR015",
      "status": "Active",
      "project_name": "CRISPR-Cas9 Target ID",
      "reference": ""
      "otar_code": "OTAR016",
      "status": "Closed",
      "project_name": "Cancer Functional Genomics",
      "reference": ""
      "otar_code": "OTAR2055",
      "status": "Active",
      "project_name": "Prediction of Oncology Targets and in Silico Drug Prescriptions",
      "reference": ""

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