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5e New Character Questionnaire

This is a checklist of questions to help you build a new character. You can answer them however you want, but if you want instant inspiration, most questions have tables that you can roll to get your answers. To do this properly, you will need the PHB (Player's Handbook), and the XGE (Xanathars Guide to Everything). Note, with the answer to many questions, you should think as to why that question is true. Does the answer fit with what you have so far?

Character Essentials

What class are you?

Choose or roll from the "Class" table on XGE 72. You will have to choose a subclass as well. More information on classes/subclasses is available in Chapter 3 of the PHB. (or Chapter 3 of the Basic Rules)

Note: You might want to delay answering these subquestions until after you've answered the "What's your background?" question.

What subclass are you?

If you want to roll for your subclass, see the Character Creation Tables.

What class features do you have?

What skill proficiencies do you get from your class?

What equipment do you get as a member of your class?

(Note: Weapons can be found on PHB 149).

Other questions that the XGE section for your class asks.

This is highly optional, but the XGE section for your class has a set of questions that you can answer to help you suss your character out better.

What is your background?

You can choose from the list of backgrounds on D&D Beyond, or create your own custom background using the method on PHB 126. If you want to be lazy, use the suggested background in your class "Quick Build" section. If you want to roll for this, roll on the "Backgrounds in the PHB" table below (or the Character Creation Tables if you want more options).

What background feature do you have?

What skill proficiencies do you get from your background?

What tool/language proficiencies do you get from your background?

What equipment did you get from your background?

Choose or roll on your background's "Trait" (and you get two of those bad boys), "Ideal", "Bond", and "Flaw" tables.

What race are you?

Choose or roll from the "Race" table on XGE 73. Write down (and choose) what racial features you get. More information on races is available in Chapter 1 of the PHB. (or Chapter 1 of the Basic Rules)

You can also use the table in the Reincarnate spell, or mrpeach32's "Updated Reincarnate Table".

What subrace/ethnicity are you?

If you're human, there's a list of common ethnicities on PHB 30. You may roll for this using my Human Ethnicity Table.

What racial feature and racial bonuses do you get?

Some races harmonize better with certain classes than others, due to those racial bonuses. You may want to reroll your race if there's a total conflict.

What is your gender identity?

What is your sexual orientation?

Choose or roll from my Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Tables.

What is your name?

On your race page, there's a way to make a name! I also like the Fantasy Name Generators D&D Race Name Generator. More names are available in Appendix B of XGE, starting on page 125.

What are your ability scores?

See the "Determine Ability Scores" section (also on PHB 12). I prefer to use the "point buy" system as described in the "Variant: Customizing Ability Scores" section, though if you want to be lazy, the "Standard Array" (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) is fine. It's a decent idea to use your class "Quick Build" suggestion. Don't forget to add your racial bonus, and level up if your class tells you that you can. (Instead of improving ability scores, you can take a feat if you want.)

What is your alignment?

Choose or roll from my PC Alignment Table, or from the "Alignment" table on XGE 72. You might want to reroll your "Ideal" if it's inconsistent.

What god do you pray to? How devout are you?

See the "Gods of the Multiverse" chapter (also in the PHB, starting on page 293). Make sure it's somewhat consistent with your alignment (and possibly domain).

Character Appearance

Most of these have a box on your character sheet, but you should probably also take all of the answers to these questions, and put them together into an "Appearance" paragraph.

What is your age? (Also, how many "life events" have happened to you?)

Choose or roll from "Life Events By Age" table on XGE 69. Roll how many "Life Events" you have, you'll need this later. This table assumes that you're human, so...

  • If you're an elf, multiply by 5
  • If you're a dwarf, multiply by 2.5
  • If you're a gnome, multiply by 2
  • If you're a dragonborn or half-orc, multiply by 0.75

What is your height and weight?

See "Height and Weight" section on PHB 121. Note, it's a good idea to note if the character is "tall (for an elf)", or "short (for a human)", or "heavy (for a tiefling)", or "waif-like (for a dwarf)". Descriptors are slightly more useful than raw "145 lbs.", though you should have both. To find out if your dice rolls are high or low, use my Dice to Distribution tool.

What is your hair color, eye color, and skin color?

If you're a human, this should probably be near where you chose your name. Otherwise, make some arbitrary choices. If you want to roll, use the tables on the D&D Wiki "Random Hair and Eye Color" page.

What kind of lifestyle do you live?

See the table on PHB 157. If you want to roll for this, roll using the "Family Lifestyle" table on XGE 63.

Any other distinguishing features?

Scars? Unusual fashion sense? Other? None? It helps to come back to this after you've done your background.

Character Background

Most of these questions can be answered by the "This Is Your Life" section of XGE, starting on page 61. And again, the best way to do this is to answer all the questions, then join/edit them into a small little "Background" essay.

Note: When you're creating NPCs, it helps to use the "Supplemental Tables" starting on XGE 72. I always try to fill out race, gender, and name. You can also roll for alignment, occupation, relationship, status, and age.

Who were your parents?

Where were you born?

Did you have any siblings?

Who raised you?

What lifestyle did they have?

Where were you raised?

How rural/urban is this?

What memories did you have of your childhood?

Why did you become your background?

Why did you become your class?

What "life events" have happened to you?

Note: If you're starting off at a higher "Tier of Play", then you should probably an extra life event or two, to simulate the levels you've skipped. For example, if you're starting the campaign as a level 12 character, how'd you get to level 12?

Where do you live now?

What trinket do you have?

Choose or roll a trinket from PHB 160. This trinket usually comes from the background above, but it doesn't have to.

Are you a part of any organizations?

You might want to consider one of the five basic factions, such as the Harpers, The Order of the Gauntlet, the Emerald Enclave, The Lords’ Alliance, or the Zhentarim.

Finally, do your spells!

PHB Background Tables

Backgrounds in the PHB (d100)

  • 01–11: Acolyte
  • 12–18: Charlatan
  • 19–28: Criminal (or Spy)
  • 29–34: Entertainer (or Gladiator)
  • 35–41: Folk Hero
  • 42–46: Guild Artisan (or Guild Merchant)
  • 47–54: Hermit
  • 55–63: Noble (or Knight)
  • 64–70: Outlander
  • 71–81: Sage
  • 82–86: Sailor (or Pirate)
  • 87–97: Soldier
  • 98–100: Urchin

Human Ethnicity Table

You can roll on this table in two ways. If you roll using 1d12, all ethnicities have an equal probability of showing up. If you roll 2d6, ethnicities with more variety in skin/hair/eye color will show up more often, and ethnicities with non-european names will show up less often. This is because—sadly—some DMs prefer a somewhat homogeneous western fantasy setting.

Information about human ethnicities can be found on PHB 30.

Human Ethnicity Table (1d12 or 2d6)

  • 01–02: reroll
  • 03: Mulan (names seem sorta like Indian and Egyptian?)
  • 04: Rashemi (names seem sorta like Slavic?)
  • 05: Calishite (names seem sorta like Arabic?)
  • 06: Chondanthan (names seem sorta like English?)
  • 07: Damaran (name seems sorta Norse?)
  • 08: Tethyrian (names seem sorta like English?)
  • 09: Illuskan (names seem sorta like Norse?)
  • 10: Turami (names seems sorta like Spanish?)
  • 11: Shou (names seems sorta like Chinese?)
  • 12: reroll

Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Tables

Gender identity and sexual orientation is too complex and interesting for a mere coin flip. Use these tables, based on GLAAD's "Accelerating Acceptance 2017" report.

Gender Identity (d100)

Sexual Orientation (d100)

PC Alignment Table

Although the "Alignment" table on XGE 72 is really good for NPCs, PCs tend to be a bit more varied, and a lot more heroic. Roll 2d6 to find the alignment of your character. (Also remember, this is meant to be a guide. Great characters often act outside of their prescribed alignment.)

PC Alignment Table (2d6 or 1d12)

  • 01: reroll
  • 02: Neutral evil (NE) is the alignment of those who do whatever they can get away with, without compassion or qualms.
  • 03: reroll
  • 04: Chaotic neutral (CN) creatures follow their whims, holding their personal freedom above all else.
  • 05: Lawful neutral (LN) individuals act in accordance with law, tradition, or personal codes.
  • 06: Neutral good (NG) folk do the best they can to help others according to their needs.
  • 07: Neutral (N) is the alignment of those who prefer to steer clear of moral questions and don’t take sides, doing what seems best at the time.
  • 08: Lawful good (LG) creatures can be counted on to do the right thing as expected by society.
  • 09: Chaotic good (CG) creatures act as their conscience directs, with little regard for what others expect.
  • 10: Lawful evil (LE) creatures methodically take what they want, within the limits of a code of tradition, loyalty, or order.
  • 11: reroll
  • 12: Chaotic evil (CE) creatures act with arbitrary violence, spurred by their greed, hatred, or bloodlust.

Blank Templates

Main "New Character" Template"

  • What class are you?
    • What subclass are you?
    • What class features do you have?
    • What skill proficiencies do you get from your class?
    • What equipment do you get as a member of your class?
  • What background are you?
    • What background feature do you have?
    • What skill proficiencies do you get from your background?
    • What tool/language proficiencies do you get from your background?
    • What equipment did you get from your background?
  • What are your characteristics?
    • Trait #1:
    • Trait #2:
    • Ideal:
    • Bond:
    • Flaw:
  • What race are you?
    • What racial feature and racial bonuses do you get?
  • What is your gender identity?
    • What is your sexual orientation?
  • What is your name?
  • What are your ability scores?
    • Str:
    • Dex:
    • Con:
    • Int:
    • Wis:
    • Cha:
  • What's your alignment?
  • What god do you pray to? How devout are you?

So far, how do you think your character is going? How do you think they act? Does everything fit?

  • What's your age?
  • What's your height and weight?
    • height = height_modifier + base_height
    • weight = height_modifier * weight_modifier + base_weight
    • How would you describe your height and weight using words?
  • What is your hair color, eye color, and skin color?
    • Hair color:
    • Eye color:
    • Skin color:
  • What kind of lifestyle do you live?
  • Any other distinguishing features?

How would you sum up your character's appearance?

  • Who were your parents?
  • Where were you born?
  • Did you have any siblings?
  • Who raised you?
  • What lifestyle did the above have?
  • Where were you raised?
  • What memories did you have of your childhood?
  • Why did you become your background?
  • Why did you become your class?
  • What "life events" have happened to you?
  • Where do you live now?
  • What trinket do you have?
  • Are you a part of any organizations?

Using the information above, what is your character's backstory?

NPC Template

Remember, you don't have to answer all of these.

  • Race:
  • Gender:
  • Name:
  • Alignment:
  • Occupation:
  • Relationship(s):
  • Status:
  • Age:

Other characters made with this method

These are characters I made with early draft versions of the questionnaire.

First Character

So, using the various tables and questions above, I'm going to try and roll a random level 5 character!

  • What class are you?
    • I rolled a 91, so I'm a warlock!
      • I'll write down what proficiencies I get, but...
      • I still have to choose:
        • my skill proficiencies
        • my Otherworldly Patron
        • my Pact Magic
        • three Eldritch Invocations
        • and other starting equipment.
      • I'll semi-randomly choose:
        • these skill proficiencies:
          • Nature
          • Investigation
        • the "Archfey" patron
        • Pact of the Tome
        • these Eldrich Invocations:
          • Armor of Shadows
          • Book of Ancient Secrets
          • Sign of Ill Omen
        • and this starter equipment:
          • light crossbow with 20 bolts
          • an arcane focus
          • and a scholar's pack.
  • What background are you?
    • I rolled a 15, so I'm a sage.
      • I have to choose two languages, so I'll choose
        • Sylvan and Elvish
      • I also have to roll for a specialty.
        • I rolled a 1, so I'm an alchemist.
  • What are your characteristics?
    • I rolled a 4 for my trait.
      • There’s nothing I like more than a good mystery.
    • I rolled a 4 for my ideal
      • No Limits: Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence. (Chaotic)
    • I rolled a 1 for my bond
      • It is my duty to protect my students.
    • I rolled a 4 for my flaw
      • I overlook obvious solutions in favor of complicated ones.
  • What is my race?
    • I rolled a 93, so I'm a Tiefling.

So far, my character seems like a manic, obsessive scholar. One that cares about their students and friends foremost, but facing intellectual challenges a close second (to the point of manufacturing a challenge if one isn't present). They're a tiefling, though to advance their research, they dove hard into elvish fey magic—perhaps a bit too hard. Let's answer some more questions.

  • What's your gender identity?
    • (36) Cisgender male
  • What's your sexual orientation?
    • (15) Straight
  • What's your name?
    • I rolled a 93 on the table of XGE 180. Therai!
  • What are your ability scores?
    • I'm a little lazy, so I used the standard array. I also have to level once.
      • Str: 8 (base) = 8
      • Dex: 10 (base) = 10
      • Con: 14 (base) = 14
      • Int: 13 (base) + 1 (race) = 14
      • Wis: 12 (base) = 12
      • Cha: 15 (base) + 2 (race) + 2 (level) = 19
  • What's your alignment?
    • I rolled a 15, so... Neutral good!
  • What god do you pray to? How devout are you?
    • Mystra seems like it fits, it's neutral good and fits with that sage background. Probably not that devout, though.

I'm going to take a slight break to look at the above rolls, to see if I need to tweak stuff to make sure everything fits. I'll reroll anything that doesn't fit. And... everything fits. I rolled incredibly luckily! Onwards!

  • What's your age?
    • I rolled an 87, so I'm 40 + d10 years old (I rolled 43), and have 1d8 life events (I rolled 1. I re-rolled 2.)
  • What's your height and weight?
    • My height is 11" + 4'9" (5' 8"), which is kinda tall for a tiefling.
    • My weight is 11 x 6 + 110 lbs (176 lbs), which is kinda heavy for a tiefling.
    • Therai is a pretty big tiefling. He's tallish, heavyish, and not athletic.
  • What's your hair color, skin color, and eye color?
    • For hair, I rolled 61, which is "Dark Redhead", But, since Therai is middle-aged, I'm going to lighten that up to Dark Blonde.
    • For eyes, I rolled for one of the Tiefling eye colors, and I got a solid red.
    • For skin, I rolled a 91 in the "Light" category, because... you know. Red hair. I rolled Light Tan.
  • What kind of lifestyle do you live?
    • I'm going to choose "Comfortable".
  • Any other distinguishing features?
    • We've established he's a bit doughy, I think I want to give him a professorial vibe, so he prefers formal clothes, vests and such. I also want to say that an experiment went wrong once and damaged some nerves, so his right arm slightly shakes when he's scared.

Putting it all together, here's how I would describe Therai's appearance:

Therai is a tallish, middle-aged, doughy Tiefling. He has red coloring, which has been paled due to age and an indoor lifestyle. He tends to favor formal clothes like he's due to give a lecture on alchemy. Due to a lab accident when he was working as a scholar, his right arm lightly tremors when he's under intense stress.

Now, let's dive a bit into his background:

  • Who were your parents?
    • (90) You know who your parents are or were.
    • (6) One parent was a tiefling and the other was a human.
      • Mother's name: (51) Markosian
      • Father's name: (Illuskan) Taman Helder
  • Where were you born?
    • (7) Home.
  • Did you have any siblings?
    • (4) I have 1d3 (2) siblings
    • Sibling #1
      • Gender: Male
      • Name: (24) Cimer
      • Birth Order: (3) Born younger than me
      • Occupation: (75) Laborer
      • Alignment: (13) Neutral Good
      • Status: (12) Alive and well
      • Relationship: (6) Friendly
    • Sibling #2
      • Gender: Female
      • Name: (28) Gadreel
      • Birth Order: (10) Born older than me
      • Occupation: (21) Artisan
      • Alignment: (11) Neutral
      • Status: (14) Alive and quite successful
      • Relationship: (9) Friendly
      • Other: Employer of by Cimer
  • Who raised you?
    • (9) Paternal aunt and uncle.
      • Aunt: (88) Ronat Evenwood
      • Uncle: (27) Bricru Evenwood
    • (2) Your parents were imprisoned, enslaved, or otherwise taken away.
  • What lifestyle did the above have?
    • (15) Comfortable (+10 to next roll)
  • Where were you raised?
    • (58 + 10) Small house
  • What memories did you have of your childhood?
    • (13 + 3) I always found it easy to make friends, and I loved being around people.
  • Why did you become your background?
    • (6) I became a sage because my aunt and uncle gave me a basic education that whetted my appetite, and I left home to build upon what I had learned.
  • Why did you become your class?
    • (5) I became a warlock because my future patron visited me in my dreams and offered great power in exchange for my service.
  • What "life events" have happened to you?
    • I rolled 2 life events earlier, so let's see what they are.
    • (58) You spent time working in a job related to your background. Start the game with an extra 2d6 (10) gp.
    • (75) You met someone important.
      • Gender: (1) Male
      • Race: (74) Dragonborn
      • Name: (28) Nemmonis Donaar
      • Occupation: (39) Explorer
      • Alignment: (12) Neutral
      • Status: (12) Alive and well
      • Relationship: (5) Friendly
      • Other: Person that Therai hired to find his patron?
    • You know what, give me another life event.
      • (94) You committed a crime and (9) You were caught and convicted. Neutral good. This sucks, I'm rerolling.
    • (24) You fell in love or got married.
      • Gender: Female
      • Race: (49) Dwarf
      • Name: (12, 92) Bardryn Torunn
      • Occupation: (92) Sailor
      • Alignment: (9) Neutral
      • Status: (8) Alive, but doing poorly due to injury
      • Relationship: (10) Friendly
      • Other: They fell in love, perhaps they met while he was on a dock receiving a shipment of reagent? Her job left her sparse, which he was hurt by. While she was out on a job, pirates stole the ship, and she was badly injured in a fight to fend them off. She hasn't made it home. Perhaps that's why he hasn't been on an adventure?
  • What trinket do you have?
    • (76) A four-leaf clover pressed inside a book discussing manners and etiquette.
      • Perhaps a gift from Bardryn.

So, like we did with appearance, let's put this all into a nice little story.

Therai is the son of his mother (a tiefling named Markosian) and his father (an illuskan human named Taman Helder). When Therai was 6, his parents were imprisoned together for running a small crime syndicate, but Taman's brother (Bricru Evenwood) was able to bring Therai and his siblings to a different town.

Bricru and his wife Ronat raised the children as if they were their own. The children had a comfortable childhood with the Everwoods, where Therai was popular and charismatic—if a little formal and unsporty.

He got a bug for learning from Bricru, Therai studied hard to get into Knytt University, where he fell deeply in love with the art of alchemy.

Therai became an expert on natural reagents for use in alchemy. On an errand to pick up some exotic reagents, Therai found love with a dwarf sailor named Bardryn Torunn. They had an intense relationship when her job let them be together, but when Bardryn was off on a voyage, she was captured by a pact of pirates, enslaved, and held for ransom.

Shortly after, Therai was contacted in a dream by his future patron, a lord of the unseelie court. Desperate to gain his love back, he hired a dragonborn explorer named Nemmonis Donaar to broker a meeting. Therai became a warlock, with the hopes that he will unlock the mysteries of the world, and with the hopes of gaining enough power to rescue his lover.

Therai's younger brother (Cimer) works for Therai's older sister (Gadreel), who runs a thriving leatherworking shop. Therai carries a book of manners with a four-leaf clover pressed into the pages. He doesn't admit it, but it's a gift from Bardryn. He also carries a letter from a dead colleague, proposing a new method for alchemy that he has not been able to perform.

Not bad for a random character!

Second Character

  • What's your class?
    • (77) Rogue. (This is on PHB 94)
    • What class features/subclass are you?
      • (4) Swashbuckler. I rolled from the 4 "Roguish Archetypes" from XGE 45.
    • XGE Character Questions
      • Guilty Pleasure: (5) The finest food and drink
      • Adversary: (6) The proprietor of an illegal pit fighting arena where you once took bets
        • Gender: Female
        • Race: (23) Human
        • Name: Selise Calabra
      • Benefactor: (5) A dragon didn't eat you when it had a chance, and in return, you promised to set aside choice pieces of treasure for it.
    • What skill proficiencies did you choose?
      • Acrobatics (I chose this manually because swashbucklers seem flippy and I kinda want to RP that)
        • I get expertise in two skills, this is the first.
      • Persuasion (I chose this after rolling the background, someone talking his way into/out of trouble seems neat)
        • And this gets the other.
      • (4) Insight (I had to reroll this because the background gave me deception)
      • (7) Perception
    • What starting equipment do you have?
      • A rapier, a shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows, and a burglar's pack. (Pack was chosen after background)
  • What's your background?
    • (5) Criminal (This is on PHB 129)
    • I need to choose a gaming set, so I'll just choose dragonchess (because that's the one I remember right now).
    • Criminal Specialty: (4) Fence
  • What are your characteristics?
    • Trait: (8) I blow up at the slightest insult. (Rerolled from 2)
    • Ideal: (4) Greed: I will do whatever it takes to become wealthy. (Evil)
    • Bond: I’m trying to pay off an old debt I owe to a generous benefactor. (Manually chosen because of benefactor above)
    • Flaw: (3) If there's a plan, I'll forget it. If I don't forget it, I'll ignore it.
  • What is my race?
    • (77) Gnome. (This is on PHB 34)
    • I have to choose a subrace, so I will choose Forest Gnome because the dexterity bonus works better for rogues.
  • What's your gender identity?
    • I just did a dude, so I will go feminine this time.
  • What's your sexual orientation?
    • (61) Straight
  • What's your name?
    • Tana "Sharps" Silverthread
  • What are your ability scores?
    • Str: 10 (Second lowest priority because Tana seems more dumb than weak.)
    • Dex: 15 + 1 (16) (Made this top priority because it's good for rogues.)
    • Con: 13 (Third highest priority, because Con is always good.)
    • Int: 8 + 2 (10) (Lowest priority)
    • Wis: 12 (Third lowest priority, because the others are more important, but I don't want the skills I want to be weak.)
    • Cha: 14 (Second highest priority, I think it'd be neat for social.)
  • What's your alignment?
    • Chaotic evil. (I rolled a bunch of times, but choosing this fits better)
  • What god do you pray to? How devout are you?
    • Beshaba seems to fit. Mildly devout, probably prays daily for a minute, and that's the extent of it.

Tana seems to be social, sneaky, flippy, volatile, and of questionable morals. Neat!

  • What's your age?
    • (32) 40 + 1d20 years old (since gnome), with 1d4 life events.
    • 59 years old, with 3 life events.
  • What's your height and weight?
    • Height is 6" + 2'11" (3'5"), which is average for a gnome.
    • Weight is 6 x 1 + 35 lbs (41 lbs), which also average.
  • What's your hair color, skin color, and eye color?
    • Hair Color: (53) Bleach Blonde (I had to reroll a lot, due to PHB saying that gnomes have "fair" colored hair)
    • Skin Color: (1) Light (I rolled in the "Tan" skin column since PHB says tan. Also, I'm going to call it Fitzpatrick Type II, since it's such a strong roll.)
    • Eye color: Bright Blue. Tana is fairly melanin-deprived.
  • What kind of lifestyle do you live?
    • (7) Poor.
  • Any other distinguishing features?
    • Several scars, only one visible while clothed is the one on her cheek. (Updated after the roll in "Life Events" section)

Tana is a somewhat young ball of lightly venomous energy. She is of average height and weight (considering she's a gnome). She is slightly pale, with bright blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair. She is sporting several scars (the only one visible while she's clothed is the one on her cheek). She wears well-worn black gear.

  • Who were your parents?
    • (92) You know who they are.
      • Mother
        • Name: (23) Ella Silverthread
        • Alignment: (16) Lawful Neutral
        • Occupation: (92) Sailor
        • Relationship: (8) Friendly
        • Status: (12) Alive and well
      • Father
        • Name: (32) Erky Silverthread
        • Alignment: (15) Neutral Good (Neither are chaotic or evil! Guess there was some rebelling!)
        • Occupation: (6) Academic
        • Relationship: (9) Friendly (aww, they still love their evil daughter)
        • Status: (9) Alive and Well
  • Where were you born?
    • (55) Home of a family friend (perhaps while Ella was out on the sea?)
  • Who are your siblings?
    • ... seven. I rolled seven siblings.
    • Sibling #1:
      • Gender: Female
      • Name: (58) Orla Silverthread
      • Birth Order: (3) Older
    • Sibling #2:
      • Gender: Male
      • Name: (3) Alvyn Silverthread
      • Birth Order: (9) Younger
    • Sibling #3:
      • Gender: Female
      • Name: (34) Loopmottin Silverthread
      • Birth Order: (9) Younger
    • Sibling #4:
      • Gender: Female
      • Name: (66) Ranala Silverthread
      • Birth Order: (5) Older
    • Sibling #5:
      • Gender: Male
      • Name: (75) Rimple Silverthread
      • Birth Order: (5) Older
    • Sibling #6:
      • Gender: Female
      • Name: (86) Tippletoe Silverthread
      • Birth Order: (7) Older
    • Sibling #7:
      • Gender: Female
      • Name: (55) Oppah Silverthread
      • Birth Order: (2) Twin
      • Alignment: (15) Neutral Good (the good twin?!)
      • Relationship: (8) Friendly
      • Occupation: (53) Farmer
  • Who raised you?
    • (89) Mother and father (Rerolled from guardian because they were imprisoned/enslaved. Doesn't fit.)
    • They had a (6) "Poor" lifestyle (just like Tana!)
  • Where were you raised?
    • (12) Rundown shack (I initially rolled much worse)
  • What memories did you have of your childhood?
    • (8 + 2) I had a few close friends and lived an ordinary childhood.
  • Why did you become a criminal?
    • (2) Necessity forced me to take up the life since it was the only way I could survive (oooh this is tasty)
  • Why did you become a rogue?
    • (2) An assassin or a thief wronged me, so I focused my training on mastering the skills of my enemy to better combat foes of that sort. (A story is forming. They're a poor family, and they kept getting robbed. Tana decided to fight fire with fire, and broke bad.)
  • What "life events" have happened to you?
    • (90) You fought in a battle. (possibly the scrap that led Tana down the path towards swashbuckler?)
      • (3) You were badly injured in the fight, and you still bear the awful scars of those wounds. (Updating distinguishing features in appearance section now...)
    • (61) You spent time working in a job related to your background. Start the game with an extra 2d6 (6) gp.
    • (25) You fell in love or got married.
      • Gender: Male
      • Race: (82) Half-Elf
      • Name: (16) Azaki Fasharash
      • Alignment: (8) Neutral Evil (Partner in crime!!)
      • Occupation: (80) Merchant (Who she fenced through!)
      • Status: (14) Alive and quite successful
  • What trinket do you have?
    • (46) A dead sprite inside a clear glass bottle. (a thing she couldn't fence?)

Tana was born to Ella (mother) and Erky (father) Silverthread, amongst a gaggle of siblings (Orla, Alvyn, Loopmottin, Ranala, Rimple, Tippletoe, and fraternal twin Oppah). The family was able to barely scrape by, but Ella and Erky were able to give most of their children an ordinary childhood, with a decent upbringing.

However, the desperation and crime of the slums never sat right with Tana. When she was 28 she suffered a particularly brutal mugging that left her scarred. That event led her to realize that since the only people in the slums that seem to be prospering were the muggers and not the mugged, and she decided that learning how to be in that former group would help her avoid being in that latter group.

And, although Tana never took to petty brutal mugging, she did kind of find an aptitude in crime, and as she honed her craft, the morals from her childhood started to erode away, and she found herself becoming distant from her family. Tana is a little sad about growing apart from her parents and Oppah, even if they still love her.

During one heist, Tana and a group of friends tried—unwisely—to steal some treasure from a nearby green dragon's lair. This did not go well for them. They were able to accrue a massive debt to spare their lives.
During another escapade, she found an enemy in Selise Calabra, who owns an illegal fighting pit. The reason for the feud is mysterious, some say it's simply due to some gambling debt, others say it's because Tana tried to rig a fight by poisoning one of the competitors. Tana will never tell the truth.

Over the past few years, she's fallen madly in love with Azaki Fasharash (a half-elf merchant), who helps Tana fence stolen goods.

Tana also seems super fun to play!

Third character

I did this with a friend, and I want to show you the background that they wrote based on the character they rolled.

Llew Iathrana was born as the third (and youngest child) of Martin Stagstand (a human) and the second (and youngest) child of Felosial Iathrana (an elf). He is their only child together. His parents usually left him in the care of his two older twin brothers (Perrin and Pierre, who constantly argued about which was the elder brother), who were terrible at watching him (they’re the reason he has a palpable scar on the side of his head underneath his hair and a slightly crooked nose). When he was six, both of his parents were arrested for the brutal murder of the head of the city guard, and his brothers—now 18—had no desire to take care of him. It fell upon his maternal grandparents, Leyhanna Ianratha and Heian Eathalena, to take care of him. His grandmother (Leyhanna) was a powerful wizard, and his grandfather (Heian) was a stonemason of much renown. Leyhanna taught him magic, proclaiming proudly that he’d inherited her gift, but warned him that it was too powerful to abuse. They are both devout followers of Sehanine Moonbow, an elven goddess of the moon. While living with his grandparents, he was able to reconnect with Mella, his half-sibling on his mother’s side, who lived a life of adventure as a rogue. He always waited with baited breath to hear their stories whenever they came home from an adventure.

When Llew turned 16, he entered into service at the village temple. One night, he awakened from his slumber to the sound of chanting. Upon following the sound to the temple’s basement, he saw a number of hooded figures chanting, and a magical being of undeath and destruction shimmering into place. Terrified, he ran to his grandparents’ to summon his grandmother. The creature by then had been summoned into full being, and the fight against it was brutal. Half the town was laid to waste, and his grandmother—though victorious—was severely weakened in the battle. The temple was now in ruins, and he had no idea who’d even summoned the creature to begin with.

With that, his training began in earnest. His grandmother being teaching him real magic—not just cheap cantrips—and prepared him to head out into the world. “It’s all well and good to ponder Sehanine’s mysteries,” she would say, “but sometimes you need to be an arrow in her quiver.”

Llew is growing into that arrow. And as he watches his grandfather rebuild that temple, stone by stone, he knows that he will, like his grandmother before him, do anything to protect it. He has the sinking sensation, though, that the ones he needs to defend it from are within the town itself, hidden as they were that night behind hoods and secrets and lies.

So he plays dumb. He acts the scatterbrained scholar, only concerned with arcane mysteries and obscure questions, oblivious to the world around him as he quotes dubiously relevant pieces of wisdom. That isn’t him, though. In reality, he watches everything. He’s not half as dumb—or as blind—as he looks.

After all, as Mella is fond of saying, the best arrow is the one they don’t see coming.

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