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Last active December 5, 2019 17:15
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license: mit
date_entered downloaded book_name
2015-04-19 5481 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-19 23751 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-04-20 5691 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-20 23782 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-04-21 6379 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-21 23820 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-04-22 7281 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-22 23857 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-04-23 7554 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-23 23881 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-04-24 9331 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-24 23932 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-04-25 9614 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-25 23961 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-04-26 9785 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-26 23978 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-04-27 9951 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-27 24001 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-04-28 10087 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-28 24018 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-04-29 11039 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-29 24061 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-04-30 11906 R Programming for Data Science
2015-04-30 24102 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-01 12210 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-01 24130 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-02 12424 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-02 24148 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-03 12588 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-03 24160 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-04 12903 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-04 24181 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-05 13198 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-05 24229 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-06 13445 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-06 24260 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-07 13646 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-07 24508 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-08 13853 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-08 25220 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-09 13967 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-09 25327 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-10 14084 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-10 25408 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-11 14216 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-11 25475 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-12 15302 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-12 25560 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-13 15674 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-13 25602 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-14 15995 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-14 25648 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-15 16209 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-15 25681 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-16 16388 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-16 25714 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-17 16527 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-17 25737 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-18 16705 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-18 25759 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-19 16856 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-19 25777 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-20 17006 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-20 25803 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-21 17124 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-21 25821 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-22 17253 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-22 25836 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-23 17341 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-23 25850 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-24 17424 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-24 25865 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-25 17522 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-25 25884 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-26 17643 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-26 25901 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-27 17791 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-27 25911 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-28 17948 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-28 25927 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-29 18071 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-29 25934 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-30 18192 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-30 25944 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-05-31 18299 R Programming for Data Science
2015-05-31 25951 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-01 18541 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-01 25966 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-02 18838 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-02 25982 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-03 19032 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-03 25984 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-04 19157 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-04 25995 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-05 19302 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-05 26006 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-06 19399 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-06 26019 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-07 19497 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-07 26028 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-08 19602 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-08 26042 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-09 20445 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-09 26715 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-10 20773 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-10 26902 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-11 21005 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-11 26984 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-12 21185 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-12 27019 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-13 21331 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-13 27045 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-14 21462 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-14 27078 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-15 21609 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-15 27103 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-16 21751 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-16 27137 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-17 21904 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-17 27157 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-18 22083 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-18 27190 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-19 22244 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-19 27213 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-20 22349 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-20 27227 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-21 22447 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-21 27239 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-22 22557 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-22 27254 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-23 22699 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-23 28492 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-24 22836 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-24 28907 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-25 22955 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-25 29153 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-26 23061 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-26 29316 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-27 23283 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-27 29546 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-28 23500 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-28 29753 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-29 23755 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-29 30044 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-06-30 24034 R Programming for Data Science
2015-06-30 30232 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-01 24238 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-01 30377 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-02 24408 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-02 30464 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-03 24572 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-03 30527 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-04 24708 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-04 30584 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-05 24849 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-05 30625 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-06 25102 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-06 30694 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-07 25429 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-07 30748 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-08 25685 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-08 30891 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-09 25874 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-09 31245 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-10 26589 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-10 31377 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-11 26983 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-11 31468 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-12 27258 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-12 31563 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-13 27602 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-13 31632 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-14 27835 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-14 31703 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-15 28068 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-15 31776 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-16 28395 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-16 31874 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-17 28601 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-17 31924 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-18 28734 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-18 31968 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-19 28857 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-19 31995 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-20 29017 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-20 32031 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-21 29213 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-21 32070 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-22 29415 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-22 32109 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
2015-07-23 29493 R Programming for Data Science
2015-07-23 32127 The Elements of Data Analytic Style
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d3noob commented Dec 5, 2019

I will assume then that the bl.ock and blockbuilder pages wer loading correctly. If you were recieving a CORS error while trying to load the csv file that was in the same directory as your index.html, that is a problem that I do not know the answer to. Loading the data in the script is a good mitigation, but not sustainainable in the longer term. If you have a chance, post your code into a question on stackoverflow and some of the experts there could assist.

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