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Last active December 17, 2018 15:36
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Atari CGP irace run
* irace: An implementation in R of Iterated Race
* Version: 3.1.2112M
* Copyright (C) 2010-2018
* Manuel Lopez-Ibanez <>
* Jeremie Dubois-Lacoste
* Leslie Perez Caceres <>
* This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
* conditions. See the GNU General Public License for details. There is NO
* irace builds upon previous code from the race package:
* race: Racing methods for the selection of the best
* Copyright (C) 2003 Mauro Birattari
# installed at: /home/richard/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/irace
# called with: --parallel 16
Warning: A default scenario file './scenario.txt' has been found and will be read
# 2018-12-01 10:33:21 UTC: Initialization
# Elitist race
# Elitist new instances: 1
# Elitist limit: 2
# nbIterations: 4
# minNbSurvival: 4
# nbParameters: 5
# seed: 1824710311
# confidence level: 0.95
# budget: 1000
# mu: 10
# deterministic: FALSE
# 2018-12-01 10:33:21 UTC: Iteration 1 of 4
# experimentsUsedSoFar: 0
# remainingBudget: 1000
# currentBudget: 250
# nbConfigurations: 22
x No test is performed.
- The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
= The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
. All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
| | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
|x| 1| 22| 13| -150.0000000| 22|03:39:34| NA| NA| NA|
|x| 2| 22| 22| -167.5000000| 44|03:04:00|-0.15|0.43|0.9790|
|x| 3| 22| 13| -115.3333333| 66|03:10:15|-0.17|0.22|1.0510|
|x| 4| 22| 3| -294.0000000| 88|03:36:21|-0.01|0.24|0.9013|
|=| 5| 22| 3| -235.4000000| 110|02:54:44|+0.03|0.22|0.8735|
|=| 6| 22| 3| -211.1666667| 132|03:46:10|+0.01|0.18|0.8890|
|=| 7| 22| 3| -239.5714286| 154|03:24:16|+0.02|0.16|0.9047|
Best-so-far configuration: 3 mean value: -239.5714286
Description of the best-so-far configuration:
.ID. ea chromosome mutate_method active_mutate weights recurrency output_mutation_rate node_mutation_rate lambda static_node_size .PARENT.
3 3 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.4 0.9 0.2 4 120 NA
# 2018-12-02 10:08:44 UTC: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
ea chromosome mutate_method active_mutate weights recurrency output_mutation_rate node_mutation_rate lambda static_node_size
3 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.4 0.9 0.2 4 120
8 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.4 0.7 0.4 10 120
13 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.7 0.2 0.6 10 80
11 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.1 0.2 0.6 7 40
# 2018-12-02 10:08:44 UTC: Iteration 2 of 4
# experimentsUsedSoFar: 154
# remainingBudget: 846
# currentBudget: 282
# nbConfigurations: 25
x No test is performed.
- The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
= The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
. All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
| | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
|x| 8| 25| 36| -245.0000000| 25|03:27:52| NA| NA| NA|
|x| 4| 25| 23| -912.5000000| 46|04:11:53|+0.21|0.61|0.8156|
|x| 5| 25| 23| -608.6666667| 67|03:09:37|+0.13|0.42|0.8925|
|x| 7| 25| 23| -569.0000000| 88|04:11:31|+0.02|0.26|0.9889|
|=| 3| 25| 3| -293.4000000| 109|03:21:07|+0.04|0.23|0.9695|
|=| 6| 25| 8| -315.1666667| 130|04:08:48|-0.03|0.14|1.0214|
|=| 1| 25| 23| -359.1428571| 151|03:56:52|-0.00|0.14|0.9901|
|=| 2| 25| 23| -338.6250000| 172|03:06:59|+0.03|0.15|0.9481|
|=| 9| 25| 37| -222.4444444| 197|04:27:21|+0.02|0.13|0.9453|
Best-so-far configuration: 37 mean value: -222.4444444
Description of the best-so-far configuration:
.ID. ea chromosome mutate_method active_mutate weights recurrency output_mutation_rate node_mutation_rate lambda static_node_size .PARENT.
37 37 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.5 0.7 0.2 7 60 8
# 2018-12-03 20:10:50 UTC: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
ea chromosome mutate_method active_mutate weights recurrency output_mutation_rate node_mutation_rate lambda static_node_size
37 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.5 0.7 0.2 7 60
23 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.8 0.8 0.3 8 80
3 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.4 0.9 0.2 4 120
8 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.4 0.7 0.4 10 120
# 2018-12-03 20:10:50 UTC: Iteration 3 of 4
# experimentsUsedSoFar: 351
# remainingBudget: 649
# currentBudget: 324
# nbConfigurations: 27
x No test is performed.
- The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
= The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
. All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
| | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
|x| 10| 27| 58| -390.0000000| 27|03:44:56| NA| NA| NA|
|x| 9| 27| 57| -200.0000000| 50|03:57:38|+0.23|0.61|0.8131|
|x| 7| 27| 58| -440.0000000| 73|04:02:55|+0.03|0.35|0.8970|
|x| 8| 27| 58| -378.7500000| 96|04:06:23|-0.03|0.23|0.9562|
|=| 6| 27| 37| -292.0000000| 119|04:27:34|-0.00|0.20|0.9381|
|=| 5| 27| 37| -243.5000000| 142|03:56:22|+0.04|0.20|0.9225|
|=| 1| 27| 37| -225.8571429| 165|04:40:10|+0.06|0.19|0.9141|
|=| 4| 27| 57| -262.0000000| 188|03:28:53|+0.03|0.15|0.9315|
|=| 3| 27| 58| -287.4444444| 211|04:19:34|+0.05|0.15|0.9149|
|=| 2| 27| 58| -278.2000000| 234|04:30:14|+0.03|0.13|0.9136|
|=| 11| 27| 58| -342.9090909| 261|04:44:43|+0.04|0.13|0.9144|
Best-so-far configuration: 58 mean value: -342.9090909
Description of the best-so-far configuration:
.ID. ea chromosome mutate_method active_mutate weights recurrency output_mutation_rate node_mutation_rate lambda static_node_size .PARENT.
58 58 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.4 0.8 0.2 4 80 3
# 2018-12-05 18:10:17 UTC: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
ea chromosome mutate_method active_mutate weights recurrency output_mutation_rate node_mutation_rate lambda static_node_size
58 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.4 0.8 0.2 4 80
44 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.8 0.7 0.3 9 60
37 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.5 0.7 0.2 7 60
59 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.3 0.9 0.1 4 120
# 2018-12-05 18:10:17 UTC: Iteration 4 of 4
# experimentsUsedSoFar: 612
# remainingBudget: 388
# currentBudget: 388
# nbConfigurations: 30
x No test is performed.
- The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
= The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
. All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
| | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
|x| 12| 30| 71| -1.000000000| 30|04:03:19| NA| NA| NA|
|x| 5| 30| 71| -1.000000000| 56|03:55:45|+0.14|0.57|0.8233|
|x| 9| 30| 88| -40.66666667| 82|04:22:56|-0.02|0.32|0.9494|
|x| 3| 30| 88| -30.75000000| 108|04:03:55|+0.01|0.26|0.9192|
|=| 2| 30| 88| -63.60000000| 134|04:12:25|+0.02|0.22|0.9074|
|=| 11| 30| 58| -217.5000000| 160|04:52:21|+0.04|0.20|0.9460|
|=| 8| 30| 44| -226.1428571| 186|03:39:26|+0.06|0.19|0.9030|
|=| 6| 30| 44| -214.1250000| 212|04:31:30|+0.04|0.16|0.9349|
|=| 4| 30| 44| -232.5555556| 238|04:06:25|+0.04|0.15|0.9277|
|=| 1| 30| 73| -319.4000000| 264|04:32:08|+0.04|0.14|0.9347|
|=| 7| 30| 73| -364.0000000| 290|04:26:03|+0.05|0.13|0.9267|
|!| 10| 14| 73| -354.5000000| 316|03:32:28|-0.03|0.06|0.9518|
|=| 13| 14| 73| -338.0000000| 330|02:25:15|-0.00|0.07|0.9316|
|=| 14| 14| 73| -327.7857143| 344|02:21:11|+0.01|0.08|0.9178|
Best-so-far configuration: 73 mean value: -327.7857143
Description of the best-so-far configuration:
.ID. ea chromosome mutate_method active_mutate weights recurrency output_mutation_rate node_mutation_rate lambda static_node_size .PARENT.
73 73 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.5 0.5 0.1 10 60 44
# 2018-12-08 01:15:31 UTC: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
ea chromosome mutate_method active_mutate weights recurrency output_mutation_rate node_mutation_rate lambda static_node_size
73 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.5 0.5 0.1 10 60
44 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.8 0.7 0.3 9 60
58 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.4 0.8 0.2 4 80
92 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.3 0.6 0.1 7 60
# 2018-12-08 01:15:31 UTC: Iteration 5 of 5
# experimentsUsedSoFar: 956
# remainingBudget: 44
# currentBudget: 44
# nbConfigurations: 6
x No test is performed.
- The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
= The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
. All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
| | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
|x| 15| 6| 94| -1850.000000| 6|01:58:53| NA| NA| NA|
|x| 3| 6| 73| -405.5000000| 8|02:01:03|-0.06|0.47|1.1403|
|x| 4| 6| 73| -807.0000000| 10|02:19:10|+0.27|0.52|0.7888|
|x| 6| 6| 92| -637.0000000| 12|02:15:15|-0.03|0.22|0.9131|
|=| 5| 6| 73| -508.4000000| 14|01:33:35|-0.06|0.15|0.9364|
|=| 13| 6| 73| -447.0000000| 16|01:57:03|+0.00|0.17|0.8839|
|=| 10| 6| 73| -418.8571429| 18|01:30:47|+0.04|0.18|0.8496|
|=| 14| 6| 73| -390.8750000| 20|01:39:31|+0.05|0.17|0.8308|
|=| 2| 6| 73| -369.1111111| 22|01:47:15|+0.06|0.17|0.8234|
|=| 8| 6| 73| -352.2000000| 24|01:27:07|+0.06|0.15|0.8097|
|=| 9| 6| 73| -331.0909091| 26|02:00:37|+0.06|0.15|0.8129|
|=| 12| 6| 73| -303.2500000| 28|01:44:21|+0.07|0.15|0.7935|
|=| 7| 6| 92| -401.1538462| 30|01:46:35|+0.07|0.14|0.7873|
|=| 1| 6| 73| -327.7857143| 32|01:36:14|+0.06|0.13|0.7939|
|=| 11| 6| 73| -359.9333333| 34|01:29:36|+0.05|0.11|0.7967|
|=| 16| 6| 73| -337.5000000| 40|02:30:29|+0.04|0.10|0.8038|
Best-so-far configuration: 73 mean value: -337.5000000
Description of the best-so-far configuration:
.ID. ea chromosome mutate_method active_mutate weights recurrency output_mutation_rate node_mutation_rate lambda static_node_size .PARENT.
73 73 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.5 0.5 0.1 10 60 44
# 2018-12-09 06:53:08 UTC: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
ea chromosome mutate_method active_mutate weights recurrency output_mutation_rate node_mutation_rate lambda static_node_size
73 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.5 0.5 0.1 10 60
58 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.4 0.8 0.2 4 80
44 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.8 0.7 0.3 9 60
92 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.3 0.6 0.1 7 60
# 2018-12-09 06:53:08 UTC: Stopped because there is not enough budget left to race more than the minimum (4)
# You may either increase the budget or set 'minNbSurvival' to a lower value
# Iteration: 6
# nbIterations: 6
# experimentsUsedSoFar: 996
# timeUsed: 0
# remainingBudget: 4
# currentBudget: 4
# number of elites: 4
# nbConfigurations: 4
# Best configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
ea chromosome mutate_method active_mutate weights recurrency output_mutation_rate node_mutation_rate lambda static_node_size
73 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.5 0.5 0.1 10 60
58 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.4 0.8 0.2 4 80
44 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.8 0.7 0.3 9 60
92 oneplus CGPChromo :gene_mutate false true 0.3 0.6 0.1 7 60
# Best configurations as commandlines (first number is the configuration ID; same order as above):
73 --ea oneplus --chromosome CGPChromo --mutate_method :gene_mutate --active_mutate false --weights true --recurrency 0.5 --output_mutation_rate 0.5 --node_mutation_rate 0.1 --lambda 10 --static_node_size 60
58 --ea oneplus --chromosome CGPChromo --mutate_method :gene_mutate --active_mutate false --weights true --recurrency 0.4 --output_mutation_rate 0.8 --node_mutation_rate 0.2 --lambda 4 --static_node_size 80
44 --ea oneplus --chromosome CGPChromo --mutate_method :gene_mutate --active_mutate false --weights true --recurrency 0.8 --output_mutation_rate 0.7 --node_mutation_rate 0.3 --lambda 9 --static_node_size 60
92 --ea oneplus --chromosome CGPChromo --mutate_method :gene_mutate --active_mutate false --weights true --recurrency 0.3 --output_mutation_rate 0.6 --node_mutation_rate 0.1 --lambda 7 --static_node_size 60
## This is an example of specifying instances with a file.
# Each line is an instance relative to trainInstancesDir
# (see scenario.txt.tmpl) and an optional sequence of instance-specific
# parameters that will be passed to target-runnerx when invoked on that
# instance.
# Empty lines and comments are ignored.
experiments/atari.jl --id frostbite
experiments/atari.jl --id ms_pacman
experiments/atari.jl --id space_invaders
experiments/atari.jl --id pong
## Template for parameter description file for Iterated Race.
## The format is one parameter per line. Each line contains:
## 1: Name of the parameter. An unquoted alphanumeric string,
## example: ants
## 2: Switch to pass the parameter. A quoted (possibly empty) string,
## if the value and the switch must be separated, add a space at
## the end of the string. Example : "--version1 --ants "
## 3: Type. An unquoted single letter, among
## i: Integer, c: categorical, o: ordinal, r: real.
## 4: For c and o: All possible values, that is, a variable number of
## quoted or unquoted strings separated by commas within
## parenthesis. Empty strings and strings containing commas or
## spaces must be quoted.
## For i,r: a pair of unquoted numbers representing minimum and
## maximum values.
## 5: A conditional parameter can be defined according to the values of
## one or several other parameters. This is done by adding a
## character '|' followed by an R expression involving the names of
## other parameters. This expression must return TRUE if the
## condition is satisfied, FALSE otherwise.
ea "--ea " c (oneplus)
chromosome "--chromosome " c (CGPChromo)
mutate_method "--mutate_method " c (:gene_mutate)
active_mutate "--active_mutate " c (false)
weights "--weights " c (true)
recurrency "--recurrency " r (0.0, 1.0)
output_mutation_rate "--output_mutation_rate " r (0.1, 1.0)
node_mutation_rate "--node_mutation_rate " r (0.1, 1.0)
lambda "--lambda " i (1, 10)
static_node_size "--static_node_size " c (20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120)
# irace tuning script for CGP.jl
# $1 is the ID of the candidate to be evaluated
# $2 is the instance ID
# $3 is the seed
# $4 is the instance name
# The rest ($* after `shift 4') are parameters for running ACOTSP
# This script should print a single numerical value (the value to be minimized).
export JULIA_LOAD_PATH=src
# All other parameters are the candidate parameters to be passed to program
shift 4 || error "Not enough parameters to $0"
mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR}
error() {
echo "`TZ=UTC date`: error: $@" >&2
exit 1
# Control number of frames in each game. Set low (200?) for irace --check
# Number of evaluations to perform on a given tournament. Set low (500?) for irace --check
$EXE $INSTANCE --frames ${MAX_FRAMES} --total_evals ${TOTAL_EVALS} --seed $SEED --log ${LOG_FILE} ${CONFIG_PARAMS} 1> $STDOUT 2> $STDERR
COST=$(tail -n 1 ${LOG_FILE} | cut -d 'E' -f 2)
if ! [[ "$COST" =~ ^[-+0-9.e]+$ ]] ; then
error "${STDOUT}: Output is not a number"
echo "$COST"
# We are done with our duty. Clean files and exit with 0 (no error).
#rm -f "${STDOUT}" "${STDERR}"
#rm -f best.* stat.* cmp.*
exit 0
# General settings
starting_nodes: 40
static_node_size: 40
node_size_cap: 150
node_inputs: 2
weights: True
mutate_method: ":gene_mutate"
crossover_method: ":single_point_crossover"
recurrency: 0.1
total_evals: 10000
input_start: -1.0
# Logging settings
save_best: True
log_config: True
#log_function: ":log_best"
log_function: ":log_all"
# Graph setting
label_with_node_mumber: True
# Mutation
active_mutate: False
input_mutation_rate: 0.0
output_mutation_rate: 0.6
node_mutation_rate: 0.1
node_size_delta: 0.0
modify_mutation_rate: 0.0
# Oneplus settings
lambda: 9
# GA settings
ga_population: 50
ga_elitism_rate: 0.1
ga_crossover_rate: 0.25
ga_mutation_rate: 0.65
# Speciation settings
speciation_thresh: 0.8
init_species: 5
# CMAES settings
cmaes_population: 5
cmaes_stopeval: 5000
# list processing
- "x"
- "if length(x) > 1; return x[1:f2ind(x, (c+1)/2.0)]; else; return x; end"
- "x"
- "if length(x) > 1; return x[f2ind(x, (c+1)/2.0):end]; else; return x; end"
- "x"
- "range_in(x, (y+1)/2.0, (c+1)/2.0)"
- "x"
- "index_in(x, (y+1)/2.0)"
- "x"
- "index_in(x, (c+1)/2.0)"
- "x"
- "x[:]"
- "x"
- "x[1]"
- "x"
- "x[end]"
- "x"
- "if length(x) > 1; return scaled(diff(x[:])); else; return 0.0; end"
- "x"
- "if length(x) > 1; return scaled(mean(diff(x[:]))); else; return 0.0; end"
- "x"
- "circshift(x, ceil(c))"
- "x"
- "reverse(x[:])"
- "[x; y]"
- "[x; y[:]]"
- "[x[:]; y]"
- "[x[:]; y[:]]"
- "[y; x]"
- "[y[:]; x]"
- "[y; x[:]]"
- "[y[:]; x[:]]"
- "x"
- "x*ones(size(y))"
- "y*ones(size(x))"
- "mean(x)*ones(size(y))"
- "x"
- "scaled(sum(x))"
- "x"
- "if ndims(x) < 3; return Array{Float64}(ctranspose(x)); else; return x; end"
- "[x]"
- "x"
# mathematical
- "(x+y)/2.0"
- "(x.+y)/2.0"
- "(x.+y)/2.0"
- ".+(eqsize(x,y,c)...)/2.0"
- "abs(x-y)/2.0"
- "abs.(x.-y)/2.0"
- "abs.(x.-y)/2.0"
- "abs.(.-(eqsize(x,y,c)...))/2.0"
- "x*y"
- "x.*y"
- "x.*y"
- ".*(eqsize(x,y,c)...)"
- "x.*c"
- "scaled(1./x)"
- "abs.(x)"
- "sqrt.(abs.(x))"
- "abs.(x).^(c+1.0)"
- "abs(x)^abs(y)"
- "abs.(x).^abs.(y)"
- "abs.(x).^abs.(y)"
- ".^(eqsize(abs.(x),abs.(y),c)...)"
- "(exp.(x)-1.0)/(exp(1.0)-1.0)"
- "sin.(x)"
- "cos.(x)"
- "sqrt.(x*x+y*y)/sqrt(2.0)"
- "sqrt.(x*x+y.*y)/sqrt(2.0)"
- "sqrt.(x.*x+y*y)/sqrt(2.0)"
- "sqrt.(.+(eqsize(x.*x, y.*y, c)...))/sqrt(2.0)"
- "acos.(x)/pi"
- "2*asin.(x)/pi"
- "4*atan.(x)/pi"
# Comparison
- "Float64(x < y)"
- "Float64.(x.<y)"
- "Float64.(x.<y)"
- "Float64.(.<(eqsize(x,y,c)...))"
- "Float64(x > y)"
- "Float64.(x.>y)"
- "Float64.(x.>y)"
- "Float64.(.>(eqsize(x,y,c)...))"
- "max(x,y)"
- "max.(x,y)"
- "max.(x,y)"
- "max.(eqsize(x, y, c)...)"
- "min(x,y)"
- "min.(x,y)"
- "min.(x,y)"
- "min.(eqsize(x, y, c)...)"
# Statistical
- "0.0"
- "scaled(std(x[:]))"
- "x"
- "scaled(skewness(x[:]))"
- "x"
- "scaled(kurtosis(x[:]))"
- "x"
- "mean(x)"
- "x"
- "maximum(x)-minimum(x)-1.0"
- "round.(x)"
- "ceil.(x)"
- "floor.(x)"
- "x"
- "maximum(x)"
- "x"
- "minimum(x)"
# Misc
- "y"
- "x"
- "c"
- "c"
- "c.*ones(size(x))"
- "0.0"
- "zeros(size(x))"
- "1.0"
- "ones(size(x))"
Copy link

d6y commented Dec 17, 2018

Summary of parameters:

Param This irace Settings in paper
C 60 40
r 0.5 0.1
lambda 10 9
m_nodes 0.1 0.1
m_output 0.5 0.6

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