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Created November 20, 2013 19:51
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/* 1310601027, fhs36118
* Daniel Raudschus
* ueo4 bsp25
* */
using System;
namespace bsp25
/* 25.(4P) Schreibe ein Programm mit einer Methode, die eine Sanduhr 5n-mal nebeneinander ausgibt;
* also für n = 3 (Anzahl der Sanduhren) und b = 5 (Breite einer Sanduhr)
class MainClass
// function main
public static void Main (string[] args)
Console.WriteLine ("Type in n and b.\n" +
"n is the amoung of hourglasses and b is the width of each hourglass:\n\n" +
"Start with b (width of hourglass):");
int b = checkUserInput (1, int.MaxValue);
Console.WriteLine ("Now type in b (amount of printed hourglasses):");
int n = checkUserInput (1, int.MaxValue);
hourglass (b, n);
// end of main
// function checkUserInput
static int checkUserInput (int min, int max)
bool inputIsOk;
int userInput;
do {
inputIsOk = int.TryParse (Console.ReadLine (), out userInput);
if ((inputIsOk == true) && (userInput >= min) && (userInput <= max))
inputIsOk = true;
else {
inputIsOk = false;
Console.WriteLine ("This value is invalid!");
} while (inputIsOk == false);
return userInput;
// end of function
// start of function hourglas
static void hourglass (int b, int n)
// part 1
for (int lineCounter = b; lineCounter > 0; lineCounter--) { // zählt die Linien ab z.b. 4 Lines
for (int hgCounter = 1; hgCounter <= n; hgCounter++) { // zählt wieviele Hourglas dargestellt werden sollen
for (int counter = 1; counter <= (b - lineCounter); counter++) {
Console.Write (" "); // setzt einen Teil der symbolplätze auf " "
for (int starCounter = 0; starCounter <= (lineCounter * 2 - 1); starCounter++) { // fügt die sterne ein
if (starCounter % 2 == 0) { // sorgt für einen Abstand Platz zwischen den Sternen
Console.Write ("*"); // gerade zeilen kriegen den stern
} else {
Console.Write (" "); // ungerade eine leerzeile
for (int space = 1; space <= (b - lineCounter); space++) {
Console.Write (" ");
Console.Write ("\n");
// part 2
for (int lineCounter = 2; lineCounter <= b; lineCounter++) {
for (int hgCounter = 1; hgCounter <= n; hgCounter++) {
for (int space = 1; space <= (b - lineCounter); space++) {
Console.Write (" ");
for (int starCounter = 0; starCounter <= (lineCounter * 2 - 1); starCounter++) {
if (starCounter % 2 == 0) {
Console.Write ("*");
} else {
Console.Write (" ");
for (int space = 1; space <= (b - lineCounter); space++) {
Console.Write (" ");
Console.Write ("\n");
//end of function
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