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Last active February 16, 2018 16:17
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Dropbox Restarter
Simple Python3 script that checks if your Dropbox Linux desktop client is running, and restarts it if it's stopped.
You may start the script from a systemd unit file, or execute it with another tool on system startup (eg. KDE autostart)
import tkinter
from tkinter import messagebox
import subprocess
import time
sleep_seconds = 30
while True:
output = subprocess.check_output(['ps', '-A'])
if "dropbox" not in str(output):
root = tkinter.Tk()
answer = messagebox.askyesno("Dropbox has stopped!", "Dropbox service has stopped!\nWould you like to restart it?")
if answer:['dropbox', 'start'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
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dJani97 commented Feb 16, 2018

Simple Python3 script that checks if your Dropbox Linux desktop client is running, and restarts it if it's stopped.
You may start the script from a systemd unit file, or execute it with another tool on system startup (eg. KDE autostart)

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dJani97 commented Feb 16, 2018

I wrote this script because my Dropbox client often stopped on my KDE desktop, and I got tired of loosing parts of my work all the time.

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