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Created July 20, 2017 06:36
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Code from Functional Brighton 18 July 2017
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ratio
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
-- Maybe is for values with an added context of failure
fruit :: Maybe String
fruit = Just "Apple"
enhance :: String -> Maybe String
enhance "Apple" = Just "Toffee Apple"
enhance other = Nothing
-- Remember:
-- Bind is about sequencing computations
-- the Writer monad is for values that have another value attached that acts as a sort of log value
isBigGang :: Int -> Bool
isBigGang x = x > 9
isBigGang :: Int -> (Bool, String)
isBigGang x = (x > 9, "Compared gang size to 9.")
-- Now what if we already have a value that has a log string attached to it, such as (3, "Smallish gang."), and we want to feed it to isBigGang?
applyLog :: (a,String) -> (a -> (b,String)) -> (b,String)
applyLog (x,log) f = (y, log ++ newLog)
where (y,newLog) = f x
Right now, applyLog takes values of type (a,String), but is there a reason that the log has to be a String? It uses ++ to append the logs, so wouldn't this work on any kind of list, not just a list of characters?
applyLog2 :: (a,[c]) -> (a -> (b,[c])) -> (b,[c])
applyLog2 (x,log) f = (y, log ++ newLog)
where (y,newLog) = f x
-- we can also generaize the ++ to a monoid append
applyLog3 :: (Monoid m) => (a,m) -> (a -> (b,m)) -> (b,m)
applyLog3 (x,log) f = (y,log `mappend` newLog)
where (y,newLog) = f x
-- the attached value doesn't always have to be a log
type Food = String
type Price = Sum Int
addDrink :: Food -> (Food,Price)
addDrink "beans" = ("milk", Sum 25)
addDrink "jerky" = ("whiskey", Sum 99)
addDrink _ = ("beer", Sum 30)
-- Because the value that addDrink returns is a tuple of type (Food,Price), we can feed that result to addDrink again
-- Look at definition of Writer and Monad instannce
-- Is this it?
-- newtype Writer w a = Writer { runWriter :: (a, w) }
logNumber :: Int -> Writer [String] Int
--logNumber x = writer (x, ["Got number: " ++ show x])
logNumber x = do
tell ["I saw "++(show x)]
return x
multWithLog :: Writer [String] Int
multWithLog = do
a <- logNumber 3
b <- logNumber 5
tell ["Gonna multiply these two"]
(x,y) <- listen $ logNumber 30
tell ["Listen result", show x, show y]
return (a*b)
-- Reader
-- We see that the reader monad allows us to treat functions as values with a context.
-- Monad.Instances is deprecated
addStuff :: Int -> Int
addStuff = do
a <- (*2)
b <- (+10)
return (a+b)
instance Monad ((->) r) where
return x = \_ -> x
h >>= f = \w -> f (h w) w
-- the function monad is also called the reader monad
-- We can act as if we already know what the functions will return. It does this by gluing functions together into one function and then giving that function's parameter to all of the functions that it was glued from
type Env = (String, Int)
env :: Env
env = ("localhost", 80)
isDeveloper :: Reader Env Bool
isDeveloper = do
(host, _) <- ask
secure <- asks isSecure2
-- secure <- isSecure
return $ (not secure) && (host == "localhost" || host == "")
isSecure2 :: Env -> Bool
isSecure2 (_, 443) = True
isSecure2 _ = False
isSecure :: Reader Env Bool
isSecure = do
(_, port) <- ask
return $ port == 443
-- State
-- s -> (a,s)
-- s is the type of the state and a the result of the stateful computations.
type Stack = [Int]
-- constructor takes a "run state" function as an argument:
-- s -> (a, s)
-- mote (possily the name for a value is a monad)
pop :: State Stack Int
pop = state $ \(x:xs) -> (x,xs)
-- Computation happens in the context of state
push :: Int -> State Stack ()
push a = state $ \xs -> ((),a:xs)
stackManip :: State Stack Int
stackManip = do
a <- pop
b <- pop
push (a * b)
r <- pop
return r
-- (>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b
get2 = state $ \s -> (s,s)
put2 v = state $ \s -> ((), v)
stackyStack :: State Stack ()
stackyStack = do
stackNow <- get2
if stackNow == [1,2,3]
then put2 [8,3,1]
else put2 [9,2,1]
-- Error
instance (Error e) => Monad (Either e) where
return x = Right x
Right x >>= f = f x
Left err >>= f = Left err
fail msg = Left (strMsg msg)
e :: Either String Int
e = Left "Bad Integer"
s :: Either String Int
s = Right 42
-- Friends
-- even though every monad is a functor, we don't have to rely on it having a Functor instance because of the liftM function. liftM takes a function and a monadic value and maps it over the monadic value. So it's pretty much the same thing as fmap!
join :: (Monad m) => m (m a) -> m a
join mm = do
m <- mm
In other words,
m >>= f is always the same thing as join (fmap f m)!
keepSmall :: Int -> Writer [String] Bool
keepSmall x
| x < 4 = do
tell ["Keeping " ++ show x]
return True
| otherwise = do
tell [show x ++ " is too large, throwing it away"]
return False
filterM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
--binSmalls :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
binSmalls acc x
| x > 9 = mzero
| otherwise = pure (acc + x)
foo = foldM binSmalls 0 [2,8,300,1]
newtype Prob a = Prob { getProb :: [(a,Rational)] } deriving Show
instance Functor Prob where
fmap f (Prob xs) = Prob $ map (\(x,p) -> (f x,p)) xs
instance Applicative Prob where
(<*>) = ap
pure = return
flatten :: Prob (Prob a) -> Prob a
flatten (Prob xs) = Prob $ concat $ map multAll xs
where multAll (Prob innerxs,p) = map (\(x,r) -> (x,p*r)) innerxs
instance Monad Prob where
return x = Prob [(x,1%1)]
m >>= f = flatten (fmap f m)
fail _ = Prob []
data Coin = Heads | Tails deriving (Show, Eq)
coin :: Prob Coin
coin = Prob [(Heads,1%2),(Tails,1%2)]
loadedCoin :: Prob Coin
loadedCoin = Prob [(Heads,1%10),(Tails,9%10)]
flipThree :: Prob Bool
flipThree = do
a <- coin
b <- coin
c <- loadedCoin
return (all (==Tails) [a,b,c])
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