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Стихи на английском про зиму с переводом

Стихи на английском про зиму с переводом

Стихи на английском про зиму с переводом

На английском языке стихи о зиме. English winter poems.
Стихи о зиме на английском
Детские стихи на английском языке про зиму

Дети любят это время года гораздо больше, чем взрослые, так как со снегом связано столько веселых забав. Здесь я буду собирать простенькие стишки про зиму на английском языке , которые легко можно выучить даже с 3-х летним малышом, а также стихотворения чуть посложнее, для деток постарше. Детям перевод не нужен. Достаточно жестов и картинок. Snow on the ground. Snow on the tree. Snow on the house. Зима, зима, Давайте кататься на лыжах и коньках! Зима, зима, Время веселья для меня! Winter hat Upon my head — My head stays warm, But my nose is red! Зимняя шапка У меня на голове — Голове моей тепло, А вот нос мой красный! Пошли кататься на коньках. Пошли, поваляемся в снегу. Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch Up the hill we go Sliding, sliding, sliding, sliding Down the hill we go. Хрусть, скрип, хрусть, скрип, хрусть, Вверх на холм мы идем. На санках едем, на санках едем, Мы вниз с холма. Читая стишок, санки поднимаем вверх по горке, затем они едут вниз. Snowflakes falling One by one, Time to play, And have some fun. Build a snowman Snowballs, too, Come and see what you can do. Снежинки падают Одна за другой, Время играть, И веселиться. Слепить снеговика, И снежки, Приходи и посмотри, что ты можешь сделать. Snowflakes are falling on the ground, On our houses and in our town. On my nose and in my hair, Snowflakes are falling everywhere. Снежинки падают на землю На наши дома и в нашем городе. На мой нос и волосы, Снежинки падают везде. Children are skiing, Children are skating, Sledging down the hills. Winter is charming, When it is coming With snow and frost all around. Дети катаются на лыжах, Дети катаются на коньках, И на санках вниз со склона. Зима очаровательна, Когда приходит Со снегом и морозом. This is the season When mornings are dark, And birds do not sing In the forest and park. This is the season When children ski, And Santa Clause Brings a Christmas tree. Это время года, Когда дети катаются на лыжах. А Санта Клаус Приносит рождественскую елку. The snow is falling, The wind is blowing, The ground is white All day and night. RSS подписаться на комментарии к посту. Главная Ваши пожелания Стихи Физкультминутка Загадки Мои материалы Интересные книжки Карта сайта. Короткие стихи с переводом. Snowflakes are nice, Snowflakes are white. They fall by day, They fall at night. Снежинки красивые, Снежинки белые. Они падают днем, Они падают ночью. Winter season This is the season When mornings are dark, And birds do not sing In the forest and park. Это время года, Когда утром темно. А птички не поют В лесу и парке. Снег идет, Ветер дует. Белым бело вокруг, Весь день и всю ночь. Короткие стихи с переводом Summer. Рифмовки для зарядки зимняя тема. Стихотворение - сценка "Rain and rainbow". Ice-Cream Poem - летнее стихотворение-раскраска. Спасибо за отличную подборку стихов, да и других материалов! Добавляю ваш сайт в закладки. Выражаю свою благодарность тем, кто решил поддержать мой сайт. Нет необходимости каждый раз заглядывать в транскрипцию. Любое английское слово, фразу, текст на сайте вы можете озвучить здесь. Вставьте английскую фразу в поле - нажмите Say it - ниже нажмите на портрет мужчины. Он вам все скажет:

Зима: Короткие стихи с переводом.

Snow and sleet, and sleet and snow. Will the Winter never go? Hail and ice, and ice and hail, Water frozen in the pail. See the robins, brown and red, They are waiting to be fed. Poor dears, battling in the gale! Hail and ice, and ice and hail. Through the pale arch of orient the morn Comes in a milk-white splendor newly-born, A sword of crimson cuts in twain the gray Banners of shadow hosts, and lo, the day! Safe beneath the snowdrifts lie Rainbow buds of by-and-by; In the long, sweet days of spring Music of bluebells shall ring, And its faintly golden cup Many a primrose will hold up. Now the hedged meads renew Rustic odour, smiling hue, And the clean air shines and tinkles as the world goes wheeling through; And my heart springs up anew, Bright and confident and true, And my old love comes to meet me in the dawning and the dew. Thick draws the dark, And spark by spark, The frost-fires kindle, and soon Over that sea of frozen foam Floats the white moon. Before the stars have left the skies, At morning in the dark I rise; And shivering in my nakedness, By the cold candle, bathe and dress. Close by the jolly fire I sit To warm my frozen bones a bit; Or with a reindeer-sled, explore The colder countries round the door. When to go out, my nurse doth wrap Me in my comforter and cap; The cold wind burns my face, and blows Its frosty pepper up my nose. Black are my steps on silver sod; Thick blows my frosty breath abroad; And tree and house, and hill and lake, Are frosted like a wedding-cake. Black are my steps on silver sod; Thick blows my frosty breath abroad; And tree and house, and hill and lake, Are frosted like a wedding cake. He withers all in silence, and in his hand Unclothes the earth, and freezes up frail life. He takes his seat upon the cliffs, the mariner Cries in vain. Years have built the city in layers: With daylight, the houses turned galleries and stores turned restaurants open— the Navajos wrapped in wool. In summer when I passed the place I had to stop and lift my face; A bird with an angelic gift Was singing in it sweet and swift. No bird was singing in it now. A single leaf was on a bough, And that was all there was to see In going twice around the tree. A brush had left a crooked stroke Of what was either cloud or smoke From north to south across the blue; A piercing little star was through. Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky, Thou dost not bite so nigh As benefits forgot: Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly: This life is most jolly. So near to paradise all pairing ends: Here loveless birds now flock as winter friends, Content with bud-inspecting. They presume To say which buds are leaf and which are bloom. A feather-hammer gives a double knock. And we will seek the quiet hill Where towers the cotton tree, And leaps the laughing crystal rill, And works the droning bee. And we will build a cottage there Beside an open glade, With black-ribbed blue-bells blowing near, And ferns that never fade. Стихи на английском языке про зиму. Чтение на английском языке. Rain and wind, and wind and rain. Will the Summer come again? Above the marge of night a star still shines, And on the frosty hills the sombre pines Harbor an eerie wind that crooneth low Over the glimmering wastes of virgin snow. Frosty-white and cold it lies Underneath the fretful skies; Snowflakes flutter where the red Banners of the poppies spread, And the drifts are wide and deep Where the lilies fell asleep. I WHO all the winter through Cherished other loves than you, And kept hands with hoary policy in marriage-bed and pew; Now I know the false and true, For the earnest sun looks through, And my old love comes to meet me in the dawning and the dew. The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree Has given my heart A change of mood And saved some part Of a day I had rued. Clouded with snow The cold winds blow, And shrill on leafless bough The robin with its burning breast Alone sings now. When icicles hang by the wall And Dick the shepherd blows his nail And Tom bears logs into the hall, And milk comes frozen home in pail, When Blood is nipped and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-who; Tu-whit, tu-who: Late lies the wintry sun a-bed, A frosty, fiery sleepy-head; Blinks but an hour or two; and then, A blood-red orange, sets again. The north is thine; there hast thou built thy dark Deep-founded habitation. Shake not thy roofs Nor bend thy pillars with thine iron car. All the complicated details of the attiring and the disattiring are completed! A liquid moon moves gently among the long branches. Thus having prepared their buds against a sure winter the wise trees stand sleeping in the cold. Stay, season of calm love and soulful snows! I read these pregnant signs, know what they mean: I know that thou art making ready to go. I fled a land where fields are green Always, and palms wave gently to and fro, And winds are balmy, blue brooks ever sheen, To ease my heart of its impassioned woe. The city is closing for the night. Neighborhoods have changed the burro trails to streets, bare at night— no pedestrians, no cars, no dogs. With daylight, the houses turned galleries and stores turned restaurants open— the Navajos wrapped in wool crowd the Palace of the Governors plaza to sell their handmade blankets, silver rings, and necklaces to travelers who will buy jewelry as they buy everything— another charming history for themselves. The west was getting out of gold, The breath of air had died of cold, When shoeing home across the white, I thought I saw a bird alight. A winter garden in an alder swamp, Where conies now come out to sun and romp, As near a paradise as it can be And not melt snow or start a dormant tree. Стихи на английском языке про осень. Рождество - стихи на английском языке детские. Christmas poems and carols. Рождество - поздравления, фразы на английском. Стихи, стихотворения о декабре детские, для детей. Про зиму - небольшие, короткие и маленькие стихи. Для детей и взрослых. Зима - стихи русских писателей, классиков, поэтов. Зима в стихотворениях Александра Пушкина. Зима в стихах и стихотворениях Есенина, Тютчева, Некрасова. Снег, мороз, метель и вьюга - детские стихи. Стихи детям про первый снег и снегопад. Карта сайта webmaster paers.

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