- Organization - Debian
- Mentors - Dashamir Hoxha , Akash Shende
- Project Abstract - Link
- Github repository - Virtual LTSP Server
Virtual LTSP server project automates installation and configuration of LTSP server with vagrant. It is the easiest way to create LTSP setup. We have developed the project to do the same for Linux mint 19 and Debian 9. We also created several scripts for testing, create ltsp client, manage accounts, etc. Also created packer scripts to create vagrant boxes that we will use in the project.
Google Summer of Code was a great opportunity to work with really smart and amazing people. I learned a lot in the process. It took my understanding of Vagrant, bash-scripting, packer, ltsp, Debian packaging to a whole another level. I started with a basic provisioner script to install ltsp to vagrant box. Then we make several improvements in it.
After that a major issue was the client was unable to boot. In order to solve this issue I searched through all the content on the internet about ltsp. Even asked the active developers of ltsp on how to fix this issue. They have been working on ltsp for a long time but they haven't encountered this problem yet. After struggling for lots of I solved it! Looking at the complexity and the time it took mentors told me to write a separate blog post about it.
Then we also created Virtual ltsp server for Debian 9. Also one for linux mint 19. I had to create a new linux mint vagrant box with xfce. Which was really fun. I also automated its creation with packer scripts. We also did port from Edubuntu packages to Debian. It is locally built and installed via a small script. In the end, we added features like automatic login, guest login, and several scripts to optimize the workflow for the user.
This was a really brief summary of the work done. More details can be found on the weekly reports and blogs.
- Virtual LTSP Server - https://github.com/docker-scripts/dev--LTSP
- Pull requests made - https://github.com/docker-scripts/dev--LTSP/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=user%3Ad78ui98
- Commits made
- bionic branch - https://github.com/docker-scripts/dev--LTSP/commits/bionic https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kIbZWSyG0vs0ETEBxTHcZhtH6rG3k5TyzLIVBKFqk0Q/edit?usp=sharing
- buster branch - https://github.com/docker-scripts/dev--LTSP/commits/buster https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y7e60kuggwBfEilaRJIVFzUWlEjTmPGlIj50QkDVCKI/edit?usp=sharing
- Issues worked on - https://github.com/docker-scripts/dev--LTSP/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=user%3Ad78ui98
- Packer scripts to create vagrant box - https://github.com/docker-scripts/dev--LTSP/tree/bionic/packer
- Linux mint tara vagrant box - https://app.vagrantup.com/d78ui98/boxes/linuxmint-19-xfce-32bit
- Ported edubuntu packages from ubuntu to debian
- Documentation - https://github.com/docker-scripts/dev--LTSP/wiki
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/05/msg00020.html
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/05/msg00050.html
blog: https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/week-2-google-summer-of-code-with-debian
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/06/msg00015.html
blog: https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/week-3-google-summer-of-code-with-debian
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/06/msg00056.html
blog: https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/week-4-google-summer-of-code-with-debian
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/06/msg00086.html
blog: https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/week-5-google-summer-of-code-with-debian
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/06/msg00120.html
blog: https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/week-6-google-summer-of-code-with-debian
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/07/msg00000.html
blog: https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/week-7-google-summer-of-code-with-debian
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/07/msg00034.html
blog: https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/week-8-google-summer-of-code-with-debian
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/07/msg00059.html
blog: https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/week-9-google-summer-of-code-with-debian
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/07/msg00081.html
blog: https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/week-10-google-summer-of-code-with-debian
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/07/msg00107.html
blog: https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/week-11-google-summer-of-code-with-debian
report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/08/msg00018.html
blog: https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/week-12-google-summer-of-code-with-debian
- reported and fixed issue in debian buster vagrant box:
fujimakishouten/vagrant-boxes#1 - request to modify 1 and add 3 education:
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=905006 - https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/solving-ltsp-client-not-able-to-login-issue-50384c98efbc
- https://medium.com/@gajbhiyedeepanshu/building-custom-vagrant-box-e6a846b6baca
I am very thankful to Google and Debian for accepting me to Google Summer of Code. Working for GSoC was an amazing experience. I will definately participate next year as well.
Thanks to my mentors Dashamir Hoxha and Akash Shende for their solid support, quick response, patience and trust on me.
Thank you Daniel Pocock for encouragement and Big thanks to Debian, ltsp, Vagrant community for being very helpful. I will keep contributing to all the communities.