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RBAC Challeng in ALM
// Role-Based Access Control in ALM
// This document includes 3 ALM modules
// that encode the core and hierachical
// components of the RBAC challenge.
// Link to official description:
// Several entities are added and removed
// dynamically. We'll model there behavior
// as a separate module.
module dynamic_entity
// The below reads:
// "The sort dynamic_entity is a sort
// ranging from the integers 1 to 100"
dynamic_entity :: 1..100
// universe is our "top type"
// similar to "Object" in Java.
// Actions are model as their own
// sort. We'll create two actions:
// one that activates new instances of
// dynamic_entity and another that
// destroys a target one.
// Note: sorting out this use case
// is a very important practical
// question for Flamingo. We might
// bake it into the language syntactic
// sugar.
new_dynamic_entity :: actions
destroy_dynamic_entity :: dynamic_entity_action
// Sorts can be assosciated with attributes
// which are static functions from objects
// of the sort to some other sort. Attributes
// are analogous to, e.g., read-only properties in
// Java.
target_dynamic_entity : dynamic_entity
// active is a function from dynamic
// entities to booleans that marks which
// ones are currently active. Note it is
// as "basic fluent", indiciating it has
// inertia and only changes if an action
// causes it to change. Note, booleans
// are one of the built-in sorts of ALM.
active : dynamic_entity -> booleans
// Our first causal law states that
// that if:
// - an action occurs
// - that action is an instance of the new_dynamic_entity sort
// - the next_dynamic_entity is X
// then:
// - X becomes active.
occurs(A) causes active(X) if
instance(A, new_dynamic_entity),
next_dynamic_entity = X.
// This law is similar to the previous one,
// but increments the next_dynamic_entity fluent.
occurs(A) causes new_dynamic_entity = X + 1 if
instance(A, new_dynamic_entity),
next_dynamic_entity = X.
// If an instance of destroy_dynamic_entity
// occurs, then its target is deactivated.
occurs(A) causes -active(X) if
instance(A, destroy_dynamic_entity),
target_dynamic_entity(A) = X.
// This axiom is an executability condition,
// which states that it's impossible to activate
// an entity that is already active. Note!: axioms
// of this form are guarantees the _user_ makes
// to Flamingo. If they do indeed occur, a runtime
// error will occur, potentially crashing the runtime.
impossible occurs(A) if
instance(A, new_dynamic_entity),
target_dynamic_entity(A) = Target
module core_rbac
// The core rbac module depends on the dynamic_entity module
uses dynamic_entity
// This reads: "users is a subsort of dynamic_entity"
users :: dynamic_entity
roles :: dynamic_entity
permissions :: dynamic_entity
has_role : users x roles -> booleans
has_permission : role x permissions -> booleans
has_access : users x permissions -> booleans
// The only axiom of this module is a state constraint
// which says: A user has access to a given permission if
// they have a role and that role includes that permission.
has_access(User, Perm) if
has_role(User, Role),
has_permission(Role, Perm).
module hierarchical_rbac
uses core_rbac
add_inheritance : actions
ascendent : roles
descendent : roles
inerits : roles x roles -> booleans
// Defined fluents do not have inertia, and
// are "recaluculated" on every state change.
inherits_trans : roles x roles -> booleans
// This property is not directly specified in the
// RBAC Challenge Spec, but we will use it to make
// our executability condition (which is specified)
// more clear.
candidate_descendent : roles x roles -> booleans
// The transitive closure has the familiar
// form in ALM.
inherits_trans(A, B) if inherits(A, B).
inherits_trans(A, C) if
inherits_trans(A, B)
inerits(B, C).
// This state constraint asserts false
// is true if a role inherits itself
// (even transitively), preventing cyclic
// inheritances. Unlike executability
// conditions, Flamingo can test state
// constraints for internal consistency.
false if inherits_trans(A, A).
occurs(A, add_inheritance) causes inerits(Desc, Asc) if
instance(A, add_inheritance),
ascendent(A) = Asc,
descendent(A) = Desc.
impossible occurs(A) if
instance(A, add_inheritance),
ascendent(A) = Asc
descendent(A) = Desc
inherits(Desc, Asc).
// The spec requires a query for authorized
// rules of a given user. We could create
// a new defined fluent to represent this.
// However, we can also simply extend the rules
// for the existing has_role fluent. This allows
// greater interoperability between modules, and
// shows off ALM's powerful module system.
has_role(User, RoleA) if
has_role(User, RoleB),
inherits_trans(RoleB, RoleA).
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