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Created August 1, 2022 18:43
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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
For distributed training, TorchX relies on the scheduler's gang scheduling
capabilities to schedule ``n`` copies of nodes. Once launched, the application
is expected to be written in a way that leverages this topology, for instance,
with PyTorch's
`DDP <>`_.
You can express a variety of node topologies with TorchX by specifying multiple
:py:class:`torchx.specs.Role` in your component's AppDef. Each role maps to
a homogeneous group of nodes that performs a "role" (function) in the overall
training. Scheduling-wise, TorchX launches each role as a sub-gang.
A DDP-style training job has a single role: trainers. Whereas a
training job that uses parameter servers will have two roles: parameter server, trainer.
You can specify different entrypoint (executable), num replicas, resource requirements,
and more for each role.
DDP Builtin
DDP-style trainers are common and easy to templetize since they are homogeneous
single role AppDefs, so there is a builtin: ``dist.ddp``. Assuming your DDP
training script is called ````, launch it as:
.. code:: shell-session
# locally, 1 node x 4 workers
$ torchx run -s local_cwd dist.ddp -j 1x4 --script
# locally, 2 node x 4 workers (8 total)
$ torchx run -s local_cwd dist.ddp -j 2x4 --script
# remote (optionally pass --rdzv_port to use a different master port than the default 29500)
$ torchx run -s kubernetes -cfg queue=default dist.ddp \\
-j 2x4 \\
--script \\
Note that the only difference compared to the local launch is the scheduler (``-s``).
The ``dist.ddp`` builtin uses ``torchelastic`` (more specifically ````)
under the hood. Read more about torchelastic `here <>`_.
Components APIs
import os
import shlex
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional
import torchx
import torchx.specs as specs
from torchx.specs import macros
_TORCH_DEBUG_FLAGS: Dict[str, str] = {
These are commonly set environment variables to debug PyTorch execution.
* ``CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING``: Read more `here <>`__.
* ``TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_DEBUG``: Read more `here <>`__.
* ``TORCH_SHOW_CPP_STACKTRACES``: Read more `here <>`__.
def ddp(
*script_args: str,
script: Optional[str] = None,
m: Optional[str] = None,
image: str = torchx.IMAGE,
name: Optional[str] = None,
h: Optional[str] = None,
cpu: int = 2,
gpu: int = 0,
memMB: int = 1024,
j: str = "1x2",
env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
max_retries: int = 0,
rdzv_port: int = 29500,
mounts: Optional[List[str]] = None,
debug: bool = False,
) -> specs.AppDef:
Distributed data parallel style application (one role, multi-replica).
Uses ` <>`_
to launch and coordinate PyTorch worker processes. Defaults to using ``c10d`` rendezvous backend
on rendezvous_endpoint ``$rank_0_host:$rdzv_port``. Note that ``rdzv_port`` parameter is ignored
when running on single node, and instead we use port 0 which instructs torchelastic to chose
a free random port on the host.
Note: (cpu, gpu, memMB) parameters are mutually exclusive with ``h`` (named resource) where
``h`` takes precedence if specified for setting resource requirements.
See `registering named resources <>`_.
script_args: arguments to the main module
script: script or binary to run within the image
m: the python module path to run
image: image (e.g. docker)
name: job name override (uses the script name if not specified)
cpu: number of cpus per replica
gpu: number of gpus per replica
memMB: cpu memory in MB per replica
h: a registered named resource (if specified takes precedence over cpu, gpu, memMB)
j: {nnodes}x{nproc_per_node}, for gpu hosts, nproc_per_node must not exceed num gpus
env: environment varibles to be passed to the run (e.g. ENV1=v1,ENV2=v2,ENV3=v3)
max_retries: the number of scheduler retries allowed
rdzv_port: the port on rank0's host to use for hosting the c10d store used for rendezvous.
Only takes effect when running multi-node. When running single node, this parameter
is ignored and a random free port is chosen.
mounts: mounts to mount into the worker environment/container (ex. type=<bind/volume>,src=/host,dst=/job[,readonly]).
See scheduler documentation for more info.
debug: whether to run with preset debug flags enabled
if (script is None) == (m is None):
raise ValueError("exactly one of --script and -m must be specified")
rep = j.split("x")
if len(rep) == 1: # num replicas only
nnodes = 1
nproc_per_node = int(rep[0])
elif len(rep) == 2:
nnodes = int(rep[0])
nproc_per_node = int(rep[1])
raise ValueError(f"Invalid format for -j, usage example: 1x4. Given: {j}")
if script:
# script name/module no extension
role_name = Path(script).stem
elif m:
role_name = m.rpartition(".")[2]
raise ValueError("failed to compute role_name")
rdzv_backend = "c10d"
rdzv_backend = "static"
if nnodes == 1:
# using port 0 makes elastic chose a free random port which is ok
# for single-node jobs since all workers run under a single agent
rdzv_endpoint = "localhost:0"
rdzv_endpoint = _noquote(f"$${macros.rank0_env}:{rdzv_port}")
if env is None:
env = {}
env.setdefault("LOGLEVEL", os.getenv("LOGLEVEL", "WARNING"))
if debug:
cmd = [
"--node_rank", macros.replica_id,
if script is not None:
cmd += [script]
elif m is not None:
cmd += ["-m", m]
cmd += script_args
return specs.AppDef(
name=name or role_name,
resource=specs.resource(cpu=cpu, gpu=gpu, memMB=memMB, h=h),
args=["-c", _args_join(cmd)],
"c10d": 29500,
mounts=specs.parse_mounts(mounts) if mounts else [],
def _args_join(args: Iterable[str]) -> str:
_args_join is like shlex.join but if the argument is wrapped in _noquote
it'll not quote that argument.
quoted = [arg if isinstance(arg, _noquote) else shlex.quote(arg) for arg in args]
return " ".join(quoted)
class _noquote(str):
_noquote is a wrapper around str that indicates that the argument shouldn't
be passed through shlex.quote.
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