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Created September 20, 2018 09:24
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Start an Application with a Powershell Script an Restart it Automatic on non Return Code 0, also capture Eventlog crash entry into the log
# Start the Terminal Application on Logon
# Automatic Restart Terminal Application on Crash
Param([String]$Path, [String]$ProcessName="MenuePlan.Terminal.UI", [String]$LogFile="generateme")
$defaultLogRootPath = "c:/temp"; # Define the Default Directory for Log Files
$InstantCrashCounter = 5; # Ammount of Instant Crashes before we stop restarting Application
$secondForDetectingInstantCrash = 60; # Define when a Instant Crash happen in Seconds
if($Path -eq "")
Write-Error -Message "Path is required!" -ErrorAction Stop
if(-not (Test-Path -Path $Path))
Write-Error -Message "Cannot find Executable on $Path" -ErrorAction Stop
if($LogFile -eq "generateme")
$logFileName = "menuplan_starter_" + $Path.Replace('/','-').Replace(':','-').Replace('\','-').Replace('.','_') + ".log";
$LogFile = "$($defaultLogRootPath)/$($logfileName)"
function Add-Log($Message,$Sub="global",$WithoutStamp=$false)
$logTime = Get-Date -Format "dd-MM-yyyy hh-mm-ss"
$entry = "{0} : {1}`t{2}" -f $logTime,$Sub,$Message;
$entry = "`t`t`t`t{0}" -f $Message;
Write-Host $entry;
$entry | Out-File $LogFile -Append -Force -Encoding utf8;
function Get-ApplicationCrash($Path, $ProcessName, $After)
$applog = Get-EventLog -LogName Application -EntryType Error -Newest 1 -After $After | Where-Object { $_.Message -like "*$($Path)*" } | Select -ExpandProperty Message
if($applog -ne "")
Add-Log -Message "Application Crash Event Log" -Sub "Crash"
foreach($line in $($applog -split "`r`n"))
Add-Log -Message $line -WithoutStamp $true
function StartApp($Path,$ProcessName)
$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$pinfo.FileName = "$Path"
$pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$pinfo.Arguments = ""
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo = $pinfo
Add-Log -Message "Starting Application $($ProcessName)" -Sub "Watcher";
$p.Start() | Out-Null
#Do Other Stuff Here....
$StartDate = Get-Date;
$returnCode = StartApp -Path $Path -ProcessName $ProcessName;
if($returnCode -ne 0)
Get-ApplicationCrash -Path $Path -ProcessName $ProcessName -After $StartDate;
Add-Log -Message "Application $($ProcessName) has Invalid Return Code $($returnCode)" -Sub "Crash";
Add-Log -Message "Restarting Application $($ProcessName)" -Sub "Watcher";
# Detect if Application Crash Instantly
if( $($StartDate.AddSeconds($secondForDetectingInstantCrash)) -gt $(Get-Date) ) {
# We Crashed Instantly
Add-Log -Message "Application $($ProcessName) Crash Instantly. CrashCounter: $($InstantCrashCounter)/5" -Sub "Crash";
# Detect if we Crash to often
if($InstantCrashCounter -eq 0)
Add-Log -Message "Application $($ProcessName) crash to often, we stopping" -Sub "Crash";
}until($returnCode -eq 0);
Add-Log -Message "Application $($ProcessName) stop successfully with Exit Code $returnCode" -Sub "Watcher"
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