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Last active October 25, 2016 08:50
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Save d1b1/7949308 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Programmatic Mocha script for - Starts an express app, and runs any .js tests in the tests folder. This allows a node.js Swagger.js rest API to be testable on travis-ci and
Programmatic Mocha code - This is used by a codeship
test to both start an expressjs app, setup routes and
run a suite of mocha tests.
Hint: Place this in the root of the project. Call from
test package.js or setup with > node mocha.js
Also see: (Expressjs + Swagger App)
/* Dependencies */
var Mocha = require('mocha'),
fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path')
/* Call Express App */
var app = require('./test/lib/app')
/* Setup the Mocha for running the spec test. */
var mocha = new Mocha({
reporter: 'spec'
/* Loop the test folder and load all the
.js test files into mocha. Assumes all
tests in the ./test folder.
fs.readdirSync('test').filter(function(file) {
// Only keep the .js files
return file.substr(-3) === '.js'
// Use the method "addFile" to add the file to mocha
path.join('test', file)
/* Start the Server on a port. once it is started, tell mocha to run. */
Server = app.listen(3000, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
// Now, you can run the tests. {
// Output the errors into the console for testing purposes.
console.log('Failures', failures)
// Exit the script with either 0 or the number of failures.
// Travis and Codeship will look for this value to determine
// if the tests passed.
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