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Created May 15, 2015 09:09
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'use strict';
const Etcd = require('node-etcd'),
P = require('bluebird'),
async = P.coroutine,
_ = require('lodash'),
assert = require('assert');
function keyToPath(key) {
return '/' + key.replace(/\./g, '/');
function pathToKey(path) {
return path.slice(1).replace(/\//g, '.');
function keyToRawPath(key) {
return 'v2/keys/' + key.replace(/\./g, '/');
function isValidKey(key) {
return _.isString(key) && /[\w\d\.]+/.test(key);
function translateNode(node) {
if(node.dir) {
if(node.nodes) {
const obj = {};
_.each(node.nodes, function(subNode) {
const subKey = pathToKey(subNode.key.slice(node.key.length));
obj[subKey] = translateNode(subNode);
return obj;
} else {
return {};
} else {
return JSON.parse(node.value);
function isValidValueElement(value) {
return _.isNull(value) ||
_.isString(value) ||
_.isBoolean(value) ||
(_.isNumber(value) && !_.isNaN(value)) ||
function Options() {
const self = this;
self.defaultOptions = {};
self.hosts = || '').split(','), _.trim);
self.etcd = P.promisifyAll(new Etcd(self.hosts));
Options.prototype.get = async(function* (key) {
const self = this;
try {
const res = yield self.etcd.rawAsync('GET', keyToRawPath(key), null, { recursive: true });
return translateNode(res[0].node);
} catch(err) {
if(err.errorCode === 100) {
return undefined; // key not found
} else {
throw err;
// TODO: setting an object is not an atomic operation
Options.prototype.set = async(function* (key, value) {
const self = this;
if(_.isUndefined(value)) {
// setting undefined = delete
try {
yield self.etcd.rawAsync('DELETE', keyToRawPath(key), null, { recursive: true });
} catch(ignored) { }
} else if(_.isPlainObject(value)) {
// delete before setting to new object
try {
yield self.etcd.rawAsync('DELETE', keyToRawPath(key), null, { recursive: true });
} catch(ignored) { }
// drop attributes of undefined value
value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value));
const keys = _.keys(value);
if(keys.length) {
yield P.each(keys, async(function *(k) {
yield self.set(key + '.' + k, value[k]);
} else {
yield self.etcd.rawAsync('PUT', keyToRawPath(key), null, { dir: true });
} else {
yield self.etcd.rawAsync('PUT', keyToRawPath(key), JSON.stringify(value), {});
Options.prototype.del = async(function* (key) {
const self = this;
try {
yield self.etcd.rawAsync('DELETE', keyToRawPath(key), null, { recursive: true });
} catch(err) {
// key not found: ignored
if(err.errorCode !== 100) { throw err; }
describe('Options', function() {
const options = new Options();
function get(key, expected) {
it('get("' + key + '") == ' + JSON.stringify(expected), async(function* () {
if(_.isArray(expected) || _.isPlainObject(expected)) {
assert.deepEqual(yield options.get(key), expected);
} else {
assert.strictEqual(yield options.get(key), expected);
function set(key, val) {
it('set("' + key + '", ' + JSON.stringify(val) + ')', async(function* () {
yield options.set(key, val);
if(_.isArray(val) || _.isPlainObject(val)) {
assert.deepEqual(yield options.get(key), JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(val)));
} else {
assert.strictEqual(yield options.get(key), val);
function del(key) {
it('del("' + key + '")', async(function* () {
yield options.del(key);
assert.strictEqual(yield options.get(key), undefined);
describe('simple', function() {
set('foo', undefined);
set('foo', null);
set('foo', '');
set('foo', 'string value');
set('foo', 5264);
set('foo', -52.64);
set('foo', false);
set('foo', true);
set('foo', []);
set('foo', [1,2,3]);
set('foo', [1,'two',true]);
describe('set object value', function() {
set('foo', {});
set('foo', { key1: null });
set('foo', { key1: null, key2: 5264 });
set('foo', { key1: null, key2: 5264, key3: false });
set('foo', { key1: null, key2: 5264, key3: false, key4: [1,2,3] });
set('foo', { key1: {} });
set('foo', { key1: { key2: {} } });
set('foo', { key1: { key2: null } });
set('foo', { key1: { key2: undefined } });
set('foo', { key1: { key2: 'string value' } });
set('foo', { key1: { key3: { key4: 'string value '} }, key2: 5264 });
set('foo', { key1: 5264 });
describe('dotted keys', function() {
set('foo.key1', 5264);
get('foo', { key1: 5264 });
set('foo.key2', [1,2,3]);
get('foo', { key1: 5264, key2: [1,2,3] });
get('foo', { key1: 5264 });
set('foo.key3', [1,2,3]);
get('foo', { key1: 5264, key3: [1,2,3] });
set('foo.key3', undefined);
get('foo', { key1: 5264 });
set('foo.key2.key4', 'string value');
get('foo', { key1: 5264, key2: { key4: 'string value' } });
get('foo', { key1: 5264 });
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