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Created April 9, 2015 10:54
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def calculator
puts "\tGreetings humanoid, im the Calculator.\n\tEnter 'q' to quit.\n\n\tsyntax: [value] [operator] [value]\n"
while true
prompt = '>> '
print prompt
str = gets.chomp.split(" ") # splits input into array
return if str[0] == 'q'
operand1 = str[0].to_i
operand2 = str[2].to_i
operator = str[1].to_sym
case operator
when :+ then puts operand1 + operand2
when :- then puts operand1 - operand2
when :* then puts operand1 * operand2
when :/ then puts operand1 / operand2
when :% then puts operand1 % operand2
puts "invalid input"
if __FILE__ == $0
puts "Okay :( , bye!"
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