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Created November 22, 2012 03:42
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Tower Validation API Ideas
App.validate('presence', extractArgs, function(key, value) {
return 'string'; // message itself
return true/1/undefined; // uses default message
var compileValidation = function(fn, arg) {
var type = _.kind(arg)
, validation;
if (type == 'object') {
validation = arg;
type = _.kind(validation.value);
} else if (type == 'function') {
validation = {validate: arg};
return validation;
* validate('format', /[a-z]/)
* validate('format', function(value) { return value.match(/[a-z]/) })
* validate('format', {value: /[a-z]/})
* validate('format', {value: /[a-z]/, message: 'format is off'})
* validate('format', {value: /[a-z]/, message: 'format is off'})
* validate('format', /[a-z]/, {if: 'somethingIsTrue'})
* validate(key, value, options)
* validate(key, fn, options)
* validate(key, options)
App.validation('format', compileValidation, function(key, value) {
App.validation('format', {
// if you give it this, it will pass you the args so you can create the final: {validate: fn, message: 'x'}
setup: function() {
validate: function() {
message: function() {
format: {setup: ..., validate: ..., message: ...}
App.User = App.Model.extend({
email: App.field().validate('presence').validate('uniqueness').validate('format')
email: App.field().validate('presence', 'uniqueness', 'format', {if: 'x'}) // shared options
email: App.field().validate('length', function(value) { return value.length > 3 })
function validate(key, value) {
var validate = App.validations[key].compile(value);, key, value);
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// transform|parse|format|serialize, which one?
App.serialize('array').to(function(string) {
return string.split(',');
}).from(function(array) {
return array.join(',');

App.serialize('array', {
to: function(string) {
return string.split(',');
from: function(array) {
return array.join(',');

App.serialize('url', {
to: function() {

from: function() {

}).serialize('phone', {
to: function(string) {
string.replace(/asdf/, ...);

App.type('phone', {
to: function() {

from: function() {

validate: function(value) {
return !!;

App.param('digits', 'phone');
App.param('tags', 'array');
App.param('tags', {type: 'array'}).validate('in', ['ruby', 'javascript']);
App.param('tags', {type: 'array'}).validate(function(req) {
if (req.isAdmin) return true; // maybe be able to search by different things based on role
return ['ruby', 'javascript'];

App.Router = Tower.Router.extend({
route: '/',
action: function() {

posts: Tower.Route.extend({
route: '/posts',
index: Tower.Route.extend({
route: '/',
tags: Tower.param('tags'),
title: App.Post.field('title') // maybe?

router.get('params') // bindable ember object
router.get('url') // bindable ember object

// 1. serialization
// 2. param/field
// 3. validation

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// transform|parse|format|serialize, which one?
App.serialize('array').to(function(string) {
  return string.split(',');
}).from(function(array) {
  return array.join(',');

App.serialize('array', {
  to: function(string) {
    return string.split(',');
  from: function(array) {
    return array.join(',');

App.serialize('url', {
  to: function() {

  from: function() {

}).serialize('phone', {
  to: function(string) {
    string.replace(/asdf/, ...);

App.type('phone', {
  to: function() {

  from: function() {

  validate: function(value) {
    return !!;

App.param('digits', 'phone');
App.param('tags', 'array');
App.param('tags', {type: 'array'}).validate('in', ['ruby', 'javascript']);
App.param('tags', {type: 'array'}).validate(function(req) {
  if (req.isAdmin) return true; // maybe be able to search by different things based on role
  return ['ruby', 'javascript'];

App.Router = Tower.Router.extend({
  route: '/',
  action: function() {

  posts: Tower.Route.extend({
    route: '/posts',
    index: Tower.Route.extend({
      route: '/',
      tags: Tower.param('tags'),
      title: App.Post.field('title') // maybe?

router.get('params') // bindable ember object
router.get('url') // bindable ember object

// 1. serialization
// 2. param/field
// 3. validation

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Tower.addValidator('format', function(format) {

}, function(key, value) {
  return value.match(this.format);

var validate = Tower.validator('format').compile(/asdf/);, key, val);

// or

Tower.validate('format', obj, key, val);
  // which internally calls compile().call(obj, key, val);

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Something like this:

Tower.validationSuccess = (callback) ->
  callback() if callback

Tower.validationFailure = (object, key, message, callback) ->
  errors = Ember.get(object, 'errors')
  errors[key] ||= []
  callback() if callback

Tower.validator = ->
  keys  = _.args(arguments)
  definition = keys.pop()

  if typeof definition == 'function'
    definition = validate: definition
    if typeof keys[keys.length - 1] == 'function'
      definition.compile = keys.pop()

  _.each , (key) ->
    Tower.validators[key] = definition


Tower.validationConfiguration =
  success: ->
  failure: ->

Tower.validators = {}

Tower.validator 'presence', 'required', (key, value, callback) ->
  if _.isPresent(value)
      Tower.t('model.errors.presence', attribute: key),

Tower.validator 'count', 'length',
  compile: (value) ->
    validate: @validate
    value:    parseInt(@value)

  validate: (obj, key, value) ->
    @value == parseInt(value)

# should handle string, number, float, date
Tower.validator 'min', 'gte', '>=',
  compile: (value) ->
    if arguments.length == 1 && typeof value == 'number'
      validate: @validate
      value: value

  validate: (key, value) ->
    value >= @value

Tower.validator 'gt', '>', (key, value) ->
Tower.validator 'max', 'lte', '<=', (key, value) ->
Tower.validator 'lt', '>', (key, value) ->
Tower.validator 'in', 'only', 'values', 'accepts', (key, value) ->
Tower.validator 'nin', 'notIn', 'except', (key, value) ->
Tower.validator 'uniqueness', 'unique', 'uniq', (key, value) ->
Tower.validator 'format', (key, value) ->
  console.log arguments

# Tower.validation('format', /[a-z]/)
Tower.validation = (type) ->
  validator = Tower.validators[type]

  throw new Error('Validator "' + type + '" is undefined') unless validator

  if validator.compile && arguments.length > 1
    validator = validator.compile()


Tower.validate = (type, object, key, callback) ->
  Tower.validation(type).validate(object, key, callback)

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Tower.validator 'count', 'length', (value) ->
  @value = parseInt(value)

  validate = (obj, key, value) ->
    @value == parseInt(value)

# by doing it like this, rather than return turning a function, it
# clears out unused variables from memory.
Tower.validator 'count', 'length',
  compile: (value) ->
    validate: @validate
    value: parseInt(value)

  validate: (obj, key, value) ->
    @value == parseInt(value)

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It's almost as if you can do this:

Tower.operation('gte', '>=', function(a, b) {
  return a >= b;

Tower.validation('gte', function(a) {
  operation = Tower.operation('gte');

  return function(b) {
    operation(a, b);

...define all the operations first, which are simpler and more generic, and usable by themselves. Then define the validations as abstractions on top of them.

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