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Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness

Instructions to Subjects Included With Task Slips Packet

This is a study of interpersonal closeness, and your task, which we think will be quite enjoyable, is simply to get close to your partner. We believe that the best way for you to get close to your partner is for you to share with them and for them to share with you. Of course, when we advise you about getting close to your partner, we are giving advice regarding your behavior in this demonstration only, we are not advising you about your behavior outside of this demonstration.

In order to help you get close we've arranged for the two of you to engage in a kind of sharing game. You're sharing time will be for about one hour, after which time we ask you to fill out a questionnaire concerning your experience of getting close to your partner.

You have been given three sets of slips. Each slip has a question or a task written on it. As soon as you both finish reading these instructions, you should

--- a/src/binstr.erl
+++ b/src/binstr.erl
@@ -326,4 +326,6 @@ join(Binaries, Glue) ->
join([H], _Glue, Acc) ->
list_to_binary(lists:reverse([H | Acc]));
join([H|T], Glue, Acc) ->
- join(T, Glue, [Glue, H | Acc]).
+ join(T, Glue, [Glue, H | Acc]);
+join([], _Glue, _Acc) ->
+ <<"">>.
adding server socket information and allowing custom hostname responses
added utility method for wordwrapping
added suppport for multi-line banners
shoehorning in random responses so we can use as a test server
added suppport for multi-line banners
handle custom hostname banner combos
fixes for EHLO handing
change return type to binary to match spec for init saying Hostname is binary
fix case when socket disconnects immediately
whitespace fix. replace all tabs with 4 spaces
[io:format("~s deleted with ~p messages.~n",
element(2, rabbit_amqqueue:delete(X, false, false))])
|| X <- rabbit_amqqueue:list(),
{resource, VHost, queue, Name} <- [element(2, X)]],
sudo /usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl eval "${ERLCMD}";
dLuna / gist:3939585
Created October 23, 2012 15:49
cowboy config
?MODULE, 100,
cowboy_tcp_transport, [{port, Port}],
cowboy_http_protocol, [{dispatch,
[{[<<"static">>, '...'],
{priv_dir, xxx,
[<<"www">>, <<"static">>]}},