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Last active September 6, 2021 20:31
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# Activated by an HTTP request to the node
mine block -> Mining Block
# Activated by an HTTP request to the node
add peer -> Adding Peer
recieve error from peer -> Disconnect from Peer
receive P2P message -> Processing P2P Message
Mining Block
# This is where we would do hashing to show
# proof of work, etc.
do proof of work -> Send RESPONSE_BLOCKCHAIN latest block
Adding Peer
finished -> Send QUERY_LATEST
Disconnect from Peer
# Removes peer from our pool
disconnect -> Stable
# Handles incoming websocket message
Processing P2P Message
Receive Message*
fail to parse -> Ignore Message
receive QUERY_LATEST -> Send RESPONSE_BLOCKCHAIN latest block
receive QUERY_ALL -> Send RESPONSE_BLOCKCHAIN whole chain
receive RESPONSE_BLOCKCHAIN -> Process New Blocks
Send Response
# Sends the latest block to peers
finished -> Stable
# Send the whole blockchain to peers
# Nodes will ask for this when they encounter
# a chain that they aren't up-to-date on.
finished -> Stable
# Asks for latest block from peers
finished -> Stable
# Broadcast the whole blockchain to peers
finished -> Stable
# Handles any number of blocks recvd from peers
Process New Blocks
ill formed message -> Ignore Message
block length is zero -> Ignore Message
ill formed block -> Ignore Message
our block number is higher -> Ignore Message
their block number is higher -> Process Higher Block Number
Process Higher Block Number
recvd previous hash eq our latest hash -> Validate Block Hash
recvd previous hash neq our latest and no other blocks -> Send QUERY_ALL
recvd whole block chain -> Validate Whole Chain
Validate Block Hash
block hash is valid -> Validate Timestamp
block hash is invalid -> Ignore Message
Validate Timestamp
valid? -> Stable
invalid? -> Ignore Message
# Just like Validate Block Hash but
# starts at beginning and validates each block.
# We represent this in a hand-wavey way with
# a transition to Validate Block Hash
Validate Whole Chain
chain is valid -> Validate Block Hash
chain is invalid -> Stable
Ignore Message
back to stable -> Stable
function render(model){
let current_state_name = model.active_states[0].name;
return $("h1",
{style: {color: "darkBlue"}},
`The current state is: ${current_state_name}`);
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