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Last active December 15, 2015 07:08
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Reverse Polish Notation Calculator in Erlang
%% @doc Reverse Polish Notation Calculator.
%% Parses expressions like "1 2 3 + -" = -4
%% This is an exercise in Learn You some Erlang for Great Good,
%% however I didn't read the text and just implemented it.
%% I guess understanding stack-based parsing helps here.
%% @doc Parse and calculate the RPN expression from a string.
%% @spec rpn("1 2 3 + -") -> -4
%% @spec rpn("1 2 3 -") -> throw(invalid_expr)
rpn(Expr) ->
parse(string:tokens(Expr, " "), []).
%% @private
parse([], Stack) ->
case length(Stack) of
1 -> hd(Stack);
_ -> throw(invalid_expr)
parse([Token|Tail], Stack) ->
case Token of
"+" ->
parse(Tail, reduce(fun(A, B) -> A + B end, Stack));
"-" ->
parse(Tail, reduce(fun(A, B) -> A - B end, Stack));
"*" ->
parse(Tail, reduce(fun(A, B) -> A * B end, Stack));
"/" ->
parse(Tail, reduce(fun(A, B) -> A / B end, Stack));
_ ->
parse(Tail, [list_to_integer(Token)|Stack])
%% @private
reduce(F, Stack = [A,B|Tail]) ->
case length(Stack) < 2 of
true -> throw(invalid_expr);
false -> [F(B, A)|Tail]
%% @doc Reverse Polish Notation Calculator.
%% Parses expressions like "1 2 3 + -" = -4
%% This is an exercise in Learn You some Erlang for Great Good
%% and this is the succinct solution in the book.
%% @doc Parse and calculate the RPN expression from a string.
%% @spec rpn("1 2 3 + -") -> -4
rpn(Expr) ->
hd([_] = lists:foldl(fun parse/2, [], string:tokens(Expr, " "))).
%% @private
parse("+", [A,B|Tail]) ->
parse("-", [A,B|Tail]) ->
parse("*", [A,B|Tail]) ->
parse("/", [A,B|Tail]) ->
parse(Token, Stack) ->
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