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Created August 18, 2020 04:03
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//loading modules
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const {Cluster} = require('puppeteer-cluster');
const XLSX = require('xlsx');
(async () => {
//launching the browser in full mode using headless : false
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false
//opening a new page
const page = await browser.newPage();
//going to the url where we will get all the brands
await page.goto('');
//setting the size of the window
await page.setViewport({
width: 1200,
height: 800
//scrolling all the way down the page to let all the brands be loaded with javascript so we can scrape them
await autoScroll(page);
//getting the content of the page after all the javascript has been loaded
const html = await page.content();
//closing the browser because we probably don't need it open at this point
await browser.close();
//creating a variable $ that will act as a jquery selector of the page we just scraped using cheerio
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
//this array will be filled with the html of each .brand-item so we can easily process it later and get the data we want
const result = [];
//going through each .brand-item and pushing its html in the resul array
$('.brand-item').each(function() {
title: $(this).html(),
//this array will be filled with the data we need
const treated = [];
//going through the result array and pushing the data we need in the treated array
const fileName = 'test.xlsx';
//converting the JSON array we filled above to an excel sheet
const WorkSheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(treated);
//creating an excel work book
const WorkBook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
//putting the sheet in the workbook and naming it test
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(WorkBook, WorkSheet, 'test');
//writing an excel file in our working directory with the workbook we made
XLSX.writeFile(WorkBook, fileName);
//creating a new workbook to fill with product data
const WorkBook2 = XLSX.utils.book_new();
//launching a cluster of 4 puppeteer workers in full mode
//with timeout disabled and a retrying at a maximum of 4 times if a worker fails
const cluster = await Cluster.launch({
concurrency: Cluster.CONCURRENCY_CONTEXT,
maxConcurrency: 4,
puppeteerOptions: {
headless: false,
timeout : 0
retryLimit : 4,
workerCreationDelay: 1000,
monitor: true,
timeout : 500000
//going through the treated array and queuing each url to be scraped by the workers
//this is the array where the product info will be pushed
var treated2 = [];
//this is where the job of the workers is defined everything the workers do is here
//I'm using this syntax so that upon resolution we can write to excel because xlsx methods are synchronous
//and this is obviously async so I'm waiting on the task function to be done and the cluster closed
async function task(callback){
try {
await cluster.task ( async({page, data: url }) => {
//disabling default navigation time to deal with slow internet
await page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(0);
//going to the url of each queued url
await page.goto(url);
//scrolling all the way down to load the products
await autoScroll(page);
//sometimes the website shows this error but after relaoding
//everything is normal so I'm reloading when this error shows up
while(await page.title()=="Oops"){
await page.reload();
await autoScroll(page);
//get the web page content
var data = await page.content();
//load the web page content into the cheerio selector
var $ = cheerio.load(data);
//same as result i'm getting only the html of the products
//which is in list-item and putting it in result2
const result2 = [];
//using a do while loop to get all products at least once in the case there is only
//one page but if there are many i'm going through all of them
//going through all .list-item elements and pushing their html and the url they go to
//when clicked in result2
$('.list-item').each(async function() {
title: $(this).html(),
url : $(this).find('.product-image').attr('href')
//checking if there are next pages if so going to them by clicking next
//and loading the content of that page and treating it as usual
await page.waitForNavigation();
await autoScroll(page);
data = await page.content();
$ = cheerio.load(data);
//getting all the data i need from result2 and pushing it in treated 2
price: $(e.title).find('.regular-price').text(),
url : e.url
//when all the workers are done doing their job i'm idling the cluster and closing it
await cluster.idle();
await cluster.close();
//calling callback now that all the work is done
//calling the function defined above
//this is the callback
//i'm transforming the JSON array treated2 to an excel sheet putting it in workbook2
//and writing it to a file
var WorkSheet2 = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(treated2);
XLSX.writeFile(WorkBook2, 'products.xlsx');
//this is the function that let's us scroll all the way down in a page
async function autoScroll(page){
await page.evaluate(async () => {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var totalHeight = 0;
var distance = 100;
var timer = setInterval(() => {
var scrollHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
window.scrollBy(0, distance);
totalHeight += distance;
if(totalHeight >= scrollHeight){
}, 200);
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