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Created June 5, 2022 15:13
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# particle physics simulation of charged particles in a toroidal field with electrostatic repoulsion
# (basically all the fish are attracted to an invisible rotating donut, and repelled by each other
# assumes all particles of equal mass and charge
# constant simulation parameters:
# screen size
SS = 800
# number of particles
NP = 16
# sphere radius
# the radius of the main sphere of each particle
SR = 20
# toroidal radius
# radius of the donut that the fish are attracted to
TR = 200
# toroidal force
TG = 100
# inverse square threshold
# if the distance between particles is less than ist, their inverse square force
# is bounded to prevent simulation blowing up.
IST = 0.00001
class DVec(object):
"""Dev's PVector methods"""
def random3D(cls):
return PVector(random(-1, 1), random(-1, 1), random(-1, 1)).normalize()
def rotateX(cls, vec, t):
"""return this vec rotated around the X axis by t radians"""
return PVector(
vec.y * cos(t) - vec.z * sin(t),
vec.y * sin(t) + vec.z * cos(t)
def inv_sq(cls, vec, other):
inverse square force experienced towards `other`, bounded using `ist`
global IST
d = other - vec
ds = sq(d.mag())
# if the square of the distance is too small, don't divide by it
if(ds > IST):
return d
def xyHeading(cls, vec):
"""The angle of the vector projected onto the xy plane"""
return atan2(vec.y, vec.x)
def zHeading(cls, vec):
"""The angles between the vector and the Z axis"""
return PVector.angleBetween(vec, PVector(0, 0, 1))
class Particle(object):
"""A particle with position, velocity, mass and charge"""
def __init__(self, p, v, m=1, q=1):
super(Particle, self).__init__()
self.p = p
self.v = v
self.m = m
self.q = q
self.h = []
def step(self, a):
"""compute next step in simulation, given particle's acceleration"""
# increment position by velocity
self.p = self.p + self.v
# increment velocity by accelleration
self.v = self.v + a
# slow down the velocity with a drag factor
def draw(self):
# draw a sphere at the particle's current position
fill(255, 0, 0)
translate(self.p.x, self.p.y, self.p.z)
tail = -1*self.v
# orient the fish so that its tail is pointing towards x
scale(1.2, 0.4, 0.8)
# draw the tail fin
translate(SR, 0, 0)
scale(1, 0.4, 1)
def calculate_toroidal(self):
The toroidal acceleration experienced by any particle at point p
The torus is a donut on the x-y plane that all particles are attracted to
global ts # toroidal spin
# phi is the angle the particle makes with the torus
ph = DVec.xyHeading(self.p)
# tp is the closest point to the torus
tp = DVec.rotateX(PVector(TR*sin(ph), TR*cos(ph), 0), ts)
# tn is on the opposite side of the torus
tn = DVec.rotateX(PVector(-TR*sin(ph), -TR*cos(ph), 0), ts)
tf = TG * (DVec.inv_sq(self.p, tp)
+ DVec.inv_sq(self.p, tn)
return tf
def calculate_electrostatic(self):
"""The electrostatic acceleration for a particle"""
global ps # list of particles
global eg # electrostatic force
assert(isinstance(self, Particle))
tf = PVector(0, 0, 0)
for q in ps:
# print "tf: ", tf
tf = tf + DVec.inv_sq(self.p, q.p)
return tf
def __repr__(self):
return "Particle({}, {})".format(
def setup():
print("Starting setup")
# energy previously
# how much energy the system had last iteration
global ep
ep = 0
# electrostatic force
# how much particles are attracted to each other: the toroidal force
# divided by the number of particles
global eg
eg = - TG / NP
# toroidal spin
# how much the torus is rotated in the x axis, is adjusted to give the particles
# an extra kick of energy when they start to slow down
global ts
ts = 0
# list of particles
global ps
ps = []
for _ in xrange(NP):
p = Particle(DVec.random3D() * TR/3, DVec.random3D() * TR/50)
size(SS, SS, P3D)
def draw():
# print "Starting draw"
global ps # list of particles
global ep # energy previously
global ts # toroidal spin
background(color(54, 70, 93, 10))
camera(0, 0, SS, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
# lighting stuff
directionalLight(102, 102, 102, 0, 0, -1)
lightSpecular(204, 204, 204)
directionalLight(102, 102, 102, 0, 1, -1)
lightSpecular(102, 102, 102)
specular(51, 51, 51)
fill(255, 127, 0)
for p in ps:
# print(p)
# move particles to next frame, calculate the total energy
ec = 0
for p in ps:
p.step(p.calculate_toroidal() + p.calculate_electrostatic())
ec += p.v.mag()
# if we're losing energy, spin the torus!
if(ep != 0):
ed = (ec - ep) / NP
if(ed < 0): # system is losing energy
ts += 0.005
print("boosting spin to {}".format(ts))
ep = ec
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