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Last active April 2, 2022 21:52
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Close NeoVim terminal on Exit 0 (successful exit), but keep it open when the command/shell exits with a failure.
" Start terminal in insert mode:
autocmd TermOpen * IndentLinesDisable | startinsert
" In NeoVim, lookup `terminal-status`
:help terminal-status
"This will give you information on how to auto-close the terminal on succesful exit:
" From the Neovim help documentation:
"- The TermClose event gives the terminal job exit code in the v:event
" "status" field. For example, this autocmd closes terminal buffers if the job
" exited without error:
" autocmd TermClose * if !v:event.status | exe 'bdelete! '..expand('<abuf>') | endif
autocmd TermClose * if !v:event.status | exe 'bdelete! '..expand('<abuf>') | endif
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