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Created January 24, 2019 00:58
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How to process multiple async calls concurrently in rust. I left comments where I made mistakes initially so I don't mess this up again.
#![feature(await_macro, async_await, futures_api)]
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio;
extern crate tokio_async_await;
use tokio::prelude::*;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
use tokio_async_await::compat::backward;
fn main() {
let mut data = Vec::new();
// It appears that you can't get a result from an `async` function in your non-async code like you can using traditional futures
// Example:: let result = runtime.block_on(...);
// However, you can get a result if you convert the new future to an old one (`backward::Compat::new()`)
// Example:: let result = runtime.block_on(backward::Compat::new(<async call>));
// Make sure the async call returns a `Result` though!
// Print using result from reactor
// Print using await
fn print_message(data: Vec<String>) {
let mut runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
let result = runtime.block_on(future::join_all(process_message(data))).unwrap();
for item in result {
println!("Old: {}", item);
// If you want to use `await!` the current calling function must also be `async`
// Otherwise, you'll get a vague error message about a generator and yield call
async fn async_print_message(data: Vec<String>) {
let result = await!(future::join_all(process_message(data))).unwrap();
for item in result {
println!("New: {}", item);
// This wasn't obvious to me, but make sure to specify the `Item` and `Error` type
// Otherwise, the Future won't be `Send` which is needed.
fn process_message(data: Vec<String>) -> Vec<impl Future<Item=String, Error=()>> {
data.into_iter().map(move |message| {
// converts a `std::Future` to `futures::Future`. Necessary to use `join_all`
// Remember that to convert `std::Future` to `futures::Future` you need to use a Result Type
async fn capitalize(message: String) -> Result<String, ()> {
// Sleep length of the message then return capitalized version of message
await!(sleep(message.len() as u64));
// Taken from
async fn sleep(n: u64) {
use tokio::timer::Delay;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
await!(Delay::new(Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(n))).unwrap();
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