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Created June 29, 2013 19:06
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<cfsetting requesttimeout="999999" enablecfoutputonly="true" />
progress("Importing data", 0);
recordcount = 100;
for(i=1; i<=recordcount; i++) {
// do something
progress("Importing data", i, recordcount)
progress("Importing data", 1)
<cffunction name="progress">
<cfargument name="type" />
<cfargument name="x" default="0" />
<cfargument name="total" type="numeric" default="1" />
<cfset var key = hash(type) />
<cfset var p = "" />
<cfif not isNumeric(x)>
<cfset p = x />
<cfelseif x is total>
<cfset p = "done" />
<cfset p = fix((x/total)*100) & "%" />
<cfset p = "" />
<cfif not structKeyExists(request, "progress_types")>
<cfset request.progress_types = {} />
<script src=""></script>
<cfflush />
<cfif !structKeyExists(request.progress_types, key)>
<cfset request.progress_types[key] = 1 />
<div>#type# : <span id="type_#key#"></span></div>
<cfflush />
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