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Last active August 29, 2017 01:29
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xmonad setting
import XMonad
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig
-- import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Layout.OneBig
-- import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
import XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace (onWorkspace)
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders (noBorders)
import XMonad.Layout.Reflect
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
-- import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo
import XMonad.Hooks.InsertPosition
-- import XMonad.Util.Run
-- import XMonad.Actions.SpawnOn
import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops
-- import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
myStartupHook :: X ()
myStartupHook = do spawn "~/.xmonad/"
myBar :: String
myBar = "xmobar"
-- Custom PP, configure it as you like. It determines what is being written to the bar. . wrap "[" "]"
myPP :: PP
myPP = xmobarPP { ppCurrent = xmobarColor "#ECF0F1" ""
,ppTitle = xmobarColor "#ECF0F1" "" . wrap "[ " " ]"
,ppSep=" | "
,ppLayout=xmobarColor "#ECF0F1" "" . (\x-> case last $ words x of
"Full" ->"Full"
-- Key binding to toggle the gap for the bar.
toggleStrutsKey :: XConfig t -> (KeyMask, KeySym)
toggleStrutsKey XConfig { XMonad.modMask = modMask' } = (modMask', xK_b)
-- Workspace
myWorkspaces :: [String]
myWorkspaces = ["1-Explore","2-Create","3-Playground"]
-- Tile
tiled :: Tall a
tiled = Tall nmaster ratio delta
-- Default number of windows in the master pane
nmaster = 2
-- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane
ratio = 1/2
-- Percentage of screen to increment when resizing panes
delta = 3/100
-- Defaults set of layouts to be used on workspaces
defaultTiled = tiled ||| Mirror tiled ||| (noBorders $ Full)
defaultFullScreen = (noBorders $ Full) ||| tiled ||| Mirror tiled
defaultOneBigRight = OneBig (9/16) (4/4) ||| tiled
defaultOneBigLeft = reflectHoriz $ OneBig (9/16) 0.7 ||| tiled
--defaultLeft = spacing 2 $ reflectHoriz $ ResizableTall 2 (3/100) (9/16) [3/2] ||| Full
defaultLeft = reflectHoriz $ ResizableTall 2 (3/100) (9/16) [3/2] ||| (noBorders $ Full)
defaultRight = ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (9/16) [] ||| (noBorders $ Full)
-- Define layouts to be used on workspaces
myLayouts = avoidStruts
$ onWorkspace "1-Explore" defaultRight
$ onWorkspace "2-Create" defaultLeft
$ onWorkspace "3-Playground" defaultLeft
$ defaultTiled
myManageHook = composeAll . concat $
[ className =? a --> viewShift "1-Explore" | a <- [] ]
, [ className =? a --> viewShift "2-Create" | a <- [] ]
-- Applications that go to chat
, [ className =? a --> doFloat | a <- ["Zenity","Gimp"] ]
viewShift = doF . liftM2 (.) W.view W.shift
-- Main configuration, override the defaults to your liking.
myConfig = defaultConfig { terminal = "st"
,startupHook = myStartupHook
,focusedBorderColor = "#ecf0f1"
,normalBorderColor = "#3772ab"
,borderWidth = 2
,workspaces = myWorkspaces
,focusFollowsMouse = False
,layoutHook = myLayouts
,manageHook = insertPosition Below Newer <+> manageDocks <+> myManageHook }
[((mod4Mask, xK_w), spawn "chromium")
,((mod1Mask, xK_p), spawn "dmenu_run -fn '-*-*-*-*-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'")
,((mod1Mask, xK_a), sendMessage MirrorShrink)
,((mod1Mask, xK_z), sendMessage MirrorExpand)
( [
(mod1Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_q)
] -- ++ [ (mod1Mask, n) | n <- [xK_1 .. xK_2] ]
main :: IO ()
main = do
xmonad . ewmh =<< statusBar myBar myPP toggleStrutsKey myConfig
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