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Last active March 1, 2023 06:27
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Fortigate Powershell Package Capture Script with Conversion
$putty_executable = "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe"
# Download From:
$fgt2eth_executable = "c:\tools\fgt2eth.exe"
$CaptureFilter="host and not host"
$FortigateHost = ""
$FortigateUser = "xxx"
$FortigatePassword = "xxx"
$FortigateCommand = "diagnose sniffer packet $CaptureInterface '$CaptureFilter' 3 0 a"
Write-host "Executing over Putty ""$FortigateCommand"""
# ------------------------- Debugging Variables --------------------------------
$KEEP_FORTIGATE_COMMAND_FILE = $true # Keeps the Generate Fortigate Command file for Putty
$REMOVE_PUTTY_LOG_HEADER = $true # Removes the ~~~Putty from Capture
$REMOVE_PUTTY_LOG_AFTER_PROCESSING = $true # Removes Putty Log after Conveting it into fgt2eth
$DISABLE_FGT2ETH_PROCESSING = $false # Disable the Conversion Process from PuttyLog to Etheral
# ---------------------- Constants ---------------------------------------------
$CaptureFolderName = "capture"
$CaptureDirectory = "$PSScriptRoot\$CaptureFolderName"
$CaptureFileNameTemplate = "$($FortigateHost)-$($CaptureInterface)-$(get-date -f MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm_ss)"
$CaptureFile = "$($CaptureDirectory)\$($CaptureFileNameTemplate).log"
$CapturePcapFile = "$($CaptureDirectory)\$($CaptureFileNameTemplate).pcap"
# Ensure Capture Folder Exists
if(-not (Test-Path -Path $CaptureDirectory)){
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $CaptureDirectory | Out-Null
# Create Command File for Putty
$PuttySSHCommandFile = "$PSScriptRoot\$([guid]::NewGuid())-$(get-date -f yyMMdd_HHmmss).ftgcmd"
$FortigateCommand | Set-Content -Encoding ASCII -Path $PuttySSHCommandFile -Force
if(-not (Test-Path -Path $PuttySSHCommandFile)) {
Write-Error -Message "Could not find Generated Fortigate Putty Command file under $PuttySSHCommandFile" -ErrorAction Stop
# Run Putty as Process and Wait until someone close it
$cmd_args = @(
$putty_process = Start-Process -Wait -WorkingDirectory $PSScriptRoot -FilePath $putty_executable -ArgumentList $cmd_args
# Remove Command File for Putty after processing
if((Test-Path -Path $PuttySSHCommandFile) -and -not $KEEP_FORTIGATE_COMMAND_FILE)
Remove-Item $PuttySSHCommandFile -Confirm:$false
if( (Test-Path -Path $CaptureFile))
# Convert the Putty Log into pcap File with f2gteth.exe
$cmd_fgt2eth_args = @(
$fgt2eth_process = Start-Process -Wait -WorkingDirectory $PSScriptRoot -FilePath $fgt2eth_executable -ArgumentList $cmd_fgt2eth_args
Remove-Item $CaptureFile -Confirm:$false
Write-Error -Message "Could not find the Captured file under $CaptureFile"
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