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Created October 9, 2023 13:40
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skyscraper puzzle
# Import required modules
from itertools import permutations, product, accumulate
from collections import defaultdict
import pprint
# Function to calculate the visibility score using differences between adjacent maximum heights
def visibility_score_with_diff(perm):
max_heights = list(accumulate(perm, func=max))
differences = [b - a for a, b in zip(max_heights[:-1], max_heights[1:])]
score = sum(diff != 0 for diff in differences) + 1
return score
# Generate all permutations of size N and store them by visibility score
def precompute_permutations(N):
perm_dict = defaultdict(list)
for perm in permutations(range(1, N + 1)):
left_score = visibility_score_with_diff(perm)
right_score = visibility_score_with_diff(tuple(reversed(perm)))
perm_dict[(left_score, right_score)].append(perm)
return perm_dict
# Function to find the valid row and column permutations
def find_valid_permutations(clues, perm_dict):
return [perm_dict.get(clue, []) for clue in clues]
# Function to solve the Skyscraper puzzle with additional debugging print statements focused on the grid and transposed grid
def solve_skyscraper_debug(row_clues, col_clues, N):
perm_dict = precompute_permutations(N)
valid_row_perms = find_valid_permutations(row_clues, perm_dict)
valid_col_perms = find_valid_permutations(col_clues, perm_dict)
debug_log = []
debug_log.append(f"Plausible rows - "+pprint.pformat(valid_row_perms))
debug_log.append(f"Plausible cols - "+pprint.pformat(valid_col_perms))
valid_grids = []
for row_perm in product(*valid_row_perms):
grid = list(row_perm)
transposed_grid = list(zip(*grid))
if any(len(set(row)) < N for row in transposed_grid):
debug_log.append("Transposed Grid:")
valid_grids_from_col_clues = tuple(product(*valid_col_perms))
for i, _grid in enumerate(valid_grids_from_col_clues):
debug_log.append(f"Match {i+1}: "+ pprint.pformat(_grid))
if tuple(transposed_grid) in valid_grids_from_col_clues:
debug_log.append("Match found!")
return debug_log, valid_grids
# Given row and column clues for debugging
row_clues = [(2, 3), (3,1), (3, 2), (1, 3)]
col_clues = [(2, 1), (1, 2), (3, 2), (2, 3)]
N = 4
debug_log, result = solve_skyscraper_debug(row_clues, col_clues, N)
# Run the debug version of the algorithm with additional print statements
if debug:
for log in debug_log:
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