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Last active December 4, 2019 05:19
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install iterm2, vscode
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
#show hidden files - select MacHD and press command shift dot
#install homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
#install nvm
brew install nvm
#install yarn
brew install yarn
#add to ~/.zshrc
# exec NVM in every session
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
. "$(brew --prefix nvm)/"
# make nvm use version in .nvmrc automatically
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
load-nvmrc() {
local node_version="$(nvm version)"
local nvmrc_path="$(nvm_find_nvmrc)"
if [ -n "$nvmrc_path" ]; then
local nvmrc_node_version=$(nvm version "$(cat "${nvmrc_path}")")
if [ "$nvmrc_node_version" = "N/A" ]; then
nvm install
elif [ "$nvmrc_node_version" != "$node_version" ]; then
nvm use
elif [ "$node_version" != "$(nvm version default)" ]; then
echo "Reverting to nvm default version"
nvm use default
add-zsh-hook chpwd load-nvmrc
export PATH="$HOME/.yarn/bin:$HOME/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin:$PATH"
#sync vs code settings, install settings sync extension
#download settings: shift + alt + d
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